yield up oor Spaans

yield up

To give something against one's will.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


He could yield up his body to death and then take it again.
Podía entregar Su cuerpo a la muerte y luego volverlo a tomar.


Suffice it to say, the Good Fortune yielded up a unique item of great value.
Suficiente con decirle, La Buena Fortuna reveló un artículo único de gran valor.

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The Conspirator, Abbot of Westminster, Hath yielded up his body to the grave!
¡ El Conspirador, Abbot de Westminster, ha rendido su cuerpo a la tumba!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""I'm afraid that Fantoma has yielded up the last of its monopole ores."
“Me temo que Fantoma ha entregado los ltimos de sus minerales monopole.Literature Literature
Great mysteries don't yield up their secrets easily.""
Los grandes misterios no revelan tan fácilmente sus secretos.Literature Literature
They had nothing to yield up but the fruit of their bodies.
No tenían nada que rendir más que el fruto de su cuerpo.Literature Literature
Making them yield up their secrets, on the other hand, often made them very useful.
Hacer que manifestaran sus secretos, por otra parte, a menudo las convertían en algo muy útil.Literature Literature
‘The tomb never yields up its fruit,’ Soe replied.
—La tumba jamás devuelve lo que se lleva —replicó Soe.Literature Literature
All the Dendarii around the table stared at it, as if willing it to yield up something more.
Todos los Dendarii lo miraron, como si quisieran que dijera algo más.Literature Literature
To be stupid was one thing; to be stupid and evil yielded up untidy consequences.
Ser estúpida era una cosa; ser estúpida y malvada producía consecuencias desastrosas.Literature Literature
The Gestapo would not yield up this wagon train of human misery.
La Gestapo no soltaría aquel tren de desgracia.Literature Literature
Hasta que mi cuerpo su último y definitivo suspiro.Literature Literature
On the contrary, only methodical experimentation can force things to yield up their secrets.
En cambio, únicamente las experiencias metódicas pueden arrancar su secreto a las cosas.Literature Literature
The Queen of the Orkneys must yield up the child to him.
La reina de las Órcadas debía entregarle la criatura.Literature Literature
I thought that they would force him to yield up my wife.
Pensé que le obligarían a devolverme a mi mujer.Literature Literature
Suffice it to say, the Good Fortune yielded up a unique item of great value.
Suficiente con decirle, La Buena Fortuna reveló un artículo único de gran valor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Did the house have something to yield up to him?
¿Acaso la casa tenía algo que ofrecerle?Literature Literature
Hearth and heart and harvest we yield up to you, my lord.
Tierra, corazón y cosecha os entregamos, mi señor.Literature Literature
Brutus to yield up his command.
Bruto a transferirle el mando.Literature Literature
The overseas babble of voices yielded up Dudley’s informant and the information, however.
Sin embargo, los murmullos de las voces extranjeras le gritaron al informante de Dudley los datos.Literature Literature
He did not want to yield up that machine until he had more time to examine it.
No quería entregar aquella máquina en tanto no hubiera podido disponer de tiempo para examinarla.Literature Literature
Today, most of the more than five thousand Linear B inscriptions have yielded up most of their secrets.
Hoy día, la mayoría de las más de cinco mil inscripciones en lineal B han desvelado sus secretos.Literature Literature
Father, keep these men faithful as I prepare to yield up my life in the flesh.
Padre, mantén fieles a estos hombres mientras me preparo para abandonar mi vida en la carne.Literature Literature
Lady Potterby, properly impressed by this show of magnanimity, had yielded up the book without argument.
Lady Potterby, correctamente impresionada por este espectáculo de magnanimidad, había cedido el libro sin discutir.Literature Literature
Seregil’s battered leather pack yielded up several small rolls of parchment, quills, and a pot of ink.
La gastada mochila de cuero de Seregil contenía varios rollos de pergamino, plumas y un tarro de tinta.Literature Literature
The threshold of voyages always yielded up a kind of warmth, he was under way, he was free.
El principio de un viaje siempre le provocaba una especie de entusiasmo: estaba en camino, era libre.Literature Literature
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