Turkmen oor Estnies


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A person from Turkmenistan or of Turkmen descent.

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Calls at the same time on the Council and the Commission to make due reference to the benchmarks established by the European Parliament resolution of 20 February 2008 on an EU Strategy for Central Asia in their exchanges with the Turkmen Government concerning the prospects for the Interim Agreement;
õigusaktide koostamise kohtanot-set not-set
In particular, could the Commission say whether it believes it would be desirable to indicate a willingness to approve the Agreement in response to certain signals from the Turkmen authorities of their readiness to improve the human rights situation in that country?
kogu köögiviljade, melonite ja maasikate koristuspind (tabelnot-set not-set
whereas the Syrian population has traditionally been composed of a rich diversity of ethnic and religious communities, respectively including Arabs, Arameans, Armenians, Assyrians, Circassians, Kurds and Turkmens, and Muslims, Christians and Druze, as well as other groups; whereas none of the religious or ethnic communities in Syria has been spared by the three-year old conflict, which is increasingly taking on a sectarian dimension;
Residentidest finantsvahendajate FISIMi väljundi saamiseks institutsiooniliste sektorite lõikes leitakseeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Regrets the fact that, despite the reference in the Constitution to the rights of Turkmen and other minorities, these minorities continue to be plagued by ethnic and sectarian violence and discrimination;
Norra lipu all sõitvatel laevadel on lubatud Skagerrakis kalastada vähemalt nelja meremiili kaugusel mere pool Taani ja Rootsi lähtejoontestEurLex-2 EurLex-2
European Parliament resolution of 14 March 2013 on Iraq: the plight of minority groups, including the Iraqi Turkmen (2013/2562(RSP))
Euroopa andmekaitseinspektor tervitab asjaolu, et ettepanekuga püütakse saavutada kooskõla muude õigusaktidega, millega reguleeritakse muude suuremahuliste IT-süsteemide loomist ja/või kasutamistEurLex-2 EurLex-2
When Kutalmish died in 1064, Suleiman fled with his three brothers into the Taurus Mountains and there sought refuge with Turkmen tribes living beyond the borders of the empire.
Turustusaasta kohta kindlaksmääratava koguselise piirangu puhul tuleks siiski arvestada ekspordituru võimalusiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I’ve divided up the Kyrgyz and the Turkmen among the freelancers.
Mitte sõnagi!Literature Literature
whereas the Iraqi Constitution guarantees equality before the law for all its citizens and notably, in Article 125, the ‘administrative, political, cultural and educational rights of the various nationalities, such as Turkmen, Chaldeans, Assyrians and all other nationalities’, and whereas Article 31 of the Constitution of the Kurdistan Region, in force since 2009, guarantees ‘national, cultural and administrative autonomy to the Turkmen, Arabs and Chaldo-Assyrian-Syriacs, Armenian and others who are citizens of Kurdistan whenever they represent the majority of the population’;
aastal registreeriti suuremahuline eksport Brasiiliasse, Mehhikosse ja Türgisse ning pole ühtki tõendit selle kohta, et nende riikide omamaine tarbimine võiks lähiaastatel märkimisväärselt kasvadaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In October 2008, the Turkmen President announced the creation of a Stabilisation Fund into which revenues from the country’s oil and gas exports would be paid.
Kuid samal ööl... röövis üks teine võlur talt võlukepi ja lõikas veel ka selle venna kõri läbinot-set not-set
whereas religious and ethnic minorities, such as Christian (Chaldean/Syriac/Assyrian, Melkite and Armenian), Yazidi, Turkmens, Shabak, Kaka’i, Sabae-Mandean, Kurdish and Shi’a communities, as well as many Arabs and Sunni Muslims, have been targeted by the so-called ‘ISIS/Daesh’; whereas many have been killed, slaughtered, beaten, subjected to extortion, abducted and tortured; whereas they have been enslaved (in particular women and girls, who have also been subjected to other forms of sexual violence) and forcibly converted, and have been victims of forced marriage and trafficking in human beings; whereas children have also been forcibly recruited; whereas mosques, monuments, shrines, churches and other places of worship, tombs and cemeteries have been vandalised;
kus otsuse #/#/EÜ lisa # peatüki punkti D lõike # kohaselt teostatud kliinilised uuringud on negatiivsete tulemustega; ningeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
whereas the Nineveh Plain, Tal Afar and Sinjar, as well as the wider region, have long been the ancestral homeland of Christians (Chaldeans/Syriacs/Assyrians), Yazidis, Sunni and Shia Arabs, Kurds, Shabak, Turkmen, Kaka’i, Sabaean-Mandeans and others, where they lived for centuries in a spirit of general pluralism, stability and communal cooperation, despite periods of external violence and persecution, until the beginning of this century and the occupation of much of the region by ISIS/Daesh in 2014;
Me oleme järelevalveasutus; peame kõigepealt oma majas korra majja lööma ja vaatama Euroopa Parlamendi ja tema liikmete makstud vahendeid.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
The Christian Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs and other minority peoples, such as the Turkmen, face continual discrimination and threats to their lives.
