worsen oor Spaans


/`wɜsn/ werkwoord
(transitive) To make worse.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


transitive: make worse
Tom's condition has worsened.
La condición de Tom empeoró.


To make worse.
Volver peor.
My personal odyssey started to worsen during the war.
Pues, mi odisea se agrava durante la guerra.


intransitive: get worse

En 16 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

deteriorar · exacerbar · agravarse · agudizar · recrudecer · desmejorar · decaer · corromper · mimar · consentir · echar a perder · arreciar · desmedrarse · pervertirse · exasperar · pervertir

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

acentuación · agravación · agravamiento · agudización · cada vez peor · deterioro · el empeoramiento · empeorado · empeoramiento · empobrecimiento · exacerbación · peoría · que empeora · recrudecimiento · retroceso
empeorado · peor
the deterioration in relations the worsening of relations between the two countries
el deterioro de las relaciones entre los dos países
his condition has worsened over the last few days
su condición ha empeorado durante los últimos días
to worsen
acentuar · agravar · agravarse · agudizar · deteriorar · empeorar · empeorarse


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
He indicated that the situation of crime prevention and criminal justice had worsened since the 1980s in direct relationship with the increasing disparity of income and wealth distribution caused by the existing economic policies.
El envase de inicio del tratamiento contiene parches con cuatro concentraciones diferentes.Si no se consigue un control suficiente de la enfermedad, el cambio a otro medicamento similar puede proporcionar beneficios adicionales al paciente. En un estadio avanzado de la enfermedad, la dosis inicial es de # mg/# h, que luego se aumenta cada semana en otros # mg/# h hasta alcanzar una dosis eficaz o hasta llegar a la dosis máxima de # mg/# hUN-2 UN-2
The worsening human rights and humanitarian situation in Somalia was another source of concern, and he recalled recent reports of extrajudicial executions, arbitrary detentions, increased sexual violence and torture
Muerto es muertoMultiUn MultiUn
Despite the constant efforts of the international community and parties in the region, notably including Egypt, the humanitarian situation in the occupied Palestinian territory has worsened, and the resolutions adopted are not being implemented
¡ Suelta el arma, amigo!-¡ Ahora!-¡ Suelta el arma!-¡ No lo hagas!-¡ Suelta el arma!-¡ Suelta la jodida arma!-¡ Vamos a volarte los sesos!MultiUn MultiUn
The worsening economic climate may also have a significant impact on the expected returns of venture capital funds and potential losses for guarantee schemes.
Agradecería que tú y todos los demás de por aquí...... respetaran mis decisiones.- ¡ Como quieras!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The United Nations had been urging the authorities to take stronger action to prevent a worsening of tensions.
yo sola no puedo hacer nada para ayudarteUN-2 UN-2
Let us tackle food security by recognizing that globalization was meant to improve our lives, not to worsen them.
¿ Y qué dijo él?UN-2 UN-2
In light of the worsened economic outlook, the government announced a second set of measures on # February
¿ Quiéres decir un estúpido que fabrica computadoras que lo saben todo y qué lo puede controlar todo?oj4 oj4
We are concerned that the security constraints on humanitarian assistance for 3.5 million civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories have worsened following the construction of a barrier through the West Bank.
¿ Es un autobús o una máquina del tiempo?UN-2 UN-2
‘They will multiply and worsen once you are gone.
Es por eso que preguntoLiterature Literature
That was largely the result of a difficult international environment (effects of crises and wars in the subregion, a worsening in the terms of trade, the rise in the price of fuel) and difficulties on the national scale due in particular to unforeseen climatic events and natural disasters, the country's landlocked geography, the high costs of factors of production, poor control of population growth and the weakness of the country's social protection mechanisms
Brand bautizó su descubrimiento " Icy Noctiluca "MultiUn MultiUn
Despite television and poster campaigns, moreover, the situation appeared to be worsening, both in Armenia and in many other countries in transition throughout the region
Cuando lo veamos, ¿ debemos fingir que no sabemos nada?MultiUn MultiUn
With weather conditions worsening,..... the problem here and in the sky will grow
No, es para darme placer a míopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
(5) Credit rating agencies are considered to have failed, on the one hand, to reflect early enough in their credit ratings the worsening market conditions and, on the other, to adjust their ratings in time following the deepening market crisis.
¡ Nos vamos, Larry!not-set not-set
The worsening security conditions and the absence of a consistent rule of law, described above, have had a negative effect on the enjoyment of human rights in Afghanistan, especially the right to life and security, free movement, access to education and health and access to livelihood by communities.
BlackChip sugiere que vayan a echar un ojo a una de las viejas minasUN-2 UN-2
The discharge of untreated or partially treated wastewater into the sea is a further health hazard worsened by the military operations.
¡ Oh mi Dios!Santo Cielo, ¿ cómo pudiste hacerme esto? ¡ Me traicionaste!UN-2 UN-2
Not only have we failed to achieve the main purpose of the Structural Funds, i.e. to help reduce regional disparities and achieve economic and social cohesion; in numerous cases, the situation has worsened and the gulf between the regions lagging behind and the developed areas has widened both in rural areas, especially island and mountain regions, and also in urban areas, which are plagued by mass and long-term unemployment, poverty, and a scarcity, or in many cases, a total lack of basic infrastructures.
Son mis Clases Aburridas?Europarl8 Europarl8
Given the worsening in the bank's financial situation in 1997, the State decided to launch the procedure for the sale of SMC, because it had concluded that the only possible way to ensure that the bank had any future was to associate it with a solid partner with the know-how needed to complete its restructuring.
Necesitas sustentoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Security Council must uphold its responsibilities with regard to the maintenance of peace and security as the situation on the ground in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, continues to worsen and seriously threatens to destabilize the region as a whole.
Es probable que Cuvee duplicase el código fuente de Echelon...... y lo almacenase allí en un servidor seguroUN-2 UN-2
Notes that measures taken within the framework of National Reform Plans, ‘economic governance’ and the European Semester should not contribute to the worsening social crisis in a number of countries with more fragile economies, making life more and more difficult for families and in particular for women and children, who are the main victims of growing poverty, unemployment and precarious and poorly paid work;
Es algo que se extranaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
He indicated that the situation of crime prevention and criminal justice had worsened since the # s in direct relationship with the increasing disparity of income and wealth distribution caused by the existing economic policies
¡ ¿ Violinista?!MultiUn MultiUn
In other words, the poorest of the poor have seen their situation worsen irreversibly.
Hoy tienen capacitación en sensibilizaciónUN-2 UN-2
“If your aches and bruises worsen, you will tell me immediately?”
Este mundo ya no es nuestroLiterature Literature
The profound economic hardship resulting from the global crisis affected all countries and brought forth a “developmental crisis” in developing countries, as manifested in a number of worsening social and economic indicators, including high and growing poverty, unemployment, hunger and malnutrition, and environmental degradation.
Pronto estarás bienUN-2 UN-2
Furthermore, it would worsen the vicious circle of responding to violence with violence, giving rise to greater terror and instability
Vas a ver cosas que no puedes " desver "MultiUn MultiUn
Question: There are reports about the worsening situation in the conflict area in Ukraine.
Despedimos a demasiados obrerosmid.ru mid.ru
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