was very old oor Spaans

was very old

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era muy viejo

He was very old.
Él era muy viejo.

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he was very old
era muy viejo
it was very old
era muy viejo


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On that point Johansson was very old-fashioned.
Y es que en ese punto Johansson tenía una opinión muy anticuada.Literature Literature
The language was very old—even older than what Tallin had studied at Aonach.
El lenguaje usado en el cántico era muy antiguo... aún más que el que había estudiado en Aonach.Literature Literature
Gaza is under siege, but he would probably have died in any case because he was very old.
Gaza se encuentra sitiada, aunque probablemente moriría de todas formas debido a su avanzada edad.Europarl8 Europarl8
On the contrary, don Genaro was very old-fashioned in his taste for ladies of the theater.
Por el contrario, el gusto de don Genaro por las artistas era muy anticuado.Literature Literature
She was very old, but strong; it was good to have her near.
Era muy anciana, pero fuerte; fue bueno tenerla cerca.Literature Literature
He was very old; it was probably the latter.
Estaba mayor, y probablemente se trataba de la segunda opción.Literature Literature
No, he was very old.
No, él era muy viejo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was very old-fashioned and far from what he would have chosen for her.
Era muy antiguo y no se parecía a lo que él hubiese elegido para ella.Literature Literature
Brightwell was very old, and with great age came great patience.
Brightwell era muy viejo, y a mayor edad, más paciencia.Literature Literature
‘In fact, I might almost say he was very old indeed.’
En realidad, casi podría decir que está demasiado viejo.Literature Literature
Unquestionably the writing was very old.
Indiscutiblemente la escritura era muy antigua.jw2019 jw2019
We had a horse, Maika...She was very old and gentle, and we used her to carry water.
Teníamos una yegua, Maika... Era vieja y muy cariñosa, con ella íbamos a buscar agua.Literature Literature
Belief in the ominous influence of comets was very old.
La creencia en la influencia nefasta de los cometas era muy antigua.Literature Literature
“She was very old, but your mother was young, much younger than I am.”
—Ya era muy viejita, pero tu madre era joven, mucho más joven que yo.Literature Literature
They did say it was very old, and I agree.’
Añadieron que era muy antigua, y yo estoy de acuerdo.Literature Literature
So he told them I was very old.""
Así que les dijo que yo era muy viejaLiterature Literature
She was very old and we had to get rid of her.
Pero era muy vieja y hubo que despedirla.Literature Literature
He was very old.
Él era muy viejo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was very old, so he spent a lot of his time sleeping.
Era muy viejo, así que se pasaba casi todo el tiempo dormido.Literature Literature
My father said these nails were made by hand, and this meant our cabin was very old.
Mi padre dijo que estos clavos se hacían a mano, y esto significaba que nuestra cabaña era muy vieja.Literature Literature
Your great-grandfather was very old, I believe—almost a Methuselah, as the Christian priests would say.”
Tu bisabuelo era muy mayor, creo; casi un Matusalén, como dirían los curas cristianos.Literature Literature
He had a beard and was very old, and had on work clothes.
Usaba barba, era muy viejo y sus ropas eran de trabajador.Literature Literature
She was very old, and he’d loved her all her life.”
Ella era muy vieja y él la amó toda su vida».Literature Literature
She was very old and given to much sentimental thinking about the birth beaches.
Era muy vieja y muy sentimental hacia las playas del nacimiento.Literature Literature
Peony was very old now, but her mind was clear and cool and she heard the messengers.
Peonía estaba muy anciana, pero conservaba el cerebro despejado y frío y escuchó a los mensajeros.Literature Literature
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