work out a problem oor Spaans

work out a problem

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resolver un problema


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"""No,"" Alex said slowly, as if trying to work out a problem in his head as he spoke."
""" ""No,"" dijo Alex lentamente, como si tratara de resolver un problema en su cabeza a la vez que hablaba."Literature Literature
However, later I worked out a problem-like variation (after 54...h5): A] 55 g4?
Sin embargo, más tarde llevé a cabo un estudio tipo · problema (después de 54 ...Literature Literature
When Lucinda decided to work out a problem that puzzled her she would not leave it alone.
Cuando Lucinda empezaba a tratar de resolver un problema , no cejaba más.Literature Literature
Mostly gear for working out, not as in working out a problem but as in sweat.
En su mayoría era ropa para trabajar, pero no para trabajar un problema, sino para trabajar el sudor.Literature Literature
The others are sequences of numbers I put together when I’m working out a problem in my head.
Los otros son secuencias de números que preparo cuando estoy resolviendo un problema en mi cabeza.Literature Literature
I look at Dinny and he looks back, steadily, as if working out a problem.
—Miro a Dinny y él me sostiene la mirada con firmeza, como si resolviera un problema.Literature Literature
Standing beside him, her brow wrinkled, Claire seemed to be working out a problem in her head.
A su lado, Claire, con las cejas fruncidas, parecía buscar la solución del problema.Literature Literature
For Thornton, sleep meant working out a problem in his dreams.
Para Thornton, el sueño significaba resolver un problema mientras dormía.Literature Literature
He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes, as if he were working out a problem.
Frunció los labios y entornó los ojos, como si estuviera resolviendo un problema.Literature Literature
It’s a great comfort, sometimes, and a help if you’re trying to work out a problem.’
Reconforta a veces, y me ayuda cuando intento resolver un problema.Literature Literature
As the soldiers was working out a problem from a diagram.
Cuando los soldados entraron en la ciudad estaba resolviendo un problema con ayuda de un diagrama.Literature Literature
He had no concept of what it was to work out a problem.
No tenia idea de lo que era solucionar un problema. —?Literature Literature
Work out a problem on a blackboard.
Resolver un problema en una pizarra.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His father had taught him that the only way to work out a problem was head on.
Su padre le había ensañado que la única manera de resolver un problema era enfrentarlo.Literature Literature
They were, indeed, merely her mind attempting to work out a problem of vectors and resources.
De hecho, sólo era su mente intentando solucionar un problema de vectores y recursos.Literature Literature
I' m working out a problem. ln philosophy
ResueIvo un probIema fiIosóficoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
“You seek a prize,” Glee murmured, her tone musing, as though she were working out a problem in her head.
—Buscas un premio —murmuró Glee, pensativa, como si intentara descifrar un problema—.Literature Literature
You can change what you believe in order to work out a problem, and this book will show you how.
Usted es capaz de cambiar sus creencias para resolver un problema, y este libro le enseñará cómo hacerlo.Literature Literature
You cannot save a ship by working out a problem in the cabin; the deck is the field of action.
No puedes salvar un buque resolviendo un problema en el camarote.Literature Literature
It was a familiar drill, something the three of them had done together regularly when trying to work out a problem.
Era un ejercicio que los tres solían hacer cuando trataban de resolver un problema.Literature Literature
I remember he was polishing a lens with his silk scarf, as he was accustomed to do when working out a problem.
Recuerdo que limpiaba una lente con su pañuelo de seda, algo que solía hacer cuando analizaba un problema—.Literature Literature
Now let us solve an equation, using complex numbers, to see whether we can work out a problem for some real case.
Ahora rcsolvamos una ecuaci6n usando nllmeros complejos para ver si podemos resolver un problema en alglln caso real.Literature Literature
You have a problem to work out here, I have a problem to work out in Newport.
Yo tengo un problema que solucionar en Newport.Literature Literature
It's just that I'm trying to work out a few problems at work.
Lo que sucede es que estoy tratando de resolver un par de problemas del trabajo.Literature Literature
Sometimes the worst place to work out a gymnastics problem is in the gym.
A veces el peor lugar para resolver un problema de la gimnasia es en el gimnasio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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