complex oor Estnies


/kəmˈplɛks/, /ˈkɒm.plɛks/, /ˈkɑmplɛks/ werkwoord, naamwoord, adjektief
Made up of multiple parts; intricate or detailed.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Estnies


in chemistry
Member States should ensure that no conflicting uses of the complex are permitted during this time.
Liikmesriigid peaksid tagama, et selle aja jooksul ei ole lubatud asjaomase kompleksi konkureeriv kasutus.


The only function of this complex molecule is to store and copy information.
Selle keerulise molekuli ainus otstarve on mahutada ja paljundada infot.


It would indeed by extremely useful to have guidelines for this complex and changeable sector.
Kõnealuses kompleksses ja muutlikus sektoris oleks tõepoolest vaja suuniseid.


It is complex, because our Union is complex - it is a Union of Member States, a Union of citizens.
Leping on kompleksne, sest Euroopa Liit on kompleksne - see on liikmesriikide liit, kodanike liit.


Such requirements make the system complex, inflexible and ineffective.
Sellised nõuded muudavad süsteemi keerukaks, paindumatuks ja ebatõhusaks.
Glosbe Research

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complex number
Kompleksarv · kompleksarv
complex type
persecution complex
complex idea
complexing agent
bog complex
agroindustrial complex
coordination complex
complex transition


