wretchedly oor Spaans


In a wretched manner.

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I'm so wretchedly bad with names.
Soy mala recordando nombres.

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Protest was futile, and I had to sit wretchedly by while he made the call.
Mis protestas fueron inútiles, y tuve que sentarme a su lado, con gran apuro, mientras hacía la llamada.Literature Literature
Tears boiled out of him, shaking him wretchedly... Through the running, wet blur, he saw something on the floor.
Las lágrimas hervían al salir, sacudiéndolo miserablemente... A través de la húmeda niebla, vio algo sobre el piso.Literature Literature
Wretchedly, he spoke these words: ‘How my anchor’s point has now gripped land’s harbour in grief!’
Lamentándose dijo estas palabras: «¡Cómo ha encontrado la punta de mi ancla puerto en el país del dolor!».Literature Literature
Wretchedly, he said, ‘I’ve not made a career of catching people, only treating them.
La miró con cara de pena y le dijo: —Yo no he hecho carrera atrapando a gente, sino tratándola.Literature Literature
Jake couldn’t be left alone there, but he looked wretchedly uncomfortable where he was.
Jake no podía quedarse solo allí pero parecía estar miserablemente incómodo donde se hallaba.Literature Literature
Jenna gave Beetle a sympathetic glance, but Beetle, who was staring wretchedly at his boots, did not notice.
Jenna miró a Beetle con compasión, pero Beetle, que se miraba desconsoladamente las botas, no lo notó.Literature Literature
Harrington had been right the first time, too, he thought wretchedly.
Harrington también había tenido razón aquella primera vez pensó con una mueca desdichada.Literature Literature
It refers, to one who is wretchedly poor, destitute, a beggar.
Se refiere al que es miserablemente pobre, menesteroso, mendigo.jw2019 jw2019
It was only ninety-four pages long, and so obviously wretchedly written it was destined to become a huge fad.
Sólo tenía noventa y cuatro páginas, y estaba tan espantosamente escrito que se pondría sin duda muy de moda.Literature Literature
The difficulty lay in that this show was wretchedly staged and, in a word, botched.
La dificultad se hallaba en que el espectáculo estaba terriblemente montado y era, en una palabra, chapucero.Literature Literature
Peony had been wretchedly ill the first few months, bent over a basin, unable to keep anything down.
Peony se había encontrado muy mal durante los primeros meses, vomitando cada dos por tres, incapaz de retener nada.Literature Literature
What he was now saying seemed to him as wretchedly ironical as his intentions had been then.
Sus palabras actuales le parecían tan tristemente irónicas como lo habían sido sus intenciones.Literature Literature
So far he had concentrated on the obvious, on being wretchedly sick, on bathing and dressing.
Hasta ahora, sólo se había concentrado en lo positivo, en que estaba miserablemente mareado, en bañarse y en vestirse.Literature Literature
How wretchedly dignified and not quite yet alarmed he looked, and how his cold would last!
¡Qué aspecto tan miserablemente digno y aún no alarmado tenía, y cuánto le duraría el catarro!Literature Literature
The author’s real misfortune was that subscribers were so wretchedly literal.
La mala suerte del autor era que los suscriptores eran horriblemente literales.Literature Literature
A few days before Christmas, a holiday he'd always found wretchedly depressing anyway.
Unos días antes de Navidad, una fecha que de todos modos siempre le había parecido sumamente deprimente.Literature Literature
If only I were a boy, I thought wretchedly.
Si fuera un chico, pensé, desconsolada.Literature Literature
Norman's sobs were dry and painful now, and he hiccuped wretchedly.
Los sollozos de Norman eran secos y dolorosos, e hipó entrecortadamente.Literature Literature
Suffice to say, he is wretchedly in love with Letty, and she thinks the sun exists solely to shine on him.
Bastará con decir que está desesperadamente enamorado de Letty, y que ella cree que el sol existe solo para él.Literature Literature
Serving as part of Slaydo's command cadre, he had first encountered Kowle and his wretchedly vicious ways.
Sirviendo como parte del cuadro de mando de Slaydo se había encontrado con Kowle y sus maneras disolutas y depravadas.Literature Literature
Unfortunately, it was cold comfort, and she wondered wretchedly if Rachael already missed her from the house.
Desgraciadamente, era poco consuelo y se preguntó si Rachel ya la habría echado de menos en la casa.Literature Literature
“Hope, we can’t do anything about this,” he says quietly, wretchedly.
—Hope, no podemos hacer nada al respecto —dice él, sereno en su desconsuelo—.Literature Literature
Some people spend a lifetime looking for a mother, and fail wretchedly at the end of it.
Hay gente que pasa la vida buscando una madre y, al final, fracasa lamentablemente.Literature Literature
Those wretchedly forget themselves, that feast their bodies, and starve their souls.
Se olvidan miserablemente de sí mismos, los que dan festines a sus cuerpos y hambrean sus almas.Literature Literature
In all the nations of the Third World, living standards were wretchedly low.
En todas las naciones del Tercer Mundo, las condiciones de vida eran miserablemente bajo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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