during oor Estnies


/ˈd(j)ʊərɪŋ/, /ˈdʒʊəɹɪŋ/, /ˈdjʊəɹɪŋ/, /ˈdʊəɹɪŋ/ werkwoord, pre / adposition
For all of a given time interval.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Estnies


pre / adposition
for all of a given time interval
The cylinders may leak but not rupture, during the cycling.
Balloonid võivad survetsüklite jooksul lekkida, kuid mitte rebeneda.


pre / adposition
within a given time interval
I'm proud of what I achieved during my rioting.
Ma olen selle üle uhke, mida ma rahutuste sees korda saatsin.


I got married during the war - and had two children when I was on leave.
Ma abiellusin sõja ajal ning mulle sündisid puhkuse ajal kaks last.


Overall, the level of imports from Croatia has remained very low during the whole period considered.
Kokkuvõttes jäid Horvaatia impordimahud väikseks kogu vaatlusaluse perioodi kestel.
Indrek Hein

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(rare) English surname.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Estnies

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
This inspection took place from # November to # December #; the purpose of the inspection was to evaluate whether the competent authority for civil aviation of Bulgaria was prepared to implement the common rules in the field of aviation safety that shall enter into force in Bulgaria as of # January #, and to evaluate the progress made in the implementation of the corrective actions submitted by that authority after the first visit of EASA to address safety shortcomings established during that visit
Euroopa Kohtu (neljas koda) #. jaanuari #. aasta määrus kohtuasjas C-#/# P: José Luis Zuazaga Meabe versus Siseturu Ühtlustamise Amet (kaubamärgid ja tööstusdisainilahendused) (Apellatsioonkaebus- Ühenduse kaubamärk- Tühistamishagi- Vastuvõetamatus hilinemise tõttu- Ilmselt põhjendamata apellatsioonkaebusoj4 oj4
This implies that reporting agents retain all risks and rewards of the underlying securities during the operation.
Et seda mõtet selgemalt väljendada, tuleks Euroopa andmekaitseinspektori hinnangul muuta artikli #a lõike # punkti c lõpposa järgnevalt: ... üksnes käesoleva määruse eesmärkide saavutamiseksEurLex-2 EurLex-2
An auxiliary emission control strategy (AECS) that operates within the conditions of use specified in section and which results in the use of a different or modified emission control strategy (ECS) to that normally employed during the applicable emission test cycles will be permitted if, in complying with the requirements of section 6.1.7, it is fully demonstrated that the measure does not permanently reduce the effectiveness of the emission control system.
Üks teie seast peab seda tegemaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Conversely, during 2009, the supply of milk did not adjust promptly to lower demand.
Üks teie omadest?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The flow rate of the stock solution should be calibrated in accordance with analytical confirmation of the test solutions before the initiation of exposure, and checked volumetrically periodically during the test.
Hea küll, Ma tulen kohe allaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The dumping margin for exports of SiC from Russia during the IP was found to be below the de minimis threshold of Article 9(3) of the basic Regulation.
Kas sa arvad, et tal juhtuski nii?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(54) According to the information on file, Croatia had, at most, a spare capacity of ca. 120 000 tons during the RIP.
Tere tulemast KONTROLLiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Real costs recorded means the real costs for the physical operations referred to in Annex V which took place during the reference period, on the basis of either individual invoices for these operations or a contract signed to cover them
Kas siseriiklikud sätted, mille kohaselt on tööandjad #. detsembri #. aasta programmseaduse artiklite #-# alusel kohustatud esitama ja säilitama arvukaid personalidokumente ning võidakse nad nimetatud sätetest mittekinnipidamise eest kriminaalvastutusele võtta või võidakse neile määrata haldustrahv ja tsiviilõiguslikud sanktsioonid, on kooskõlas ühenduse õigusnormidega ja nõukogu #. detsembri #. aasta direktiiviga #/#/EÜ, eriti [selle direktiivi lisas oleva raamkokkuleppe] klausli # lõike # punktiga a, mille kohaselt peaksid liikmesriigid osalise tööajaga ja täistööajaga töötajate mittediskrimineerimise põhimõtte kohaselt pärast konsulteerimist tööturu osapooltega vastavalt siseriiklikule seadusele ja tavale identifitseerima ja üle vaatama õiguslikku ja halduslikku laadi takistused, mis võivad piirata osalise tööajaga töötamise võimalusi, ning vajaduse korral need kõrvaldama?oj4 oj4
Reiterates its support for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism and its appreciation of the UPR’s valuable work, and calls on members to actively prepare their UPR, including by involving civil society, to engage in the interactive dialogue during the UPR session and in the debates on the adoption of the UPR outcomes, to implement the UPR recommendations and to take concrete measures to improve and uphold the fulfilment of their human rights obligations;
Kavandatud toetused piiritletakse IDA-töökavas iga asjakohase IDA-projekti või-võrgu ja jooksva eelarveaasta kohta, kusjuures märgitakse nende ülemmäärad, IDA-projektidest ja IDA-võrkudest eeldatavasti saadav kasu, saavutatavad eesmärgid, liikmesriikides toetust saavad haldusasutused ja sellistest toetustest rahastatavad ülesandedEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(1a) Member States shall ensure that a safety case and a supporting safety assessment are prepared as part of the application for a licence to carry on a radioactive waste management activity or to operate a disposal facility located on EU territory, and that they are updated as necessary over the period during which the activity or facility subsists.
