yours affectionately oor Spaans

yours affectionately

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" My dear wife, yours affectionately, C. R. Darwin. "
" Mi querida esposa afectuosamente tuyo, CR Darwin ".

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Goodbye, yours affectionately A.
Le saluda afectuosamente su hada A.Literature Literature
Your affectionate son, Freddie.
Tu hijo que te quiere, Freddie.Literature Literature
Your affectionate father, Auguste.
Tu padre afectuoso: Auguste P.Literature Literature
I thank you for inviting me to this significant event and for your affectionate welcome.
Gracias por haberme invitado a un acontecimiento tan significativo y por la afectuosa acogida que me habéis
In haste, Yours affectionately, C.
Apresuradamente, con todo afecto C.Literature Literature
It began: My dear William, and ended: Your affectionate sister.
Empezaba diciendo: «Mi querido William» y terminaba «Tu afectísima hermana».Literature Literature
But, however, that your affectionate breasts may not be alarmed with vain fears, despise these flames of Œta.
¡Pero que vuestros fieles corazones no sean presa de un vano temor: reíros de esas llamas!Literature Literature
" Your affectionate friend, Jonathan Strange. "
Su afectuoso amigo, Jonathan Strange ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Until then, I remain your affectionate brother-in-law, Charles Musgrove.
Hasta entonces, sigo siendo tu cariñosa hermano-en-ley, Charles MusgroveOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
As always, Your affectionate and loving mother, Luise von B.
Tu madre, que te quiere, LUISE VON B.Literature Literature
Your affectionate friend, Maria Josefa Hevia.""
Suya afectísima amiga, María Josefa Hevia.»Literature Literature
Yours affectionately, Eric It is safe to send a reply via your milkman, Barry Laker.
Fielmente vuestro, Eric No hay peligro en enviar respuesta por mediación de vuestro lechero, Barry Laker.Literature Literature
Nothing could delight me more; and I am inclined to attribute this happy result to your affectionate vigilance.
Nada podría serme tan agradable, y atribuyó este feliz resultado a su afectuosa vigilancia.Literature Literature
Your affectionate uncle, William Carey LII Next day Philip arrived at Blackstable.
Tu afectísimo tío, WILLIAM CAREY LII Philip llegó a Blackstable al día siguiente.Literature Literature
"—Your affectionate friend, ""Clara."""
Te quiere tu buena amiga, «Clara».Literature Literature
" Your affectionate nephew, Rocky "
" Tu sobrino que te quiere, Rocky ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Thank you for your affectionate welcome, which reaffirms the Brescian people’s ancient tradition of fidelity to the Pope.
Gracias por el afecto con que me habéis acogido, reafirmando la antigua tradición de fidelidad al Papa por parte de la población
Your affectionate friend, and so on, Pat.”
Tu buena amiga, etc., etc., Pat».Literature Literature
" Your affectionate mother, Joan. "
" Tu afectuosa madre, Joan. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yours affectionately Ignazio GIUSEPPE TO IGNAZIO FEGIZ Princeton, 20th June Dear Ignazio, Thank you for your letter.
Un afectuoso saludo, IGNAZIO De Giuseppe a Ignazio Fegiz Princeton, 20 de junio Querido Ignazio: Gracias por tu carta.Literature Literature
She could have put 'yours sincerely' or 'yours affectionately' or even 'yours ever' but she had put 'love'.
Podría haber puesto «sinceramente», «con afecto» o «para siempre tuya», pero había puesto «con cariño».Literature Literature
" Yours affectionately, Mary Crawford. "
Tuya sinceramente, Mary Crawford.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Your affectionate daughter, Elizabeth. "
" Su afectuosa hija, Elizabeth. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yours affectionately, Winifred Pinfold ‘What’s the matter with Anna now?’
Afectuosamente, Winifred Pinfold —¿Qué le sucede a Anna?Literature Literature
"Your affectionate great-great-uncle-by-marriage, William Norland ""I suppose he is by-marriage,"" Charmain said aloud."
Con cariño de tu tío bisabuelo político, William Norland —Sí, supongo que es político —dijo Charmain en voz alta—.Literature Literature
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