you're going to have lunch oor Spaans

you're going to have lunch

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Mark. You're going to have lunch with Claude and me.
Mark, coma hoy con nosotros.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You're going to have lunch with her, light?
Irá a almorzar con ella, ¿correcto?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
" You mean you're not going to have lunch with the mayor? "
" ¿Quiere decir que no van a almorzar con el alcalde?QED QED
They followed -- the guy that dragged us there followed us and he said, "You mean you're not going to have lunch with the mayor?"
Ellos nos siguieron--el tipo que nos arrastró allá nos siguió y dijo, "¿Quiere decir que no van a almorzar con el alcalde?ted2019 ted2019
You're going to have to skip lunch today.
Hoy no podrás salir a almorzar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You're not going to have me eat lunch all alone?
¿No me va a dejar almorzar sola?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And now you're tired, Grandfather-you're going to have another nap before lunch.'
Y ahora, el abuelo está cansado... debe dormir un poco más antes del almuerzo.Literature Literature
"""Which means you're going to have to let me pay for my own lunch."""
— Lo cual significa que tendrá que dejar que me pague la comidaLiterature Literature
I'm really worried you're going to get fired, and I'm going to have to eat lunch with Dolly again.
Lo que realmente me preocupa es que te despidan y tener que volver a almorzar con Dolly.Literature Literature
You're seriously telling me I have to go to someone else on my lunch break?
¿De verdad me está diciendo que tengo que acudir a alguien más en mi pausa para comer?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'You're going to have breakfast, then go upstairs to bed, and after lunch you can go and see Arthur with the others.
Vas a tomar el desayuno, luego irás arriba a la cama, y después del almuerzo puedes ir a ver a Arthur con los demás.Literature Literature
You should have dinner with your mom since you're not going to get to go there for lunch.
Deberías cenar con tu madre ya que no vas a llegar para la comida.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Or, the next time when you're going to have a bowl of soup for dinner or lunch with noodles in it, if you accidentally cut a noodle short into pieces before it completely slurps into your body, that's bad luck too.
La próxima vez que cenen un plato de sopa con fideos, si cortan accidentalmente un fideo antes de sorberlo completamente, eso es mala suerte también.QED QED
You're going to be Picked up in a helicopter, Taken to a nice, beautiful beach, Where you'll have a picnic Lunch.
Vas a ser recogida en un helicóptero, llevada a una playa bonita y hermosa donde tendrás un almuerzo con picnic.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You're still at work and you don't have time to go and eat lunch.
Todavía estás en la oficina y no te da tiempo a salir a comer.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If you're going to have your guests stay for a real meal (lunch or dinner), either order in some pizza, sushi, or Chinese food, or go out to a restaurant.
Si tus invitados se van a quedar para una comida de verdad (almuerzo o cena), ya sea pide una pizza, sushi o comida china, o salgan a un restaurante.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If you're going to have your guests stay for a real meal (lunch or dinner), either order in some pizza, sushi, or Chinese food, or take them out to a restaurant.
Si los has invitado a una comida real (almuerzo o cena), puedes ordenar pizza, sushi, o comida China, también los puedes llevar a un restaurante.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Their timetables are also different: they usually have lunch around 12-1 and have dinner around 5-6, so if you're going to have dinner in a restaurant at the Spanish dining time, they can tell us that the kitchen is already closed.
Sus horarios también son diferentes y suelen comer alrededor de las 12-1 y cenar alrededor de las 5-6, por lo que si vamos a cenar a un restaurante a la hora española pueden decirnos que la cocina está ya cerrada.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We have an open kitchen where you can cook up dinner or pack a lunch if you're going to be out all day. And we treat you to tea and coffee in the common room too.
Tenemos una cocina abierta, donde podrás prepararte la cena o algo para llevar si vas a pasar todo el día fuera, y una sala común donde tomarte un té o un café.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Tertuliano Máximo Afonso said, We could have lunch together, if you're free that is, Of course I am, I always have been, No, what I meant was that there's your mother to be considered, Oh, I told her I fancied going for a walk alone and that I might not be home for lunch, An excuse to come here, Not exactly, it was only after I'd left the house that I decided to come and speak to you, And now we've spoken, Meaning, asked Maria da Paz, that everything between us will continue as before, Of course.
Propuso Tertuliano Máximo Afonso, Podemos almorzar juntos, no sé si estás disponible, Naturalmente que sí, siempre lo estoy, Está tu madre, quería decir, Le he dicho que me apetecía dar un paseo sola, que quizá no comiera en casa, Una disculpa para venir aquí, No exactamente, ya estaba fuera de casa cuando decidí venir a hablar contigo, Ya está hablado, Qué quieres decir, preguntó María Paz, que todo va a seguir entre nosotros como antes, Claro.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Some examples of ways you can be more thoughtful include: finding out how she likes her coffee (sugar, cream, etc.) and bringing her a cup in the morning or at lunch; letting her choose what movie to go and see, even if it's something you're not particularly interested in; picking up on any comments she might have made about a book she wants to read or a CD she'd like to listen to and buying it for her.
Algunos ejemplos de cómo ser más considerado incluyen: averiguar cómo le gusta el café (azúcar, crema, etc.) y llevarle una taza en la mañana o para el almuerzo; dejarla escoger qué película van a ver, aunque no sea algo que te interese particularmente; poner atención a cualquier comentario que haga acerca de algún libro que quiere leer o un CD que le llame la atención y regalárselo.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If you have the opportunity to sneak away right after lunch for a little shut-eye (possibly finding a conference room that is not in use, going to your car, or closing your door if you're in an office), a 15 to 20 minute nap may be enough to re-energize you for the rest of the day, improving alertness and motor skills.
Si puedes darte una escapada después de almorzar para dormir un poco (podrías buscar una sala de conferencias vacía, ir a tu auto o cerrar la puerta de tu oficina), un siesta de 15 a 20 minutos será suficiente para recargarte de energías para el resto del día, lo que mejorará tu estado de alerta y habilidades motoras.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The doctor's wife put her book away in her bag and said, Let's go, Where, asked the superintendent, You'll have lunch with us, won't you, if you've nothing more important to do, Are you sure, About what, That you want to have me sitting at your table, Yes, I'm sure, And you're not afraid I might be tricking you, Not with those tears in your eyes, no.
La mujer del médico guardó el libro en el bolso y dijo, Vamos, Adónde, preguntó el comisario, Almorzará con nosotros si no tiene nada más importante que hacer, Está segura, De qué, De querer sentarme a su mesa, Sí, estoy segura, Y no tiene miedo de que la esté engañando, Con esas lágrimas en los ojos, no.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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