See hõlmab kõiki kaupade ja teenustega kauplemise aspekte (tariifseid ja mittetariifseid tõkkeid, kaubanduse kaitsemeetmeid, eelkõige juhul, kui tegemist on dumpingu ja subsiidiumidega, ning ekspordikrediite) ning intellektuaalomandi, investeeringute ja konkurentsiga seotud olulisi küsimusiEuroparl8 Europarl8
Recognises that while the human rights situation and the isolation of Turkmenistan continue to give extreme cause for concern, there have none the less been incipient signs of change, among them the abolition of the death penalty and a general amnesty for prisoners; intends to indicate support for these changes; calls on the Turkmen government to implement changes reflecting the recommendations of the OSCE Rapporteur on Turkmenistan and of the UNHCR; sees the Interim Agreement, provided those changes take place, as an important first step in encouraging Turkmenistan to make further - and more rapid - progress on improving its human rights record, and to engage in a human rights dialogue with the EU;
kaardi tagaküljel on andmeväli paigutatud sümmeetriliselt piki vertikaaltelge h vertikaalsete piirjoonte j ja k vahele ning horisontaalse piirjoone m kohalenot-set not-set
This Protocol is drawn up in duplicate in the Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Turkmen languages, each of these texts being equally authentic.
et majandusüksus on järginud kehtivaid standardeid ja tõlgendusi, välja arvatud juhul, kui õiglase esituse saamiseks on konkreetsest nõudest kõrvale kaldutudEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Underlines the importance of economic and trade relations for the opening-up of Turkmen society and the improvement of the democratic, economic and social situation of Turkmen citizens
Jennifer võib kohtuda oma tuleviku minaga!oj4 oj4
These wandering bards or troubadours are part of current rural and folk culture of Azerbaijan, and Iranian Azerbaijan, Turkey, the Turkmen Sahra (Iran) and Turkmenistan, where they are called bakshy.
Lõiget # kohaldatakse kõikide kaubandus-, tööstus-, põllumajandus- ja käsitöönäituste,-messide ja muude samalaadsete avalike ürituste ja väljapanekute suhtes, mille jooksul kõnealused tooted jäävad tollikontrolli alla, välja arvatud kauplustes või äripindadel korraldatavad eraviisilised üritused, mille eesmärk on välismaiste toodete müükWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
whereas the Nineveh Plain, Tal Afar and Sinjar, as well as the wider region, have been the ancestral homeland of Christians (Chaldeans/Syriacs/Assyrians), Yazidis, Sunni and Shia Arabs, Kurds, Shabak, Turkmen, Kaka’i, Sabaean-Mandeans, and others where they lived for centuries in a spirit of general pluralism, stability and communal cooperation despite periods of external violence and persecution, until the beginning of this century and the occupation of much of the region by ISIS/Daesh in 2014;
Mohammad Mehdi Nejad NouriEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
on Iraq: the plight of minority groups, including the Iraqi Turkmen
Vaata kuhu kõnnid, Longbottom?not-set not-set
Aydin Salahadin Abdulla, the appellant in Case C‐175/08, is an Iraqi national of Turkmen ethnicity and Sunni faith.
Samuti on Madeira turismi arendanud, suurendades oma võimet turiste vastu võttaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Article 31 of the Interim Agreement designates the Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Turkmen language versions as authentic versions of this agreement.
Kuidas meie juhtumiga läheb- sellega, mida sa keeldusid võtmast?... kvaliteetiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas Mosul has been a multi-ethnic city where a Sunni-Arab majority has lived side by side with Chaldeans/Syriacs/Assyrians, Kurds, Yazidis, Shabak, Kakai and Turkmens (Shia and Sunni); whereas the areas surrounding the city also have a history of ethno-religious diversity, with a concentration of Christians on the Nineveh plains, Yazidis around the Sinjar mountains and Muslim Turkmens in Tal Afar; whereas Christians in Iraq numbered over 1,5 million in 2003 but have dwindled to less than 200 000-350 000 today, many of them living in poverty; whereas the presence of Christians and other minorities in Iraq has traditionally had a great social importance, contributing significantly to political stability, and whereas the extinction of these minorities in the region will have a further destabilising effect;
Samuti võib mitmetes valdkondades, nagu krediidi, finantsteenuste ja kindlustuse vallas käibe arvutamisel tekkida tehnilisi probleeme, mida käsitletakse # jaosEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
whereas the ongoing dispute between the central government of Iraq and the regional government of Kurdistan has recently escalated, which negatively affects the security situation in the region and endangers the peaceful co-existence of various ethnic groups, notably Kurds, Arabs and Turkmen;
Hoidke infoleht alles, et seda vajadusel uuesti lugedaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
in providing technical and financial assistance to civil society organisations, in order to address: the equal participation of women and men in political, economic and social life; violence directed against women, namely forced marriages, 'honour' crimes, trafficking and genital mutilation; the rights of indigenous peoples and of persons belonging to minorities and ethnic groups, including the Assyrians (Chaldeans, Syriacs and other Christian communities), the Yazidi and the Turkmen; the rights of the child, especially the fight against child labour, child prostitution and child trafficking; fighting arbitrary detention and torture; and the abolition of the death penalty;
Dumpinguvastaste meetmete kehtestamisel suudab liidu tootmisharu tõenäoliselt tagasi võita vähemalt osa kaotatud turuosast, millega kaasneb positiivne mõju kasumlikkuselenot-set not-set
Asks the VP/HR and the Commission to engage with the Turkmen authorities requiring concrete steps aimed at improving the human rights situation and the rule of law, pursuant to Article 21 TEU; further calls for the continued raising of human rights concerns at all levels, in addition to the ongoing human rights dialogue; reiterates its call on the EEAS to upgrade the Liaison Office in Ashgabat into a fully-fledged EU Delegation in Turkmenistan as quickly as possible, inter alia so as to interact with civil society and monitor the human rights situation;
olemasolevat või reaalselt saavutatavat säilitamisvõimsust artikli # alusel kindlaksmääratud piirkondades ning olemasolevat ja reaalselt saavutatavat transpordijõudlusteurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
whereas Iraq has long been home to a variety of ethnic and religious minority groups, including Turkmen, Christians, Kurds, Shabak, Mandaeans, Armenians, Yezidi, Baha’is, Black Iraqis, Assyrians, Jews, Palestinians and others;
Riskide ja haavatavuse vähendamine suurema valmisoleku abilEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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