we went to sleep oor Spaans

we went to sleep

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

fuimos a acostarnos


fuimos a dormir

By the big tree when we went to sleep last night.
Junto al gran árbol, cuando fuimos a dormir anoche.

nos fuimos a acostar


nos fuimos a dormir

And as far as we remember, Colonel, that was where we still were when we went to sleep last night.
Y hasta donde recordamos, coronel ahí es donde seguíamos estando cuando nos fuimos a dormir anoche.

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I checked him before we went to sleep.”
Le eché una mirada antes de irnos a dormir.Literature Literature
We dried off in the hut and poured ourselves a glass of cognac before we went to sleep.
Nos secamos en la cabaña y nos servimos sendos vasos de coñac antes de echarnos a dormir.Literature Literature
I would meet his eyes before we went to sleep.
Lo miraba a los ojos antes de irnos a dormir.Literature Literature
We went to sleep in each other’s arms.
Duermen uno en brazos del otro.Literature Literature
That night we went to sleep at their house.
Esa noche fuimos a dormir a casa de ellos.Literature Literature
And now it's time we went to sleep,' she said, firmly.
Y me parece que ya es hora de que nos vayamos a la cama —dijo Phyllis, firmemente.Literature Literature
“Grandmother told me last night in bed, before we went to sleep.”
—Me lo dijo ayer, en la cama, antes de dormirnos.Literature Literature
We went to sleep finally and slept like the two old and exhausted men we were.
Finalmente nos acostamos, y dormimos como los dos viejos exhaustos que éramos.Literature Literature
“No, our guests left at least half an hour before we went to sleep.
–No, nuestros invitados se marcharon al menos media hora antes de que nos fuésemos a dormir.Literature Literature
We went to sleep before nine and at twelve we both awoke.
Nos acostamos antes de las nueve, y despertamos ambos a las doce.Literature Literature
Before we went to sleep that first night, I asked where we were headed.
Antes de irnos a dormir esa primera noche pregunté hacia dónde nos dirigíamos.Literature Literature
When we finished our work we went to sleep, calm and free of regret.
Cuando terminábamos nuestro trabajo, nos dormíamos tranquilos y libres de preocupaciones.Literature Literature
When I was young, my mother hummed one of my father's tunes before we went to sleep.
Cuando era mas joven, mi madre siempre tarareaba una canción de mi padre cuando me iba a dormir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“When we were together, a lot of times Nick’d read out loud before we went to sleep.
—Cuando estábamos juntos, Nick solía leer algo en voz alta antes de dormir.Literature Literature
For the next hour, until we went to sleep, he treated me with profound respect.
Durante largo rato, hasta que conciliamos el sueño, me trató con profundo respeto.Literature Literature
Before we went to sleep, we spoke briefly of Deepa.
Antes de acostarnos, hablamos un poco sobre Deepa.Literature Literature
Nothing happened that night; we went to sleep.
Nada sucedió aquella noche; nos fuimos a la cama.Literature Literature
My mother used to lie with us at night and tell us stories until we went to sleep.”
Mi madre solía tumbarse con nosotros por la noche y nos contaba cuentos hasta que nos dormíamos.Literature Literature
We watched the Sky football channel together until about ten, then we went to sleep.’
Vimos el canal de fútbol de Sky hasta las diez, más o menos, y nos fuimos a dormir.Literature Literature
We went to sleep for two minutes.
Nos dormimos dos minutos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“I think this is the same stone we went to sleep beside last night.
Al parecer, ésta es la misma piedra junto a la que nos acostamos anoche.Literature Literature
Then we went to sleep on the oven again.
Entonces nos fuimos a dormir otra vez encima del horno.Literature Literature
We went to sleep at 3:00 in the morning, absolutely exhausted. 11 We awoke early.
Nos acostamos a las 3 de la mañana, absolutamente rendidos. 11 Despertamos temprano.Literature Literature
From the second we woke up until the moment we went to sleep, we were together.
Desde que me despertaba hasta que nos íbamos a dormir, siempre estábamos juntos.Literature Literature
On the mouth, just a little, just before we went to sleep.
En la boca, sólo un poco, justo antes de que nos fuéramos a dormir.Literature Literature
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