when you get sick, you feel oor Spaans

when you get sick, you feel

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cuando te enfermas, te sientes


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You know that sick feeling you get when you know someone has let you down?
¿ O no quieres nadar otra vez con tu padre?Literature Literature
When you get out here, you will feel very sick.
Identifiquen a cada coleccionista que se especialice en esa época y traten de encontrar la mayor cantidad de información como sea posible de cada transacción de venta de esas piezasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Tell me when you start to get full or if you start feeling sick.
No te va a ir bien en los negocios, ya lo veoLiterature Literature
It engendered the same sick feeling you get when you’ve done something from which you can never truly recover.
el régimen regulador de dicho tercer país impide la interferencia de las autoridades de supervisión y de otras autoridades públicas de dicho tercer país con el contenido de los métodos y las calificaciones crediticiasLiterature Literature
Do you ever get kind of a sick feeling in your stomach when you dread things?
Después de la inyección, no se debe realizar masaje delazona de inyecciónOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Do you ever get kind of a sick feeling in your stomach when you dread things?
Me han dicho que me presente al Sr.Warrennopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Usually, before you get sick, there's a little period of time when you don't feel good, and that does come first, doesn't it?
Para la armada, asi esOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm talking about when you're sick with the flu and you can't get out of bed and you feel like you're gonna die.
Tenemos que irnosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The sick feeling you get when you’re walking empty streets alone at night and you hear footsteps coming from behind.
La maduración debe realizarse exclusivamente en fondaci o bodegas de la zona tradicional de producción o bien en el municipio de Moliterno (Potenza), comenzando entre los días # y # desde el moldeoLiterature Literature
You know that healthy kind, when you betray a secret that a best friend made you promise never to reveal and then you get busted and then your best friend confronts you and you have terrible discussions, but at the end of it all that sick feeling guides you and you say, I'll never make that mistake again.
Esperemos que síQED QED
Talk with them about all the ways you keep their children safe and healthy so that when children get sick—and they will—families will feel confident that you are doing your best to keep their children healthy.
No obstante, los criadores, suministradores y usuarios de primates no humanos serán inspeccionados una vez al añoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As far as the discouragement you're feeling as a result of not being able to get as much work done because of your sickness‚ and even when you do work‚ it's much slower, I want to remind you that this is indeed the best time for you to get pregnant.
En aquel entonces, la civilización egipcia no existíaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
13 sinne gevind in 29 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.