we are finished oor Spaans

we are finished

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

estamos acabados

I mean, if we can't look up and see purity or promise, we are finished.
Si al mirar arriba no vemos pureza ni futuro, estamos acabados.

hemos terminado

Perhaps when we are finished here, you'll believe me.
Tal vez cuando hayamos terminado aquí, usted me cree.

ya terminamos


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A few more battles like this, Drusus thought, and we are finished.
«Unas cuantas batallas más como ésta —pensaba Druso—, y estamos acabadosLiterature Literature
We’re not getting involved in a civil war, but we are finishing off ISIS.”
No nos estamos involucrando en una guerra civil, pero estamos acabando con ISIS.""Literature Literature
Perhaps now, if we are finished with insulting one another, you will tell me what you wish.”
Tal vez cuando hayamos concluido de insultarnos, querrás decirme qué deseasLiterature Literature
We are finished.
Terminamos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But when we are finished in Berlin, Paris will only be a shadow.
Pero cuando hayamos terminado en Berlín, París sólo será una sombra.Literature Literature
If anyone questions him, we are finished.”
Si lo interrogan, estamos acabados.Literature Literature
And this manor house shall be a jewel when we are finished with it.”
Y esta casa solariega será una joya cuando la hayamos terminado.Literature Literature
“Don’t you dare walk from this room until we are finished!”
—¡No te atrevas a poner un pie fuera de esta sala hasta que no hayamos terminado!Literature Literature
If we are finished with that, we go on.
Si hemos terminado con eso, proseguimos.Literature Literature
Güero has bought himself Los Pinos, and we are finished.
Güero ha comprado Los Pinos, y estamos acabados.Literature Literature
We are finished here.
Hemos terminado aquí.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And this is the way we will see him when we are finished and go home.
Y así es como lo veremos cuando hayamos terminado y nos hayamos ido a casa.Literature Literature
We are finished here, there's nothing for us in Ipswich.'
Hemos acabado aquí, nada hay ya para nosotros en Ipswich.Literature Literature
'We will be sure to call for you when we are finished.'
Y no tengas ninguna duda de que te llamaremos en cuanto hayamos terminado.Literature Literature
If you don't go to Pennbrook, we are finished.
Si no vas a Pennbrook, estamos acabados.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And we are finishing that movie.
Y vamos a terminar esa película.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
By the time we are finished, we are ready for another round.
Cuando terminamos, estamos listos para otro asalto.Literature Literature
"""When we are finished, all men will touch the vault of heaven."""
Cuando hayamos terminado, todos los hombres tocarán la bóveda del cielo.Literature Literature
We are finished with Tarig blood.
Hemos terminado de derramar sangre tarig.Literature Literature
We are finished here, the Lowlands are ours!""
Aquí hemos terminado; ¡las Lowlands son nuestras!Literature Literature
Before we are finished, he will bring the ashes.”
Antes de terminarlo nos traerá las cenizas.Literature Literature
If the Demons find us again, we are finished.
Si los demonios nos encuentran, estamos perdidos.Literature Literature
Before we are finished, we shall need all the help we can get.
Antes de que esto se resuelva, necesitaremos toda la ayuda posible.Literature Literature
We are finished for the day, aren’t we?
Hemos terminado por hoy, ¿no?Literature Literature
If we fall asleep we are finished.”
Si nos vence el sueño, estamos perdidosLiterature Literature
7961 sinne gevind in 125 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.