what she studies oor Spaans

what she studies

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

qué estudia


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That's what she studies the most of.
Eso es lo que hace todo el tiempo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Instead he chatted nonchalantly, asking her where she came from and what she studied.
Charló despreocupadamente con ella, preguntándole de dónde era y qué estudiaba.Literature Literature
What's she studying?
¿Qué está estudiando?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What she would have looked like, what she would have studied and what job she would have now.
Qué aspecto tendría, qué estudios o profesión habría elegido.Literature Literature
He knew nothing about her, where she was from, what kind of person she was, what she was studying.
No sabía nada de ella, ni de dónde era, ni qué clase de persona era, ni lo que estudiaba.Literature Literature
She told him what she was studying, and that she was preparing to move to the city.
Ella le contó lo que estaba estudiando, le dijo que estaba preparándose para mudarse a la ciudad.Literature Literature
If she was a student, what was she studying?
Si era una estudiante, ¿qué materia estudiaba?Literature Literature
When she chose what to study, she considered short-term over long-term financial gains.
Cuando eligió estudios, miró más el beneficio a corto plazo que el de largo plazo.Literature Literature
She didn’t know what to studyshe didn’t care.
No sabía qué estudiar y tampoco le importaba mucho.Literature Literature
She studied what she had written (and finally acknowledged there was no alternative).
Estudió lo que había escrito (finalmente reconoció que no había alternativa).Literature Literature
Dónde aprendía todo eso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hatch glanced over at Magnusen, wondering what she was studying so intently.
Hatch miró a Magnusen y se preguntó qué estaría estudiando la mujer con tanta atención.Literature Literature
What was she studying?
¿Qué estaba estudiando?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was a bad bet, no matter from what angle she studied this.
Era una mala apuesta, sin importar desde que ángulo ella le estudiara.Literature Literature
When he had finished his meal, he asked her what she was studying.
Al terminar de comer le preguntó qué estaba estudiando.Literature Literature
Every evening she had to pass an examination on what she had studied that day.
Cada noche pasaba un examen de lo que había aprendido durante el día.Literature Literature
She studied what she could see on his torso in the waning light of the day.
Estudió las que podía ver en su torso a la luz menguante del día.Literature Literature
What was she studying at school, he asked.
¿Qué estudiaba ella en el colegio?Literature Literature
She seemed completely absorbed in what she was studying, and oblivious to anything around her.
Parecía completamente absorta en lo que estudiaba y totalmente ajena a todo lo que la rodeaba.Literature Literature
What did she study?
¿Qué estudiaba?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They talked about what she might study, and how excited she was to go back to Metropolis.
Hablaron de lo que podría estudiar y de lo emocionada que estaba de regresar a Metropolis.Literature Literature
I never knew what she was studying there.
Nunca llegué a saber qué era lo que estudiaba allí.Literature Literature
She turned over what she knew, studied the pieces of her old self.
Analizó lo que conocía, estudió los fragmentos de su antiguo yo.Literature Literature
What she’s really studying is the invisible clues that all offenders leave about their behaviour.
Lo que ella analiza son las pistas invisibles que todos los delincuentes desvelan de su comportamiento.Literature Literature
I even started reading about medicine, because that’s what she was studying.
Si hasta empecé a leer medicina porque eso era lo que ella estudiaba.Literature Literature
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