when she was younger oor Spaans

when she was younger

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

cuando era joven

My grandmother used to use her sewing machine a lot when she was younger.
Mi abuela solía usar mucho su máquina de coser cuando era joven.

cuando era más joven

Mary came to me when she was younger than you.
María vino a mí cuando era más joven que tú.

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She must have been stunning when she was younger because she was still attractive now.
Debía de haber sido una auténtica belleza en su juventud, porque todavía resultaba atractiva.Literature Literature
Ye should have known her when she was younger.
Tendrías que haberla conocido cuando era más joven.Literature Literature
When she was younger, Vika had sometimes lamented not having other magical children with whom to play.
Cuando era más joven, Vika lamentó a veces no contar con otros niños mágicos con los que jugar.Literature Literature
She remembered when she was younger he’d bring a puzzle home every Friday night after work.
Se acordó de que, de pequeña, todos los viernes él llegaba de trabajar con un puzle para ella en las manos.Literature Literature
When she was younger, she had kept her console turned away from that blackness.
Cuando era más joven, había mantenido su consola de espaldas a esa negrura.Literature Literature
'When she was younger she used to stand in the window when the sun was setting and sing.'
—Cuando era niña, solía detenerse junto a la ventana cuando el sol estaba poniéndose y cantaba.Literature Literature
Up close, the trees had frightened Mena when she was younger.
De cerca, los árboles asustaban a Mena cuando era más joven.Literature Literature
Someone she’d looked after when she was younger, a first nannying job?
¿Habría cuidado de ella Shelly cuando era más joven, quizás un primer trabajo de niñera?Literature Literature
When she was younger she simply wouldn't have been able to understand it.
Cuando era más joven, sencillamente no la hubiese comprendido.Literature Literature
When she was younger.
Cuando era más joven.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She had told Sofia that when she was younger they used to ride into town in it.
Le había dicho a Sofía que cuando era joven iban en carro a la ciudad.Literature Literature
Kat didn’t excuse it, but when she was younger, she didn’t really let it get to her either.
Kat no lo disculpaba, pero cuando era más joven tampoco le molestaba tanto.Literature Literature
‘She was a strange woman when she was younger.
—Fue una mujer extraña en su juventud.Literature Literature
Fortunately, he had a daughter, with whom Rosie had socialized when she was younger.
Afortunadamente tenía una hija con quien Rosie se había relacionado cuando era más joven.Literature Literature
That had frustrated me when she was younger, as much as it scared me.
Eso me generaba mucha frustración cuando Lisa era más joven, tanta como miedo.Literature Literature
Feliciana had told Cass a similar tale when she was younger: of a beautiful young woman, prematurely buried.
Feliciana le había contado a Cass una historia similar cuando era joven, de una joven mujer, enterrada prematuramente.Literature Literature
When she was younger, she’d wanted to see him just for the sake of seeing him.
Cuando era más joven, quería verlo sólo por el hecho de verlo.Literature Literature
Back when she was younger she used to roam her father’s orchards.
Antes cuando ella era más joven solía merodear por los frutales de su padre.Literature Literature
"""My little girl was interested in miracles when she was younger,"" Mrs Wolf son remarked."
—Mi hija menor se interesaba mucho por los milagros cuando era más joven —dijo Mrs.Literature Literature
Injustice infuriated her, more now than when she was younger.
La injusticia la enfurecía, ahora más que cuando era joven.Literature Literature
I used to see a lot of her when she was younger and my husband was still alive.""
La solía ver mucho cuando era más joven y mi marido aún vivía.Literature Literature
Man, I wish you could have seen that woman when she was younger.
Ojalá pudieran haber visto a esa mujer de joven.Literature Literature
Because her family hadn’t been able to afford much food when she was younger, he would guess.
Seguramente porque su familia no podía permitirse mucha comida cuando ella era niña.Literature Literature
“I don’t think she actually lived there much when she was younger.
—Dudo que pasara mucho tiempo en ese país cuando era más joven.Literature Literature
More than one had come courting when she was younger.
Más de uno había ido a cortejarla cuando era más joven.Literature Literature
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