headteacher oor Estnies


The most senior teacher in a school.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Estnies


In the absence of a good reason to do so, however, the headteacher declined that request.
Gümnaasiumi direktor lükkas aga selle taotluse kaaluka põhjuse puudumise tõttu tagasi.
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Thereupon, on 1 July 2004, she informed the headteacher that she wished to take child-care leave only from 11 August 2004 to 22 December 2004 and requested that the decision granting her child-care leave be amended accordingly.
Kauba kirjeldusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The first sentence of the first subparagraph of Article 27(2) of the Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools must be interpreted as not precluding an act carried out by the headteacher of a European school in the exercise of his powers from coming, in principle, within the scope of that provision.
Komisjoni otsus, #. juuli #, milles käsitletakse toiduohutuse, loomade tervise ja heaolu ning zootehnika valdkondi käsitlevate uuringute, mõju hindamiste ja muud liiki hindamiste rahastamistEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Points 1.3, 3.2 and 3.4 of the Conditions of Employment for Part-time Teachers recruited between 1 September 1994 and 31 August 2011 must be interpreted as meaning that a dispute concerning the legality of an agreement on limiting the duration of the employment relationship included in the employment contract concluded between a part-time teacher and that headteacher comes within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Complaints Board of the European Schools.
Kui sõiduk tuleb etappide vahel teisaldada järgmisele katsealale, tehakse seda lükates (ilma uue laadimisetaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Their teaching contracts, signed by the headteacher of that school, were concluded for a fixed term of one year.
Nii, nagu sa jätsid ka tema?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
On 3 May 2004, the headteacher granted her request for child-care leave for the period 11 August 2004 to 4 June 2005 to care for her first child born on 24 August 2003.
Teisest küljest tulenes tähtajalisus de facto tõsiasjast, et BAKred aktsepteeris kapitali esimese taseme omavahenditena ja kogu summat oli võimalik rakendada äritegevuse laiendamiseksEurLex-2 EurLex-2
lay down the Service Regulations for the Secretary-General, the Headteachers, the teaching staff and, in accordance with Article 9 (1) (a), for the administrative and ancillary staff;
jaanuari #. aasta halduskokkuleppe artikli # lõiked # ja # sotsiaalkindlustuse üldkonventsiooni sätete rakendamise kohta (põllumajandustöötajate ravikindlustusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
By decision of 19 August 2004, the headteacher again refused her request, indicating that her new pregnancy did not constitute a good reason to amend the duration of the child-care leave period previously granted.
Süüdi selles, et oled samasugune, nagu need teisedkiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Is the first sentence of Article 27(2) of the SES to be interpreted as meaning that that provision also covers the legality of any act, based on the Convention or on the rules made under it, which is performed in relation to part-time teachers by the headteacher of a school in the exercise of his powers as specified by that Convention and which adversely affects such teachers?
Viljelus, töötlemine, transport ja jaotamine kokkuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Is the first sentence of Article 27(2) of the SES to be interpreted as meaning that the Complaints Board referred to therein has exclusive jurisdiction in the first and final instance, once all administrative channels have been exhausted, in any dispute relating to the fixed-term nature of a contract of employment which the headteacher of a school concludes with a part-time teacher if that contract is essentially based on the requirement of the Board of Governors in point 1.3 of the Conditions of Employment for Part-time Teachers recruited after 31 August 1994, which provides for ‘annual contracts’?
Seevastu tunnistavad Prantsusmaa ametiasutused, et kolmas vastuväide, milles sedastatakse, et võlakirjade emissioon ei ole ainuke nõuete loomise instrument, on asjakohane, ehkki La Poste’i puhul piiratud ulatusega, kuna rahaline võlg on La Poste’i peamiseks võlaks ning koosneb väga suures ulatuses võlakirjadestEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Is the first sentence of Article 27(2) of the SES to be interpreted as meaning that the conclusion of a contract between the headteacher of a European School and a part-time teacher concerning the fixed-term nature of the part-time teacher’s employment relationship also constitutes an act which is performed by the headteacher in relation to that part-time teacher and which adversely affects the latter?
Keerasin talle paraja jama kokkuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
16 According to point 2 of the Conditions of Employment for Part-time Teachers, the headteacher may recruit teachers to meet a temporary need.
