wye connection oor Spaans

wye connection

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Table A summarizes the basic relationships between the voltages and currents in wye-connected and delta-connected loads.
El registro de recolección debe llevarse durante la recolección y recoger el número de árboles productivos desglosado por variedades/parcela, la fecha de recolección y las cantidades diarias recolectadasLiterature Literature
A wye connection is preferred to a delta connection because I.
Números mayasLiterature Literature
(A wye connection is slightly easier to handle than a delta connection.)
Debe haber sido una confusiónLiterature Literature
We assume a wye connection composed of three identical impedances Z (Fig. 8.20b).
Nathan Pratt fundo la tienda de surf Horizons West... que ocupa el mismo lugar que la tienda ZephyrLiterature Literature
We assume a wye connection for the stator and the rotor, and a turns ratio of 1:1.
¿ Dónde está Chris?Literature Literature
In such a delta-wye connection. the voltage across each primary winding is equal to the incoming line voltage.
unidad de cogeneración, una unidad que puede funcionar en la modalidad de cogeneraciónLiterature Literature
We want to emphasize the importance of assuming a wye connection, irrespective of what the actual connection may be.
Los delitos contra la Ley de # de marzo de # son punibles con penas desde ocho días a cinco años de privación de libertadLiterature Literature
The armature coils are connected in wye and the 3 leads are soldered to a 3-segment commutator.
Afortunadamente, algunas cosas se te deben escaparLiterature Literature
The three impedances may be connected in wye (as we already have seen) or in delta (Fig. 8.15a).
El intervalo indicado para el cetano no se ajusta al margen mínimo exigido de #RLiterature Literature
The three devices are connected in wye.
Así estan bienLiterature Literature
The windings are connected in wye-delta and automatic tap-changers regulate the secondary voltage.
Visto el Reglamento (CE) no #/# del Consejo, de # de julio de #, relativo al reforzamiento de la supervisión de las situaciones presupuestarias y a la supervisión y coordinación de las políticas económicas, y, en particular, su artículo #, apartadoLiterature Literature
The windings are connected in wye during start-up, and in delta during normal running conditions.
Créeme, nadie me puede odiar tanto como yo mismoLiterature Literature
The machine and its load are both connected in wye. yielding the circuit of Fig. 16.15.
Un poco doloridaLiterature Literature
The stator is connected in wye and the resistance between two stator terminals is 0.10 Ω.
Pues, no lo esLiterature Literature
The filters for each frequency are connected in wye, and the neutral point is grounded.
Quiero hablar contigoLiterature Literature
If the resistors are known to be connected in wye. calculate the resistance of each.
Lo hiciste, cariñoLiterature Literature
The stator possesses 48 slots carrying 48 coils connected in wye. a.
Es posible, no lo sé.- ¿ Está conectado con Al Qaeda?Literature Literature
The three sets of windings are connected in wye, thus forming a common neutral N.
¡ Tan joven para morir!Literature Literature
We simply assume that the load center is connected in wye and proceed with the usual calculations.
De alguna forma escapé.VámonosLiterature Literature
Calculate the terminal voltage if three 12 resistors are connected in wye across the terminals.
Tú podrías enseñarmeLiterature Literature
The windings are connected in wye; consequently, the voltage induced in each winding is 13 800 V. c.
Fui allí la otra nocheLiterature Literature
The units are connected in wye-wye and the neutral on the primary side is solidly grounded.
Balancéame suave, balancéame ahoraLiterature Literature
The rotor is connected in wye and the nominal open-circuit voltage between the slip rings is 530 V.
Cabo, ¿ podría venir?Literature Literature
Next, let us connect the three phases in wye, without making any other changes to the existing coil connections.
Tu morirás en una semana, ella dijoLiterature Literature
The voltage across each resistor 8-17 Two 60 W lamps and a 10 /-IF capacitor are connected in wye.
Deberías haberte unido a nosotrosLiterature Literature
58 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.