we had lunch oor Spaans

we had lunch

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


We had lunch earlier than usual and went out at twelve thirty.
Almorzamos más temprano que de costumbre y nos partimos a las 12:30.


When we had lunch, I looked forward to working with you.
Cuando comimos, pensé que me apetecía trabajar contigo.

nosotros almorzamos

We had lunches on Sunday right up until he passed.
Nosotros almorzábamos cada domingo hasta que el falleció.

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Who said very little when we had lunch, because he “just wanted to listen” to my voice?
¿Quién era el que casi no decía nada mientras almorzábamos «porque quería escuchar mi voz»?Literature Literature
‘Lovely as the meal was, Nick, you still haven’t told me why we had lunch together.’
—La comida ha sido encantadora, Nick, pero todavía no me has dicho por qué hemos comido juntos.Literature Literature
We had lunch the day she returned.
El día que volvió, almorzamos juntas.Literature Literature
"""You should have told me you were growing biots when we had lunch in Victoria,"" Clare said."
—Hubieras debido comentarme que estabas desarrollando bíos cuando comimos en Victoria —prosiguió Clare—.Literature Literature
We had lunch one time, didn’t we?
Comimos juntos una vez, ¿verdad?Literature Literature
We had lunch in town and he spent the afternoon playing with the kids in the square.”
Hemos comido en el pueblo, y Mischa se ha pasado toda la tarde jugando con los niños en la plaza.Literature Literature
‘I wish I had had the courage to tell you that time we had lunch,’ she said.
—Ojalá hubiera tenido el valor de contártelo aquella vez que almorzamos juntos —dijo Fede.Literature Literature
We had lunch together, sir.
Almorzamos juntos, señor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Later, we had lunch in the coffee shop where he had once nursed the wound I caused him.
Más tarde, almorzamos en la cafetería donde una vez se había curado la herida que le causé.Literature Literature
Yeah, we had lunch around noon.
Sí, almorzamos juntos más o menos al mediodía.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We had lunch together once to talk about the wedding.
Habíamos comido juntas en una ocasión para hablar de la boda.Literature Literature
"""When was the last time we had lunch together?"""
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que comimos juntos?Literature Literature
Like when we had lunch at that Italian restaurant, remember that?”
Como el día en que almorzamos en el restaurante italiano, ¿te acuerdas?Literature Literature
We had lunch at a local diner before heading back to Colorado.
Almorzamos en un restaurante del lugar antes de regresar a Colorado.Literature Literature
We had lunch, came back here.
Almorzamos y volvimos aquí.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Mama Put we had lunch at wasn’t my usual.
El Mama Put en el que comimos no es mi habitual.Literature Literature
The café Les Deux Magots was just around the corner and we had lunch there several times.
El café Les Deux Magots estaba a la vuelta de la esquina y comimos allí varias veces.Literature Literature
We had lunch in the Basil Street Hotel.
Me pidió que fuera a Londres y comimos en el hotel Basil Street.Literature Literature
After we had got the second load up we had lunch.
Después de subir el segundo cargamento, almorzamos.Literature Literature
We had lunch in a typical Mexican restaurant.
Almorzamos en un restaurante mexicano tradicional.Literature Literature
We had lunch that day.
Almorzamos juntos ese día.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I have forgotten the name of Nehru's sister, with whom we had lunch rhar day.
He olvidado el nombre de la hermana de Nehru con la que almorzamos aquel día.Literature Literature
We had lunch and discussed my involvement, all of which made me feel terribly grown up.
Almorzamos y hablamos sobre mi participación, lo cual me hizo sentir terriblemente mayor.Literature Literature
We had lunch in an Italian restaurant with a man called Picard.
Almorzábamos en un restaurante italiano con un tal Picard.Literature Literature
Then?We had lunch, we talked about work
Almorzamos, hablamos de trabajoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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