webworm oor Spaans


Any of various caterpillars, mostly of the family Pyralidae, that spin a web (in which to feed)

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Webworm had to follow his orders.
Oruga tenía que seguir sus órdenes.Literature Literature
Webworm is only four summers younger than you, Ironwood.”
Oruga es sólo cuatro veranos más joven que tú, Palo de Hierro.Literature Literature
Couldn’t you have ordered Webworm to leave us alone?”
¿No podías haber ordenado a Oruga que nos dejara en paz?Literature Literature
Webworm’s only escape was back that way—and if any of them were going to survive, they had to run for it now.
La única retirada de Oruga era por ese lado, y si querían sobrevivir tendrían que apresurarse.Literature Literature
They happen to have a voracious appetite for webworms.
Tienen un apetito voraz por estos gusanos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Even his own cousin, Webworm, says so.
Hasta su propio primo, Oruga, lo dice.Literature Literature
After Wraps-His-Tail’s death, Webworm had searched everywhere for Sternlight, without success.
Después de la muerte de Cola Enroscada, Oruga había buscado a Luz Brillante por todas partes, sin dar con él.Literature Literature
Webworm had come looking for a boy, and he had said that Night Sun was the mother.
Oruga buscaba a un muchacho y sostenía que Sol Nocturno era su madre.Literature Literature
“Even now, Webworm, after this atrocity, I’ll not call the Blessed Sun a liarbut I’ll say he’s mistaken!”
A pesar de todo, Oruga, a pesar de esta atrocidad, no estoy diciendo que el Sol Bendito sea un mentiroso.Literature Literature
Webworm would have given anything to go back to that time when the Fire Dogs had ambushed her.
Oruga habría dado cualquier cosa por volver a los tiempos en los que los Perros de Fuego la habían capturado.Literature Literature
Insecticide used for controlling: aphids and leafhoppers in cotton, webworm and hawk moth worm in sesame, and berry borer in coffee.
Insecticida utilizado para controlar áfidos y saltahojas del algodonero, la larva de red y la oruga de la polilla halcón en el sésamo y la broca del café.UN-2 UN-2
The fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) is a serious pest.
La oruga tejedora de otoño (Hyphantria cunea) constituye una plaga grave.Literature Literature
Webworm says he left no witnesses, as he was ordered to do.
Oruga dice que no dejó testigos, como tenía ordenado.Literature Literature
We forbade her to marry Webworm because of the legends, then her own father had lain with Jay Bird’s daughter!
Le prohibimos casarse con Oruga por miedo a las leyendas, cuando su propio padre se acostaba con la hija de Grajo».Literature Literature
Perhaps Webworm would not be War Chief very long.
Tal vez Oruga no fuera jefe de guerra por mucho tiempo.Literature Literature
Webworm’s red shirt contrasted sharply with the white worn by the elders and Snake Head’s gaudy blue.
La camisa roja de Oruga contrastaba con la ropa blanca de los ancianos y el atuendo azul de Cabeza de Serpiente.Literature Literature
She hadn’t the slightest notion who Webworm’s father had been, nor did she wish to.
Ella no tenía ni idea de quién era el padre de Oruga, ni deseaba saberlo.Literature Literature
The Blessed Sun had told Webworm to find a boy.
El Sol Bendito había enviado a Oruga a buscar a un niño.Literature Literature
She said, “I refused to allow my own daughter, Cloud Playing, to marry Webworm because he was half Mogollon.
—Me negué a permitir que mi propia hija, Nube que Juega, se casara con Oruga porque era medio Mogollon.Literature Literature
Had Ironwood known last night that Webworm had been up for so long, he’d have led the search party himself.
Si Palo de Hierro hubiera sabido que Oruga llevaba tanto tiempo sin dormir, él mismo habría dirigido a los guerreros.Literature Literature
The elders filed out, then Webworm followed, and finally the clan leaders turned to go.
Los ancianos se marcharon, seguidos de Oruga y por último los jefes de clan.Literature Literature
Hyphantria cunea- - webworms.
Hyphantria cunea, gusanos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Now he finally understood why Webworm had been so jumpy and irritable over the last moon.
Ahora por fin entendía por qué Oruga había estado tan irritable la última luna.Literature Literature
Webworm, if it had been my choice, I would have selected you to replace me.
Oruga, si hubiera dependido de mí, te habría elegido para sustituirme.Literature Literature
Webworm looked up suddenly, as if Gnat’s voice had awakened him from a nightmare.
Oruga alzó la vista bruscamente, como si la voz de Mosquito lo hubiera despertado de una pesadilla.Literature Literature
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