Liikmesriigid teatavad komisjonile #. veebruariks # esimese lõigu kohaldamiseks võetud meetmetestEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Article means a man-made object containing or composed of substance(s) and/or preparation(s) which during production is given a specific shape, surface or design relevant for its use function
An asset created by an entity's performance does not have an alternative use to an entity if the entity is either restricted contractually from readily directing the asset for another use during the creation or enhancement of that asset or limited practically from readily directing the asset in its completed state for another use.
Seaduse tagasiulatuva mõju keelu rikkumine, kuna hageja kanti nimekirja, tuginedes # aastat tagasi toimunud sündmustelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The EDF accounts shall be accompanied by a report on financial management during the preceding year containing an accurate description of:
Faktuurarve väljastanud äriühingu ametniku nimi ja ametEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(5) During liquidation of a contractual fund, the depositary may only conclude transactions on behalf of the fund which are necessary for liquidation of the fund.
Jookse, Tommy!University of Tartu University of Tartu
A lot has been said during this particular debate about the countries most involved: Italy and France.
Amet esitab oma arvamuse kolme kuu jooksul alates selle taotluse saamisest pärast komisjoniga konsulteerimistEuroparl8 Europarl8
The hazard record shall include all hazards, together with all related safety measures and system assumptions identified during the risk assessment process.
Kui piirkondliku avaliku halduse kool hakkab täie hooga tegutsema, on väga oluline, et kohalikud ja piirkondlikud esindajad saaksid koolitusprogrammides osaledaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Second and third questions: substitution of a producer as defendant during the proceedings
väljendab sügavat muret asjaolu pärast, et vaimsete puuetega inimesi peetakse omavoliliselt vaimuhaiglates kinni ning et paljudes vaimuhaiglates ja muudes vaimsete puuetega inimeste hooldeasutustes ei vasta tingimused nõuetele ja puudub asjakohane ravi; kutsub Rumeeniat üles kiiremas korras nimetatud olukorraga tegelema ning tagama, et haiglatel ja asutustel oleksid piisavad vahendid raviks ja elamistingimuste loomiseksEurLex-2 EurLex-2
– have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State and assure the relevant national authority, by means of a declaration or by such equivalent means as they may choose, that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence; or
See mees on täiesti seganeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Pacific States will continue efforts to this end, with a view to implementation at an early stage during the life of this Agreement.
Radaripildi katkematuse võib saavutada kahel moel: kas katkematu kuvamisega või pildi perioodilise uuendamisegaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If during Eurojust's information processing activities in respect of an individual investigation, Eurojust or a Member State identifies the necessity for coordination, cooperation or support in accordance with the mandate of Europol, Eurojust shall notify them thereof and shall initiate the procedure for sharing the information, in accordance with the decision of the Member State providing the information.
Liikmesriigid võivad kohaldada # ja # jaotises sätestatud süsteemi oma jurisdiktsiooni piiresnot-set not-set
For service contracts subject to a right of withdrawal, the consumer shall bear no cost for services performed, in full or in part, during the withdrawal period.
Kui nõuete täitmist ei tagata kuue kuu jooksul alates artikli # lõikes # osutatud kuupäevast, ei saa elektronrahaasutus pärast kõnealust kuupäeva vastastikusttunnustamist kasutadaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Progression to a level where hearing criteria are not met during period of certificate is very unlikely
Kõik on korrasEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The consumption of SBS in the Community decreased by 7 % during the period considered.
Maisi-, nisu-, kartuli-, riisitärklise või purustatud riisist saadud tärklise tonni kohta antav toetus arvutatakse muu hulgas järgmiste hindade erinevuse põhjalEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The rate is EUR 1 000 per person / month and was budgeted for 11 months (average figures, as the actual amounts depend on each worker's salary prior to the dismissal and the period during which each worker remains in the active measures).
Neid pole juba väga palju aastaid olnudEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The identity of breakdown products formed which at any time during the study are present in quantities ≥ 10 % of the active substance added, a mass balance to account for at least 90 % of the applied radioactivity, as well as photochemical halflife must be reported.
Nende eraldiste tagamine samaväärsete ja vastavuses olevate varadega ning nende varade asukoht on kõnealuse liikmesriigi järelevalve all vastavalt tema eeskirjadele või tavadeleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
208 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.