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
111 The appellants also submit that a justification for the proposition that the Commission enjoys a margin of appreciation should not be sought in the Commission’s alleged superior expertise in evaluating complex factual or economic matters.
kõiki andmeid juhendite kohta, mis on seotud hooldusega, pideva või korralise järelevalve, reguleerimisega ja korrashoiugaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
To sum up, there are many difficult and complex problems in Tajikistan and throughout the region.
kas tapmine ja tükeldamine on leidnud aset selleks tunnustatud ettevõtetesEuroparl8 Europarl8
Such complex sculpturing enables seeds to catch the slightest wind current and ride thermos traveling long distances from their mother plants.
Kas sa arvad, et tal juhtuski nii?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractionation of the full-range straight-run naphtha.
Ma tapan nad puha maha!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
K. whereas health services, which are excluded from the Commission communication on SSGIs, are also SSGIs, and share the same characteristics and objectives; recognising, however, the special features arising from the complex organisation of health services and the financial burden they place on the Member States' public authorities,
Tänu massöörile, sain ma peavõiduEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Due to the complex and interrelated nature of such challenges, the solutions supported by the ESI Funds should be of an integrated nature, multi-sectoral and multi-dimensional.
Käesoleva teatise eesmärk on eelkõige selgitada seda, kuidas EFTA järelevalveamet kavatseb teha koostööd EFTA riikide konkurentsiasutustega EMP lepingu artiklite # ja # kohaldamisel üksikjuhtumite suhtes ning kuidas on kavandatud koostöö EFTA konkurentsiasutuste võrgustikusnot-set not-set
The Commission’s impact assessment of this Regulation demonstrates that GSP rules of origin are perceived as too complex and too restrictive.
See kõlab rohkem, nagu plaan P, kas pole?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
6. ‘storage complex’ means the storage site and surrounding geological domain which can have an effect on overall storage integrity and security; that is, secondary containment formations;
Toote asendatavuse puudumine tuleb kinnitada nii nõudluse kui pakkumise poolel, enne kui saab järeldada, et see ei ole ühegi olemasoleva turu osaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(4) Reforms are by their very nature complex processes that require a complete chain of highly-specialised knowledge and skills as well as a long-term vision.
Rangemad tingimused kehtivad delikaatsete andmete, st selliste isikuandmete puhul, mis paljastavad rassilise või etnilise päritolu, poliitilised vaated, usulised või filosoofilised veendumused, ametiühingusse kuulumise, ning tervislikku seisundit või seksuaalelu käsitlevate andmete puhul (direktiivi artikkelnot-set not-set
A compounding factor is the fact that for a European company to obtain a waiver from the US Department of the Treasury involves extremely difficult and complex procedures, often more difficult than those for American companies.
See töö ei ole nii raskenot-set not-set
Naphthenic oils (petroleum), complex dewaxed heavy; Base oil — unspecified
Kui algataja või, kui see on asjakohane, vahendaja tegutseb mõnes muus Euroopa Majanduspiirkonna riigis, loetakse varaga tagatud väärtpabereid kõlblikeks üksnes juhul, kui eurosüsteem veendub, et tema õigused on vastava Euroopa Majanduspiirkonda kuuluva riigi seaduste kohaselt ja eurosüsteemile vastuvõetavalt tagasinõudmisega seotud sätete vastu kaitstudEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Recalls that one of the main criticisms directed at cohesion policy relates to the complexity of its rules; insists on the importance of cross-financing and of simplifying the rules and procedures of this policy, on reducing complexity and administrative burdens, and on a more transparent and effective allocation of resources to cities, municipalities and regions; stresses that the audit and control systems should comply with the highest standards, so that abuses can be caught and promptly sanctioned; emphasises that the frequency of checks should be commensurate with the risk of irregularities in keeping with the proportionality principle;
Selgitan välja, kas sa räägid tõttEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Points out that it rejected as too complex the system of rotating voting rights applicable to decisions of the Governing Council as adopted in 2003; considers, with a view to future enlargements of the euro zone, that a system should be introduced which combines fairness and effectiveness; recalls its resolution calling for an ECB board of nine members, which would be in charge of monetary policy, thus replacing the cumbersome system existing now and avoiding the even more complex solution decided upon for the future; urges that the Treaty be changed accordingly;
kutsub komisjoni üles koguma ja levitama parimaid tavasid töökeskkonna poliitika kohta, mis võimaldavad tõhusamat töö ja eraelu vahelist tasakaalu, ning mis hõlmavad ka meetmeid, mis edendavad meeste suuremat osalemist perekonnaelus; kutsub liikmesriike ja sotsiaalpartnereid üles võtma vajalikke meetmeid, et oleks võimalik osaliselt tõkestades ja osaliselt sekkudes võidelda seksuaalse ja moraalse ahistamise vastu töökohal; toonitab, et naisi tuleb nende ametialases karjääris toetada; nõuab komisjonilt ja liikmesriikidelt meetmete võtmist, et vähendada naiste ja meeste vahelist palgaerinevust ning edendada nii vanemapuhkust meestele kui ka isapuhkustnot-set not-set
(A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating slack wax with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst.
Ettepanek võtta vastu Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu määrus kõrgtehnoloogiliste ravimite ning direktiivi #/#/EÜ ja määruse (EÜ) nr #/# muutmise kohta (KOM#- C#-#/#- #/#(CODEurLex-2 EurLex-2
First, on the level of overall administrative control, the direction of the Chinese economy is governed by a complex system of industrial planning which affects all economic activities within the country.
Kas määruse (EÜ) nr #/# artikli # lõike # punkti a tuleb tõlgendada nii, et õigusvastase jäljendamise või seoste tekitamisega on tegemist üksnes siis, kui seda tehakse kaitstud traditsioonilise nimetusega samas keeles?Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Recalls that, in the previous discharge resolution, Parliament called upon the Commission to clarify the breakdown of the Commissioners' responsibilities as regards the EDF and external aid; is conscious of the Commission's position that the division of responsibilities, despite a certain complexity due to the need for coordination of different Commission services, works well in practice; nevertheless, calls upon the Commission to reflect on possible ways to simplify the current management structure in order to minimise the risk of ambiguities as regards responsibilities for the EDF
Ja et sa ajasid teda taga # minutit kuni ta kadusoj4 oj4
Furthermore, it is very complex to distinguish the effects of different factors at stake in the evolution of the insurance market and to correctly estimate the specific influence of the unisex premium factor on price or product development.
Puit, sealhulgas saepuru või muud puidust saadud materjalid, mida on töödeldud puidukonservantidega nagu on määratletud Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu direktiivi #/EÜ V lisas. [#]EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a heavy naphthenic distillate solvent extract with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst.
See näitab hästi turu tollast negatiivset hoiakut Alitalia suhtes ja juhtkonna sellest tehtavaid järeldusiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as a raffinate from a sulfuric acid process.
Liikmesriigid võivad lubada koristada kiu tootmiseks kasvatatavat kanepit pärast õitsemise algust, kuid enne õitsemisperioodile järgneva #päevase ajavahemiku lõppu, tingimusel et inspektorid viitavad iga maatüki tüüpilistele osadele, millel tuleb # lisas sätestatud korras jätkata kontrolli eesmärgil kultuuride kasvatamist kuni # päeva jooksul pärast õitsemisperioodiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, it is widely recognised that the regional and multilateral dimensions of the Barcelona Process need to be improved to respond to the needs of complex and evolving political, economic, social and cultural relations involving 35 partners and the European Commission.
enne seda muudatust oli möödunud seaduses ettenähtud #päevane maksu tagastamise tähtaeg ja sõltumata revisjoni algatamisest hakkasid tagastamisele kuuluvalt summalt jooksma intressidEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the case of single-pilot high performance complex aeroplanes, when a skill test or proficiency check is performed in multi-pilot operations, the type rating shall be restricted to multi-pilot operations.
kliendiliini ühendused (sealhulgas füüsiliselt dubleeritud kaablidEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission was not and could not have been aware at the starting point of the investigation of the complex set of data and figures related to injury indicators at the beginning of the investigation.
Roger, enesekindlus ei sobi sulleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Welcomes the Commission’s initiative to present in 2011 a proposal to address the question of cost allocation of technologically complex or cross-border projects, as this is considered one of the main barriers to the development of cross-border infrastructure and a new financial instrument to back priority projects during 2014-2020;
Loodus- ja kultuurivarade uuenduslik edendamine maapiirkondades, eriti hõredalt asustatud aladel, võimaliku jätkusuutliku turismi arendamise eesmärgilEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(The complex combination obtained from the depentaniser stabilisation of hydrotreated kerosine.
Copper complex
Ta arvab sul olevat maas ässadeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
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