Ma võtsin nad mahaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Each School shall be administered by the Administrative Board and managed by the Headteacher.
ei kasutata raskeid kütteõlisid, mille väävlisisaldus ületab #% massistEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Is the first sentence of the first subparagraph of Article 27(2) of the Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools to be interpreted as meaning that the Complaints Board referred to therein has exclusive jurisdiction in the first and final instance, once all administrative channels have been exhausted, in any dispute relating to the fixed-term nature of a contract of employment which the headteacher of a school concludes with a part-time teacher if that contract is essentially based on the requirement of the Board of Governors in point 1.3 of the Conditions of Employment for Part-time Teachers, which provides for “annual contracts”?’
Te päästsite mu eluEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the Headteacher of the School;
Kui vedu, mille suhtes kohaldatakse ühenduse transiidiprotseduuri, algab ühenduse tolliterritooriumil ja peab seal ka lõppema, esitatakse lähtetolliasutusele TR-saatelehtEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Points 1.3, 3.2 and 3.4 of the Conditions of Employment for Part-time Teachers must be interpreted as meaning that a dispute concerning the legality of an agreement on limiting the duration of the employment relationship included in the employment contract concluded between a part-time teacher and that headteacher comes within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Complaints Board of the European Schools.
Veise homoloogilise võrdleva antiseerumi kaks kahekordse lahjendusega seeriatEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the absence of a good reason to do so, however, the headteacher declined that request.
Nad ütlesid meile, et meil oleks laenupõhine majandus, siis aga nad katkestavad selle, kui saavad meid keerata ümber oma sõrme ja on purustanud majanduse, selleks et konsolideerida seda.Seda nad teevadki praeguEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As this area is decentralised, it is up to headteachers to define the way in which it is organised and the strategies to be followed in combating early school leaving and to present an annual analysis, based on DEP data, of the situation of unqualified school leavers and the policies to be implemented by the central administration.
Taotlus kohaldada nimetatud üksikute äriühingute jaoks ettenähtud dumpinguvastase tollimaksu määrasid (näiteks pärast juriidilise isiku ärinime muutmist või uue tootmis-või müügiüksuse loomist) tuleb viivitamata saata komisjonile[#] koos kogu asjaomase teabega, eelkõige muudatuste kohta äriühingu tootmise ning omamaise või eksportmüügiga seotud tegevuses, mis tulenevad näiteks nime muutmisest või muudatustest tootmis-ja müügiüksustesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Is the first sentence of the first subparagraph of Article 27(2) of the Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools to be interpreted as meaning that that provision also covers the legality of any act, based on the Convention or on the rules made under it, which is performed in relation to part-time teachers by the headteacher of a school in the exercise of his powers and which adversely affects such part-time teachers?
Kui liikmesriik teeb käesoleva direktiivi või artiklis # nimetatud ülddirektiivi vastuvõtmise järel saadud uue teabe või olemasoleva teabe ümberhindamise alusel piisavalt põhjendatud järelduse, et hoolimata vastavusest käesolevale direktiivile või ükskõik millisele artikli # alusel koostatud loetelule on lisaaine kasutamine toiduaines ohtlik inimeste tervisele, võib ta ajutiselt peatada kõnealuste sätete kohaldamise oma territooriumil või seda piirata. Ta teatab sellest viivitamata teistele liikmesriikidele ja komisjonile ning põhjendab oma otsustEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Is the first sentence of the first subparagraph of Article 27(2) of the Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools to be interpreted as meaning that the conclusion of a contract between the headteacher of a European school and a part-time teacher concerning the fixed-term nature of the part-time teacher’s employment relationship constitutes an act which is performed by the headteacher in relation to that part-time teacher and which adversely affects the latter?
Kõnealune suurendamine peaks olema seotud liikmesriikide pingutustega korrigeerida püügimahtu riigiabiga ajavahemikul #. jaanuarist # või #. maist # kuni #. detsembrini # ning alates #. jaanuaristEurLex-2 EurLex-2
76 In the light of the foregoing, the answer to Question 2 is that the first sentence of the first subparagraph of Article 27(2) of the Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools must be interpreted as not precluding an act carried out by the headteacher of a European school in the exercise of his powers from coming, in principle, within the scope of that provision.
Praegu olen ma Alessa tume poolEurLex-2 EurLex-2
‘(1) lay down the Service Regulations for the Secretary-General, the Headteachers, the teaching staff
Ma mõtlen, et veidi jõuline võibolla... agaikkagi väga inimlikEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Headteacher shall discharge his duties in accordance with the General Rules provided for in Article 10.
Brüssel, #. oktooberEurLex-2 EurLex-2
39 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.