wastebasket oor Spaans


A receptacle for items that are to be discarded; a rubbish bin; a garbage can. Usually small and used indoors.

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The wastebasket was filled, but my mind certainly was not.
La papelera estaba llena, y mi mente, vacía.


Yeah, and if that's true, how come it all ended up in a wastebasket?
Si, y si es cierto como todo esto acabó en un basurero?


The wastebasket was filled, but my mind certainly was not.
La papelera estaba llena, y mi mente, vacía.

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And whether the wastebasket fire had explained away the alarm.
Y si el incendio del cubo de basura había explicado suficientemente la alarma.Literature Literature
Hoskins crumpled the note and threw it in the wastebasket in disgust.
Hoskins arrugó la nota y la echó a la papelera con un gesto de disgusto.Literature Literature
Facilities on the beach include: wastebaskets, Chiringuitos and cleaning services.
Dentro de los servicios de la Playa incluimos papeleras, chiringuitos y servicios de limpieza.Common crawl Common crawl
She pulled the wanted poster off the wall, prepared to throw it into the wastebasket, but changed her mind.
Arrancó el póster de la pared y se dispuso a tirarlo a la papelera, pero cambió de parecer.Literature Literature
He raises the wastebasket, takes aim, and hurls it against the pebbled glass of the tall window.
Levanta la papelera, apunta y la lanza contra el vidrio granulado de la ventana alta.Literature Literature
When the gun went off a third time, he threw his cup at the wastebasket.
Cuando la pistola disparó por tercera vez, lanzó el vaso a la papelera.Literature Literature
Donald sat by his side trying to make him throw up into the wastebasket next to the bed.
Donald estaba sentado a su lado tratando de que vomitase en la papelera que tenía junto a la cama.Literature Literature
McGregory stood up, rubbed his cigar out on the sole of his shoe and dropped it into the white wastebasket.
McGregory se levantó, apagó el cigarro frotándolo contra la suela de su zapato y lo echó dentro de la blanca papelera.Literature Literature
William picks up our empty bottles and throws them into the garbage, then takes the bag out of the wastebasket.
William agarra las botellas vacías y las tira a la basura, luego saca la bolsa del cubo.Literature Literature
“You know, the other day I caught my maid stealing a piece of bran toast from my wastebasket in the kitchen.”
El otro día cogí a mi asistenta robando un trozo de pan tostado del cubo de la basura de la cocina.Literature Literature
Then take your wastebasket and put it on your chair or desk.
Luego toma tu bote de basura y ponlo sobre una silla o un escritorio.Literature Literature
“You need to wrap your pads and put them in the wastebasket,” he informed me.
—Tienes que envolver las toallas y echarlas en la papelera —me informó—.Literature Literature
He spent the rest of Monday trying to toss a wad of paper into a wastebasket.
El resto del lunes lo pasó jugando a encestar una pelotita de papel en un tacho de basura.Literature Literature
“We’ll put this in the kitchen cupboard behind the wastebasket, right by your house.
–Lo pondremos en el armario de la cocina detrás de la basura, justo al lado de tu casa.Literature Literature
She stuffed her clothes into the wastebasket--everything except the shoes.
Arrojó su ropa en el canasto de residuos... todo excepto el calzado.Literature Literature
It probably went in the wastebasket but I'll look for it.""
Lo más probable es que fuese a parar a la papelera, pero la buscaré.Literature Literature
Pouteria is a "wastebasket taxon", and its size is continually being expanded or decreased.
Pouteria es un taxón accesorio, y su tamaño está continuamente expandiéndose o decreciendo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lesser emptied his wastebasket in the cans across the street so that Willie wouldn’t see his work.
Lesser vaciaba su papelera en el cubo de la casa de enfrente para que Willie no pudiera ver su trabajo.Literature Literature
Mother threw one wastebasketful of crushed paper balls after another into the kitchen stove.
Mi madre se dedicaba a arrojar un cesto de papeles arrugados tras otro a la estufa de la cocina.Literature Literature
Dox tossed them in the wastebasket when they shut down for Christmas.
Dox los arrojó a la papelera cuando cerraron la víspera de Navidad.Literature Literature
IN 1844, Greek scholar Konstantin von Tischendorf spotted 129 sheets of an ancient manuscript in a wastebasket in a monastery.
EN 1844, el helenista Konstantin von Tischendorf encontró en un cesto de papeles de un monasterio 129 páginas pertenecientes a un antiguo manuscrito.jw2019 jw2019
The wastebasket was filled, but my mind certainly was not.
La papelera estaba llena, y mi mente, vacía.LDS LDS
You simply won't find... an envelope that was discarded in a wastebasket 3 days ago.
Usted, simplemente no va a encontrar un insignificante sobre que... justamente fue tirado a la papelera hace muchos días.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Perhaps some employee has thrown this one into the wastebasket, where it belongs.
Lo habrán echado al cesto de papeles, donde pertenece.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It appeared to be identical to the one she had found pieces of in the wastebasket in Carolyn Wells’s home office.
Parecía idéntica a la que había hallado hecha pedazos en la papelera del despacho de casa de Carolyn Wells.Literature Literature
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