Ukrainian parliamentary election oor Estnies

Ukrainian parliamentary election

Ukrainian parliamentary election, 2007

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2007. aasta Ukraina parlamendivalimised

Ukrainian parliamentary election, 2007

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The European Union - and you can do this - should be taking a firm stance against this bad, undemocratic overture to the 2012 Ukrainian parliamentary elections; maintaining our own political values in the face of authoritarian tendencies in Ukraine.
Antenni aluste väljaulatuvus ei tohi olla üle # mm, mõõdetuna # lisa punktis # ettenähtud viisilEuroparl8 Europarl8
Recalls that Nadiya Savchenko was elected as a member of the Ukrainian Parliament in the October 2014 Ukrainian general parliamentary election and is part of Ukraine’s delegation to PACE, and as such has been granted international immunity; reminds Russia of its international obligation to respect her immunity as a member of PACE;
Tagamaks, et abi on vajalik ja soodustab teatavate tegevuste arendamist, ei tohiks käesolevat määrust kohaldada sellisele tegevusele antava abi suhtes, millega abisaaja tegeleks ka üksnes turutingimustesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Welcomes the Ukrainian Government’s intention to hold early parliamentary elections;
Mu armsale number kolmeleeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
In my view it is intolerable, for example, that Russia should make its cooperation with Ukraine dependent on which government is in office in Kiev and which parliamentary majority the Ukrainian nation has elected.
Minevikus oleks ta meil võib- olla lubanud seda tehaEuroparl8 Europarl8
Following the reinstatement of the Ukrainian Constitution of 2004, presidential as well as parliamentary elections were successfully held on 25 May 2014 and 26 October 2014, respectively.
Mitte, et ma midagi teha saaksinnot-set not-set
(2) Following the reinstatement of the Ukrainian constitution of 2004, presidential as well as parliamentary elections were successfully held on 25 May 2014 and 26 October 2014, respectively.
üks tualettruum eluruumiüksuse või kuue laevapere liikme kohta; seda peab saama värske õhuga ventileeridaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
During the 2012 Ukrainian parliamentary election, Klitschko was elected (he was top candidate on UDAR's party list) into the Ukrainian parliament; when his party won 40 seats.
MSPVAd:MSPVAd’ e manustamisel võib mõnedel patsientidel väheneda tiasiiddiureetikumide diureetiline, natriureetiline ja antihüpertensiivne toimeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Calls for free, fair, transparent and nationwide elections with OSCE-ODIHR observation and reiterates its readiness to set up its own mission for this same purpose; invites the Ukrainian authorities to do their utmost to encourage high levels of voter participation in the presidential elections, including in the eastern and southern parts of the country; reiterates its call on the Ukrainian authorities to conduct parliamentary elections in accordance with the Venice Commission recommendations and supports the adoption of a proportional voting system that would facilitate proper representation of the local circumstances in the country; stresses the importance of the parliament and its members, at both central and local level, abiding by the rule of law;
nägemishäire, konjunktiivi hüpereemia, kuivsilmsuseurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Expresses continued support for the European aspirations of the Ukrainian people; regrets that the recent parliamentary elections did not constitute meaningful progress in advancing Ukraine’s credentials in this regard; stresses that the EU remains committed to working with Ukraine, including civil society (NGOs, religious organisations, etc.), in order to improve democratic institutions, strengthen the rule of law, ensure media freedom and advance essential economic reforms;
riik järgib ohtlike kaupade ohutu vedamisega seotud rahvusvahelisi õigusakte, eriti SOLASi ja Chicago konventsiooni, mis tõendab tegeliku ning tõhusa kontrolli olemasolu ohtlike kaupade mere- ja õhuvedude üleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The European Union – and you can do this – should be taking a firm stance against this bad, undemocratic overture to the 2012 Ukrainian parliamentary elections; maintaining our own political values in the face of authoritarian tendencies in Ukraine.
Ma tahaksin rääkida Milliga vanilla grupistParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
whereas Alexey Navalny, a prominent opposition leader, has been charged and condemned on the basis of forged evidence, and is subject to continued intimidation and harassment, including through the imprisonment of his brother; whereas the Progress Party he chairs is being prevented from participating in the next parliamentary elections; whereas Nadia Savchenko, a Member of the Ukrainian Rada, is being illegally detained in Russia, in breach of international law;
Ei...Nad küll ehmatavad mind, agaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas the so-called ‘presidential and parliamentary elections’ held in Donetsk and Luhansk on 2 November 2014 were in breach of Ukrainian law and the Minsk agreements, and therefore cannot be recognised; whereas the holding of these elections has had a detrimental impact on the peace and reconciliation process;
Ei üldse midagiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ukrainian citizens living or temporarily staying in Estonia voted in Sunday's parliamentary elections at the Ukrainian Embassy in Tallinn on Sunday.
Sage: vähemalt #... # patsiendil #-st; Aeg-ajalt: vähemalt #... # patsiendil #-st; Teadmata: olemasolevad andmed ei võimalda sageduse hindamistParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Underlines that whilst the EU-Ukraine Agreement has been initialled, its signature and ratification can only happen if Ukraine fulfils the necessary requirements, that is, if it ensures respect for minority rights, enforces the rule of law – by strengthening the stability, independence and effectiveness of the institutions that guarantee it – and by showing respect for the rights – and ending the persecution – of the opposition, thus establishing a truly pluralistic democracy; calls on the VP/HR and the Commission to guarantee sufficient financial means to support the additional election monitoring missions planned for the upcoming parliamentary elections in Ukraine; calls on the Ukrainian Parliament to amend the penal code, which dates back to Soviet times, by removing criminal sanctions for clear political acts carried out by state functionaries acting in an official capacity;
Pärast selle tähtaja möödumist otsustab pank omal äranägemisel nende dokumentide avalikustamise lubamise vastavalt eespool nimetatud eeskirjade artiklileEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Regrets the fact that election rules remain an ongoing subject of discussion; endorses the need to improve the electoral framework and is encouraged by the work done in cooperation with EU and OSCE experts in developing a draft new Electoral Code; notes that a draft for a Unified Electoral Code has now been tabled for adoption in the Verkhovna Rada; emphasises that the transparency of the electoral process is contingent on the clarity of the legal framework; calls on the Ukrainian authorities to ensure that the legislation is finalised in good time, well ahead of the parliamentary elections in 2012;
Teema: Prügila Serres (Salerno) ühenduse tähtsusega ala lähedalEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Reiterates its commitment to the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders of Ukraine, and its right to make a European choice; reiterates that the international community will not recognise the illegal annexing of Crimea and Sevastopol or the attempts at creating quasi-republics in Donbas; welcomes the EU decision to prohibit imports originating from Crimea unless accompanied by a certificate of origin from the Ukrainian authorities; condemns, furthermore, the enforced ‘passportisation’ of Ukrainian citizens in Crimea, the persecution of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars, and the threats made by the self-proclaimed leaders against Crimean citizens who expressed their interest in voting in the upcoming parliamentary elections;
Saksamaa väidab, et paljude uutes liidumaades ja Berliini tööturualal tegutsevate elamuühingute ja-ühistute kapitalipuudus, mis tuleneb tühjana seisvate korterite tõttu saamata jäänud sissetulekust ja turu suhtelisest killustatusest, ohustab Saksamaa valitsuse ja liidumaade poolt vajalikuks peetud lammutusprogrammi, sest ettevõtjad ei suuda tasuda ettenähtud osa lammutuskuludestEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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