wigmaker oor Spaans


A person making wigs.

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person who makes wigs
We're gonna swing by his wigmaker.
Pasaremos con su peluquero.

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It was the sort of hair that years ago, when it was dark, wigmakers would have paid good money for.
Era el tipo de pelo por el que, años atrás, cuando era oscuro, los fabricantes de pelucas habrían pagado un buen dinero.Literature Literature
Where do you suppose all the wigmakers in London go to obtain their hair?
¿De dónde crees que consiguen pelo Ios fabricantes de pelucas?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We shall set you up as a wigmaker's apprentice.
Serás aprendiz de un fabricante de pelucas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The thought of his wigmaker posing as a legislator was enough to make him never wear a wig again.
La idea de que su fabricante de pelucas fuera legislador bastaba para hacer que nunca usara de nuevo una peluca.Literature Literature
Maybe our wigmaker isn't working alone.
Tal vez nuestro fabricante de pelucas... no trabaje solo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Infuriatingly, the scientist regarded Voltaire the way Voltaire had regarded his wigmaker—with haughty superiority.
El científico miró a Voltaire tal como Voltaire miraba a su fabricante de pelucas, con altiva superioridad.Literature Literature
That was the conclusion reached by Bernard after declaiming The Three Sisters to his audience in the wigmaker's shop.
A esa conclusión llegó Bernard tras declamar Las tres hermanas a su público en la tienda del fabricante de pelucas.Literature Literature
Since he was wearing a wigmaker’s coat, he might well have been one of the baron’s assailants.
Además, debido a que llevaba levita de empolvador de pelucas, probablemente fuera uno de los agresores del pedante.Literature Literature
‘But I bet if you walk into a wigmaker they would have one or two on display, like a showcase.
—Pero apuesto a que si vas a una tienda de pelucas tendrán una o dos de muestra, en una vitrina.Literature Literature
But I sold my hair to a wigmaker to buy a set of combs for Hermes
Pero vendí mi pelo para poder comprarle peinetas a Hermesopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Infuriatingly, the scientist regarded Voltaire the way Voltaire had regarded his wigmaker — with haughty superiority.
El científico miró a Voltaire tal como Voltaire miraba a su fabricante de pelucas, con altiva superioridad.Literature Literature
He would simply take whatever the wigmaker had on display, pay cash for it and that would be that.
Simplemente, compraría la que tuvieran de muestra, pagaría en metálico y eso sería todo.Literature Literature
For, you see, my father's a wigmaker.
Verá, mi padre fabrica pelucas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She was a wigmaker and bald, so she attracted a lot of attention and people knew who she was.
Era fabricante de pelucas y calva, por lo que llamaba mucho la atención y la gente la conocía.Literature Literature
The greatest wigmaker Pinewood Studios ever had.
La mejor fabricante de pelucas de Estudios Pinewood.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘She was Mademoiselle Hervé, one of the king’s wigmakers.’
—Era la señorita Hervé, una de las peluqueras del rey.Literature Literature
“In truth,” he said, “I believe the thieves are in the employ of the wigmakers
—En realidad —comentó—, creo que los ladrones están al servicio de los peluqueros.Literature Literature
"""You got such pretty fine molasses hair seems like we oughta could sell it to them wigmakers."""
Tienes un cabello tan hermoso, color melaza, que me parece que podríamos vendérselo a los fabricantes de pelucas.Literature Literature
I'm a wigmaker.
Fabrico pelucas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I fear the wigmakers of London will hardly be able to move for customers tomorrow.”
Me temo que mañana los fabricantes de pelucas de Londres no darán abasto con tantos clientes.Literature Literature
But I sold my hair to a wigmaker to buy a set of combs for Hermes.
Pero vendí mi pelo para poder comprarle peinetas a Hermes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In Paris they found an inn near the street of wigmakers and tailors.
En París encontraron una posada cerca de la calle de los peluqueros y los sastres.Literature Literature
We're gonna swing by his wigmaker.
Pasaremos con su peluquero.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The wigmaker, in his hurry, glued the left half of my mustache lower than the right half.
El peluquero, en su precipitación, me pegó sin querer la mitad derecha del bigote más alta que la izquierda.Literature Literature
His mother returned home without her hair one day after selling it for a few francs to a wigmaker.
Un día su madre volvió a casa con el pelo corto, después de haberle vendido su melena a un fabricante de pelucas.Literature Literature
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