you have to eat breakfast oor Spaans

you have to eat breakfast

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debes comer el desayuno


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“But you have to eat breakfast and clean your room first.”
Pero tienes que tomarte el desayuno y limpiar tu habitación.Literature Literature
‘Yes, poppet, but you have to eat breakfast, even on your birthday.’
—Sí, tesoro, pero tienes que tomarte el desayuno aunque sea tu cumpleaños.Literature Literature
You have to eat your breakfast, then get dressed and then you go.
Tienes que tomar el desayuno, luego te vistes y te vas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Chapter Five ‘No, Papa, you have to eat your breakfast.’
Cinco —No, papá, tienes que comerte el desayuno.Literature Literature
Do you have time to eat breakfast with us?
¿Puedes desayunar con nosotros?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘Did you have time to eat breakfast?’
—¿Te ha dado tiempo a desayunar?Literature Literature
“So you don’t have to eat breakfast in the dark.”
—Para que no tengas que desayunar a oscuras.Literature Literature
You have to eat, especially breakfast.
Tienes que comer bien, sobre todo en el desayuno.Literature Literature
You have to eat some breakfast before the shop opens, my rugged runner.”
Tienes que desayunar antes de abrir la tienda, mi rudo corredor.Literature Literature
And he’d ask Anabel what makes it so heavy what did you have to eat for breakfast, but she never told.
Y le preguntaba a Anabel, cómo pesas tanto, qué has desayunado, chica, pero ella nunca se chivó.Literature Literature
Hey, Zola, hurry up, honey, or you won't have time to eat breakfast!
¡ Zola, date prisa, cariño, o no te dará tiempo a desayunar!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You won’t have to eat the breakfast.”
No tienes que desayunar si no quieres.Literature Literature
"""Take a protein bar since you don't have time to eat your breakfast."""
Llévate una barrita de proteínas ya que no tienes tiempo para desayunar.Literature Literature
Why do you have to hurry in eating your breakfast?
¿Por qué tienes prisa por tomar el desayuno?QED QED
And when you wake up, you shall have as big a breakfast as you want to eat.""
Y cuando te despiertes, tendrás un desayuno tan grande como quieras.Literature Literature
“Listen, pig, if I’m going to be able to eat you for breakfast, I have to be alive in the morning.
—Escucha, cerdo, si quieres que te coma para desayunar, tienes que mantenerme vivo hasta mañana por la mañana.Literature Literature
"""So you and I have to eat this huge breakfast between us?"""
–¿Así que y yo nos tendremos que comer entre los dos este inmenso desayuno?Literature Literature
“So you and I have to eat this huge breakfast between us?”
-¿Así que y yo nos tendremos que comer entre los dos este inmenso desayuno?Literature Literature
You need to have a will and eat a fibrous breakfast every morning and nothing can touch you.
Necesitas un testamento y desayunar con fibra todas las mañanas y nada puede tocarte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Oh, we decided to eat in the breakfast room, so you wouldn’t have to climb the stairs.”
—Oh, nos decidimos por la sala del desayuno para que no tuvieras que subir la escalera.Literature Literature
And she said, “You have an entire aisle of ready-to-eat breakfast cereals.”
Y me dijo: «Tienen un pasillo completo dedicado a los cereales para desayunar».Literature Literature
I want you to go eat a good breakfast, have an extra Danish, then go write some business
Quiero que vayan a desayunar bien, cómanse una dona extra.Y después vayan a hacer negociosopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
'Are you so hungry that you have to come all the way to Malmö to eat breakfast?'
¿Tanta hambre tienes que has de venir hasta Malmö para desayunar?Literature Literature
You had to have breakfast and now you're not even eating.
Querías tu desayuno y ahora ni siquiera comes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I learned that it's almost impossible to eat breakfast cereal if you have claws.
Descubrí que era casi imposible comer los cereales del desayuno si tienes garras.Literature Literature
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