cause for concern principle oor Estnies

cause for concern principle

Principle connected with the precautionary principle: it means that, if there are strong reasons for expecting serious or irreversible damage to the environment following a given project, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation. Critics of this approach are concerned about large commitments of resources to deal with vaguely defined problems. (Source: GILP96a)

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Principle connected with the precautionary principle: it means that, if there are strong reasons for expecting serious or irreversible damage to the environment following a given project, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation. Critics of this approach are concerned about large commitments of resources to deal with vaguely defined problems. (Source: GILP96a)

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The possibility of the Portuguese Minister for Health reviewing the administrative decision is provided for in Article 4(5), but this gives no cause for concern in principle, provided that the person making the request retains the possibility of challenging that decision in the courts.
Samuti on tal # miljoni Poola zloti suurune hüpoteek TB kinnisvarale ning ta on võtnud välja äriühingu varale seatud rahalise pandi väärtusega #,# miljonit Poola zlottiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In their current form, the proposed policy orientations give no cause for concern regarding compliance with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, as the objectives of the proposed actions cannot be achieved by the Member States alone.
Portugal selgitas, et see on Cordexi jaoks esimene rahvusvahelise tegevuse kogemus ning et Cordex ei omanud eelnevaid teadmisi Brasiilia turu kohtaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Furthermore, there is no cause for concern with regard to the principle of legal certainty in seeing sufficient exercise of the option in the second indent of Article 3(2) of the Parent-Subsidiary Directive in Article 198(10) of the Income Tax Code.
Komisjon edastab väärtuse vähendamise üldsummad toodete lõikes asjaomastele liikmesriikidele, et võimaldada nende summade kandmist liikmesriikide viimasesse EAGFile esitatavasse igakuisesse kuludeklaratsioonieurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Naturally the fact that some of these countries are not abiding by the same basic principles with us politically is a cause for some concern.
Komisjoni määrus (EÜ) nr #/#, #. juuli #, millega Hispaania lipu all sõitvatel laevadel keelatakse hariliku makrelli püük VIIIc, IX, X ja CECAF #.#.# EÜ vete püügipiirkonnasEuroparl8 Europarl8
1 This reference for a preliminary ruling concerns the principle of and the conditions governing the non-contractual liability of Member States for damage caused to individuals by a breach of Community law where that breach is attributable to a national court.
Kehtiva mitmeaastase finantsraamistikuga (#–#) nähti algselt ette # miljoni euro suurune summaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
22 As it is the person reproducing a work, for his own private use, without seeking the prior consent of the rightholder concerned who causes harm to the rightholder, in principle, it is for that person to make good that harm by financing the compensation which will be paid to the rightholder (see, to that effect, judgment in Padawan, EU:C:2010:620, paragraph 45, and International Sales and Others, EU:C:2013:515, paragraph 23).
Teeksid video?Kas sa tuleksid?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The requirement to specify a single State of residence does not, therefore, in principle cause the person concerned to be disadvantaged, as she was also able to apply in Germany for aggregation of the periods in respect of which contributions were paid in Poland.
Võibolla mitteEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whilst the conditions under which a Member State is obliged to make reparation for the damage caused to individuals by infringements of Community law that are attributable to that State have been laid down directly by the Court, (61) it is, on the other hand, indeed on the basis of the rules of national law on liability that the State must make reparation for the consequences of the damage caused, provided that the conditions, particularly relating to time‐limits, laid down by national law concerning reparation for damage respect the principles of equivalence and effectiveness.
ettevõtja Cemex: tegutseb tsemendi, valmissegatud betooni ja sellega seotud toodete tootmisega ja müügigaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
34 By these questions, which it is appropriate to examine together, the referring court seeks guidance on, in particular, the principles laid down by the Court concerning the liability of a Member State for damage caused to individuals as a result of an infringement of EU law by a national court adjudicating at final instance.
Käibemaksu hüvitamise kava abil antakse omavalitsusüksustele tagasi peamiselt nende kohustuslike ülesannete teostamiseks ostetud kaupadelt ja teenustelt tasutud sisendkäibemaksEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
in writing. - (PT) Although arguments can be made in favour of the concept of a greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system, since there is concern about chemical alterations in the atmosphere which may impact on the climate (precautionary principle) and as there are limited sources of fossil fuels and a lack of rationality in their consumption, there are aspects that give cause for concern.
võttes arvesse kodukorra artiklitEuroparl8 Europarl8
