we like to swim oor Spaans

we like to swim

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nos gusta nadar


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Anyway, we like to swim every day at ten and again at four—just as the light is shifting.
A nosotras nos gusta ir a nadar todos los días a las diez de la mañana y a las cuatro, cuando cambia la luz.Literature Literature
We learned to fly like birds and swim like fishes, but we forgot how to live like humans.
Hemos aprendido a volar como los pájaros y nadar como los peces, pero nos olvidamos de cómo vivir como humanos.tatoeba tatoeba
We planned to move to a beach so we could swim together like before and return to the waters of the past.
Teníamos el plan de mudarnos a una playa para nadar juntos y volver así a las aguas del pasado.Literature Literature
We had decided to go swimming like a normal couple, as if we were together.
Habíamos decidido ir a darnos un baño como una pareja normal, como si saliéramos juntos.Literature Literature
And then we had to resort to swimming, we did it like brothers with the help of wooden planks.
A esa hora tuvimos que pensar en nadar y lo hicimos fraternalmente aferrados a grandes tablas de madera.Literature Literature
They just threw us into the water, you think, and like dogs, we learned to swim right away. 4.
A nosotros, piensas, como a los perros, nos echaron al agua y aprendimos a nadar altiro. 4.Literature Literature
They just threw us into the water, you think, and like dogs, we learned to swim right away. 4.
A nosotros, piensas, como a los perros, nos echaron al agua y aprendimos a nadar altiro.Literature Literature
“Are we going to just float around here like a couple of rafts, or are we going to swim?”
¿Vamos a quedarnos flotando así, como una balsa, o vamos a nadar?Literature Literature
When we started off again, I thought we were going to swim a long way like we had before.
Cuando nos pusimos de nuevo en marcha creí que nadaríamos un largo trecho como había sucedido antes.Literature Literature
‘Well, repose for a while, we can swim later, then have some tea—’ ‘I’d like to swim now.’
Más tarde podemos nadar y luego tomar el té... —Me gustaría nadar ahora.Literature Literature
It wasn’t like we were going to go swimming together or anything.
No era que fuésemos a nadar juntos ni nada de eso.Literature Literature
I tried to swim out to the buoys, like when we were kids.
Intentaba nadar hasta las boyas. como cuando éramos niñas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We do things like go to concerts and art exhibitions, and we go swimming and do games in the park.
Y a veces nos llevan a conciertos y exposiciones, y vamos a nadar y organizamos juegos en el parque.Literature Literature
Let's go swimming like we used to in the valley, before we go back to Wolf Camp.""
Vamos a nadar, como lo hacíamos en el valle, antes de volver al Campamento del Lobo.Literature Literature
To get there, we simply need to swim along the channel quietly, like my son and I did the other night.”
Podemos acercarnos nadando por el caño sin hacer ruido, como mi hijo y yo la otra noche.Literature Literature
We are not likely to be going to the swimming pool for at least a week.
Es de suponer que no vamos a ir a la piscina esta semana.Literature Literature
He knew that shit before we came to his house like some chumps holding swimming trunks.
Conocía esa mierda antes de que fuéramos a su casa como unos tontos del culo sosteniendo bañadores.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Would you like a swim before we get down to business?
Te apetece un baño antes de que nos centremos en los negocios?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'As a matter of fact, I'm afraid we do very little swimming where I come from, but we do like to eat!
La verdad es que nosotros, los gatos, solemos nadar poco, pero nos gusta mucho comer.Literature Literature
We would like to inform you that our swimming pool remains closed from the 13th to the 16th of December 2009 concerning cleaning works.
Ademas, tendrá a su disposición una pista de bolos y un servicio de préstamo de bicicletas. Nuestro equipo siempre estará a su disposición.Common crawl Common crawl
We ... I tell you I felt like I wanted to swim without water.
Nosotros... Te digo que he querido nadar sin agua.Literature Literature
We breathe in that compressed air, we can no longer swim to the surface like Cabe did.
Si respiramos en ese aire comprimido, ya no podremos nadar a la superficie como hizo Cabe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We are like a man who is unable to swim, but who jumps in after a drowning man and goes under himself.
Somos como un hombre que no sabe nadar, se tira al agua para salvar a otro que se está ahogando, y se va al fondo.Literature Literature
‘Oh come and swim, come and swim with me now, like we used to.
—Oh, ven a nadar, ven a nadar conmigo ahora, como hacíamos antes.Literature Literature
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