with dignity oor Spaans

with dignity

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

con decoro

With dignity, with decorum.
Con dignidad, con decoro.

con dignidad

He said that with dignity.
Lo dijo con dignidad.

con la frente en alto



Liberty, for me, is that all men and women have the possibility to work and live with dignity.
La libertad para mí es que toda mujer y hombre campesino tenga posibilidad de trabajar y vivir dignamente.

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Soortgelyke frases

death with dignity
muerte digna
right to die with dignity
derecho a morir con dignidad
to die with dignity
morir con dignidad
comprehensive and integral international convention on protection and promotion of the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities
convención internacional amplia e integral para promover y proteger los derechos y la dignidad de las personas con discapacidad


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Even if Kasuga falls, live with dignity!
Aunque Kasuga sea destruido... seguís siendo una princesa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Why not kill him with dignity?
¿Por qué no matarlo con dignidad?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
With dignity
Con solemnidadLDS LDS
‘Kindly let me pass,’ he said with dignity.
—Tengan la amabilidad de dejarme pasar —dijo él, muy digno.Literature Literature
His gaiety was always accompanied with dignity.
Su alegría estaba siempre acompañada de dignidad.Literature Literature
"""Thank you,"" she said with dignity."
—Gracias —dijo ella con dignidad—.Literature Literature
“Certainly the child is not a foundling,” Madame Wu said to Brother André, with dignity.
—Claro que la niña no es una expósita —le dijo con aire digno la señora Wu al hermano André—.Literature Literature
“Fires are put out with water,” she said with dignity.
—Los incendios se apagan con agua —replicó ella con dignidad.Literature Literature
Elijah planned to receive them with dignity and hand over command.
Elías pensaba recibirlos con dignidad y entregarles el mando.Literature Literature
“We were discussing plans for a benefit,” Lucy said with dignity, stung by his sarcasm.
—Hemos hablado de un subsidio — dijo Lucy con dignidad, espoleada por el sarcasmo de su marido.Literature Literature
Those who are ill must also be treated with dignity.
También a los enfermos se les debe tratar con dignidad.jw2019 jw2019
I understand you need your job, but you're still a human being with dignity.
Entiendo que necesites tu trabajo, pero todavía eres un ser humano con dignidad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In this respect, the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon is an interesting law.
En este sentido, es interesante la Ley de Muerte con Dignidad de Oregon.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
But, Nancy carried it off with dignity and charm, and they gained acceptance in no time.
Pero, Nancy la sobrellevó con encanto y dignidad, y ganaron aceptación en poco tiempo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You' ve treated your patients with kindness, with dignity
Trataste a tus pacientes con amabiIidad y con dignidadopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
So much for death with dignity. Hello.
Imposible mantener la dignidad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Frances was dressed in white muslin, and she walked with dignity, detached and forgetful.
Frances iba vestida de muselina blanca y caminaba con dignidad, distante y descuidada.Literature Literature
They move with dignity, all of them —from adult to very young— carrying their wiry tails stiffly upright.
Todos —desde los adultos hasta los más jóvenes— se mueven con gran dignidad y llevan la delgada cola en posición enhiesta, totalmente vertical.jw2019 jw2019
I was treated with respect, with dignity.
Me trataba con respeto, con dignidad.Literature Literature
He was human enough to enjoy his role, but carried it off with dignity and modesty.
Se notaba que al hombre le enorgullecía su importante papel, pero lo representaba con dignidad y modestia.Literature Literature
Mi vida, como debe ser vivida, con dignidad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He looked like a music-hall star who had grown old in the sun with dignity and style.
Un galán de vodevil envejecido al sol, con dignidad y estilo.Literature Literature
He was stout, but his great height enabled him to carry his corpulence with dignity.
Era fornido, pero su gran estatura le permitía portar con dignidad su corpulencia.Literature Literature
We're still human beings with dignity.
Seguimos siendo seres humanos con dignidad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘Sir,’ returned Venus with dignity, ‘I accept the altered phrase.
—Señor —replicó Venus con dignidad—, acepto la frase transformada.Literature Literature
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