However, the EP position concerning the national measures for non-prepacked food (am 184), accepts the principle of the provision of information on presence of ingredients containing substances that may cause allergies or intolerances (allergenic ingredients).
Ukraina ametiasutused on teavitanud komisjoni talitusi sellest, et on loodud asjakohane kontrollisüsteem tagamaks, et ükski Euroopa Liitu eksporditud päevalilleõli saadetis ei sisalda mineraalõli, mis muudaks päevalilleõli inimtoiduks kõlbmatuksEurLex-2 EurLex-2
That principle applies where refugees enter or are present without authorisation, provided the persons concerned present themselves without delay to the authorities and are able to show good cause for their illegal entry or presence.
Kuhu sa lähed?eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The current reflection takes place against a backdrop of developments that have cast a serious shadow over the EU Russia relationship: the violation of Georgia's territorial integrity with the use of force, and Russia's unilateral recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia remain unacceptable, while the principles of foreign policy recently articulated including the resurgence of spheres of influence, is a cause for concern.
Komisjoni otsus, #. aprill #, finantskoolituse eksperdirühma moodustamise kohtaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
93 Thus, it is for each Member State to ensure that individuals obtain reparation for loss and damage caused to them by non-compliance with EU law, whichever public authority is responsible for the breach and whichever public authority is in principle, under the law of the Member State concerned, responsible for making reparation (judgment of 25 November 2010, Fuß, C‐429/09, EU:C:2010:717, paragraph 46 and the case-law cited).
Happelisuse kohandamiseks võib olla kasutatud naatriumhüdroksiidi või soolhapetEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Although the right to be heard is, in principle, guaranteed beforehand for any person that may be concerned by an act capable of causing injury, the surprise effect which must be present in the implementation of restrictive measures may prevail over the requirement to communicate beforehand the inculpatory evidence and over the right to be heard during the procedure for adoption of the act in question.
Lepingusse tuleb lisada komisjoni #. aprilli #. aasta määrus (EÜ) nr #, millega lubatakse teatavaid mikroorganisme söötades ajutiselt kasutada. [#]EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The signed agreement introduced a new Article (27) in the GCU concerning the principle of liability in the case of damage caused by a wagon, in order to achieve a better balance and provide more clarity for the whole sector in the event of damage caused by a wagon.
Põllumajandustootjate otsetoetuskavade ühiseeskirjad ühise põllumajanduspoliitika raames *Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
whereas the more autonomous robots are, the less they can be considered to be simple tools in the hands of other actors (such as the manufacturer, the operator, the owner, the user, etc.); whereas this, in turn, questions whether the ordinary rules on liability are sufficient or whether it calls for new principles and rules to provide clarity on the legal liability of various actors concerning responsibility for the acts and omissions of robots where the cause cannot be traced back to a specific human actor and whether the acts or omissions of robots which have caused harm could have been avoided;
kolbampull (klaas) eeltäidetud pensüstelisEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
71 Secondly, the action for compensation for damage allegedly caused by a sufficiently serious infringement of the principle of equal treatment by the Commission in Decision C(2007) 5791 is barred in so far as it concerns the material and non-material damage allegedly sustained before 19 November 2010.
Kui te seda ust ei ava, siis maksab ta selle eest kõrget hindaeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
These provisions must be construed, in accordance with their objective, as meaning that the acquisition of the right to leave may not in principle be made subject to circumstances the causes of which lie outside the sphere of influence of the worker concerned on the grounds, for instance, that they are the result of natural occurrences or constitute cases of force majeure.
Gröönimaa taotluse aluseks oli tõsiasi, et teatavatel ajavahemikel aastas ei ole võimalik tarnida piisavalt päritolustaatusega krevetilisiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The proposed regulation sets the general principles and describes the main contents of the related data collections in Annexes I to V for the 5 domains concerned, namely statistics on health status and health determinants, health care, causes of death, accidents at work as well as occupational diseases and other work-related health problems and illnesses.
(DE) Lugupeetud juhataja, daamid ja härrad! Oma raportiga Euroopa Liidu välistegevuse kultuurilise mõõtme kohta väljendab Euroopa Parlament soovi seda arenevat poliitikavaldkonda mõjutada.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The proposed regulation sets the general principles and describes the main contents of the related data collection in its Annexes I to V for the 5 domains concerned, namely statistics on health status and health determinants, health care, causes of death, accidents at work as well as occupational diseases and other work-related health problems and illnesses.
Ta on # aastaneEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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