working group on competitiveness and sustainability oor Spaans

working group on competitiveness and sustainability

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

grupo de trabajo sobre competitividad y sostenibilidad

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The representative of FICSA stated that consideration of the education grant had been based on the incorrect perception that the scheme was overly generous, although a comparison with the comparator civil service conducted by the working group on competitiveness and sustainability did not support that perception.
Dijo que había salido de parrandaUN-2 UN-2
This process of analysis, proposal, consideration and further development of proposals continued throughout the duration of the review, culminating in a final package proposal, reviewed by the working group on competitiveness and sustainability before being finalized by the Commission at its eighty-first session, in 2015.
Ninguno de los dos, claro, teníamos buenos abogados... no teníamos especialistas como testimonios... y él fue condenado a muerteUN-2 UN-2
The three working groups established to focus on the remuneration structure, competitiveness and sustainability, and performance incentives and other related human resources matters, had completed the first phase of their work by examining all aspects of the current system, the comparator civil service and best practices from elsewhere.
Con Pelé no se pasa vergüenzaUN-2 UN-2
The Commission agreed that three working groups would be established, which would focus on the following themes: the remuneration structure including post adjustment; competitiveness and sustainability; and performance recognition and other related human resources matters.
El ensayo deberá realizarse cuando los preparados que contengan la sustancia activa se apliquen al suelo o puedan contaminarlo en las condiciones prácticas de utilizaciónUN-2 UN-2
Unless countries established well-regulated, inclusive, and competitive domestic financial sectors that offered robust safeguards to savers and investors, they would find it extremely difficult to achieve most of the goals set forth in the “zero draft” of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals.
No hay hombre vivo que pueda mirarme a los ojos sin estremecerseUN-2 UN-2
Assembly of the advisory group and selection of areas for further work in light of findings from research on environmental sustainability and competitiveness.
No les cuento esto para que sientan pena por mí ni nada de esoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is unacceptable that in the name of so-called competitiveness emphasis should be placed on flexible and precarious working arrangements, on reducing wage costs and on wage moderation, on attacking public services, in short on the neo-liberal agenda of economic and financial groups, instead of focusing on living and working conditions, on sustainable development, on greater economic, social and territorial cohesion, on high-quality jobs combined with full rights, and on restoring public and social investment, particularly in the railways, health services, the environment, education and research.
Soy lo que algunas personas se refieren como...... una voladora ansiosaEuroparl8 Europarl8
In an open letter last month, Richard Bergström, EFPIA Director General, recently invited the EU Competitiveness Council to establish a working group on ‘big data in healthcare’ in order to help advance patient care and support the long-term sustainability of healthcare systems[i].
A unos # m al sur, suroesteParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
With the support of a qualified, passionate group of work, committed with the Magitek Internacional vision, we see ourselves as a leader and highly qualified company on the development of competitive technological solutions and which generate sustained social and economic growth in South America and in the world.
Estabas metido en eso, ¿ verdad?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We have been able to build a social enterprise using different references, basing our work on cooperation instead of competition. It’s a joy to be able to demonstrate in a practical way that it is possible for an enterprise to be socially as well as economically sustainable, and as such to inspire other groups to launch their own enterprises.
¿ No habrás preparado un encuentro entre ella y el señor Wayne?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It was proposed in the very last round of negotiations of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals and it did not take long before it was shot down; Member States said it was not feasible to prescribe percentages of public spending to the different goals, and that it would place the goals in competition with each other.
Hijo, ten cuidadoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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