we were reading oor Spaans

we were reading

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

estábamos leyendo

All that adult stuff we were reading about.
Todas esas cosas de adultos que estábamos leyendo.


All that adult stuff we were reading about.
Todas esas cosas de adultos que estábamos leyendo.

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we were reading novels
estábamos leyendo novelas


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We were reading Virginia Woolf, and at first I thought it was because of that.
Estábamos leyendo a Virginia Wolf, y al principio pensé que por eso lo preguntaba.Literature Literature
“I think we were reading, I can’t remember what now, but it was about memory.
—Me parece que leíamos... ahora no recuerdo qué era exactamente, pero trataba de la memoria.Literature Literature
She clapped shut the catechism we were reading.
De un golpe cerró el catecismo que leíamos.Literature Literature
LEÍAMOS juntos a la luz de la lumbre.Literature Literature
We were reading from the Montgomery Ward Catalogue.
Estábamos leyendo el Catálogo de Montgomery Ward.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We were reading.
Estábamos leyendo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We were reading,” he said hesitantly.
Estábamos leyendo —dijo, titubeante.Literature Literature
We were read.
Nos leyeran la mente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We were reading it for class ten English—I’ll tell you that story another day.
La leíamos en clase de inglés, en el décimo curso; ya te la contaré otro día.Literature Literature
We were reading this thing in a magazine.
Leímos esta cosa en la revista...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But we were reading at the table... and then suddenly we heard the shots.
Sin embargo, nos sentamos en la mesa para leer... y de repente oímos los disparos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We were reading about the soratami.
Estuvimos leyendo sobre los soratami.Literature Literature
We were...... reading passages to each other from that Henry Miller book you had
Nos leíamos...... mutuamente pasajes de un libro de Henry Miller que teníasopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Now we were reading one long book after another.
Ahora leíamos un libro largo tras otro.Literature Literature
Mother really liked the Arabic language and assumed we were reading the Quran.
A mi madre le encantaba el árabe, y supuso que estábamos leyendo el Corán.Literature Literature
We were reading one on the boat—all about Widdecombe Fair.
Leímos uno en el barco que trataba de la interesante feria de Widdecombe.Literature Literature
These were in addition to the classics that we were reading together.
Esos además de los clásicos que estábamos leyendo juntos.Literature Literature
We were reading " Tom Sawyer " -
Estabamos leyendo " Tom Sawyer "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Shall I go on translating what we were reading yesterday?”
—¿Continúo la traducción de lo que leíamos ayer?Literature Literature
Ask me what I recall of the Loudon we were reading three days since.”
Pregúnteme si recuerdo algo del texto de Loudon que leímos hace tres días.Literature Literature
"Once, when we were reading a mess of old Greek myths, Huck tried calling Ur-ronn ""Centaur."""
Una vez, cuando leíamos viejos mitos griegos, Huck trató de llamar «centauro» a Ur-ronn.Literature Literature
“Nothing really, just the books we were reading.”
—Pues de nada en especial, de los libros que estábamos leyendo.Literature Literature
I remember when we were reading about Gustav III.
Recuerdo cuando estudiamos a Gustavo III.Literature Literature
We were reading it at breakfast.
Lo leímos durante el desayuno.Literature Literature
While we were reading, Bobka appeared in her brown dress.
Durante la lectura apareció Bobka con su vestido marrón.Literature Literature
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