inchoation oor Estnies


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3. future entitlement to earnings is converted into an inchoate right, of equal value, to pension benefits (conversion of earnings), or
Hiina Rahvavabariigist pärinevad) tooteosad moodustavad vähemalt # % kokkupandud toote osade koguväärtusestEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Nor do I consider that it makes any difference that the promissory note was issued in incomplete form and thus fell, at that stage in its existence, to be classified as ‘inchoate’.
Kõnealused meetmed, mille eesmärk on muuta käesoleva määruse vähemolulisi sätteid, täiendades seda, võetakse vastu vastavalt artikli # lõikes # osutatud kontrolliga regulatiivmenetluseleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If that interpretation were to be rejected, the ‘inchoate’ right of the father, enabling him to submit an application to the national court with jurisdiction and, where appropriate, obtain rights of custody, could be deprived of all effect by acts carried out by the mother unilaterally and without the knowledge of the father.
Nüüd magama!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Does the natural father have inchoate rights of custody under European Union law?
Kui algataja või, kui see on asjakohane, vahendaja tegutseb mõnes muus Euroopa Majanduspiirkonna riigis, loetakse varaga tagatud väärtpabereid kõlblikeks üksnes juhul, kui eurosüsteem veendub, et tema õigused on vastava Euroopa Majanduspiirkonda kuuluva riigi seaduste kohaselt ja eurosüsteemile vastuvõetavalt tagasinõudmisega seotud sätete vastu kaitstudEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Under Paragraph 10 of Title I of the ZSS, a promissory note which is incomplete when issued is merely ‘inchoate’ in character.
Äkki ma võtaks su numbri ja helistaks sulle tagasi?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Article 4: As the first evaluation concluded[12], although only some Member States have specific provisions implementing Article 4, it appears that by applying general rules on complicity and inchoate offences most Member States have implicitly implemented Article 4, provided the preceding articles have been fully implemented.
Ilma Duke' ta?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Article 4: The Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia have referred to general rules on participation and inchoate offences under their criminal systems that would implicitly enable their legislation to comply with this Article.
Mina olin rohkem sellineEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the information provided to the Commission most Member States referred to the general rules on complicity and inchoate offences under their criminal system.
Mida te siis veel arvasite?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(38) It is therefore clear that, so far as the alternative requirement of restriction of competition by object in Article 81(1) EC is concerned, it is a form of inchoate offence.
Mida?!- ta ütles, et tal on vaja sind nähaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In fact, Mr McB. asks the Court to provide an interpretation to the effect that he can obtain from the ECHR inchoate rights of custody, unknown to the law of the Member State concerned, which can be enforced, ex post, against the mother and which therefore restrict, ex post, her rights of custody, recognised by the law of the State concerned.
jätta kohtukulud Euroopa Ühenduste Komisjoni kandaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Under this approach, the character of the restriction of competition by object as a form of inchoate offence becomes particularly clear, since certain types of agreement (such as price‐fixing agreements, customer sharing or resale price maintenance) are classified, on the basis of existing experience, as restrictions of competition by object, without any specific analysis of their effects.
In some Member States, jurisprudence would however appear to consider that general provisions on attempt are not applicable to inchoate offences (e.g. IT).
Häireolukorra teadaanneEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The father’s main argument appears to be the following: notwithstanding Irish law, he should be deemed to have inchoate rights of custody, rights which are capable of being recognised.
Selleks, et komisjon saaks otsustada, kas väljavõtteline uuring on vajalik, ning vajaduse korral valimi moodustada, palutakse käesolevaga kõigil India ja Malaisia eksportijatel/tootjatel või nende esindajatel endast komisjonile teatada ning esitada oma äriühingu või äriühingute kohta käesoleva teate punkti # alapunkti b alapunktis i sätestatud tähtaja jooksul ja punktis # osutatud vormis järgmine teaveEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In Cyprus modifications will link the general rules on complicity and inchoate offences to terrorist intent.
Varsti olete mul käesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This may become a concern if no other provision criminalises this behaviour. The reliance on general provisions may also raise doubts as to whether inchoate offences are actually criminalised.
Uh, oh, mis ma ütlesin?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
If the decision-maker is not to implement a European arrest warrant on the basis that there is a real risk that the requested person’s rights will be infringed, it will not be sufficient that inchoate doubts are raised in his mind.
Seda seletavateks teguriteks on muu hulgas väliste sidusrühmade (nt Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu) huvi saada kiiret tagasisidet raamprogrammi tulemuste kohta, teadusuuringute mõjude mõistmine pikemas perspektiivis ning hindamistoiminguid teostavate eksperdirühmade valitud fookusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If, on the date on which the residence permit of a Turkish worker is withdrawn, the rights of his family members are inchoate in so far as the condition relating to the period of actual cohabitation with the worker laid down by the first paragraph of Article 7 of Decision No 1/80 has not yet been fulfilled, the Member States are entitled to draw the appropriate conclusions from the fraudulent conduct of that worker with respect to his family members.
Ta on kommentaaride jaoks kättesaamatuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Most Member States had to adopt specific provisions since the preparatory or inchoate behaviour had not been explicitly criminalised and did not fall under the general provisions relating to participation and attempt.
Ma viin sind Kuivale maaleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
20 – [This footnote concerns the translation of ‘inchoate rights’ and is not material to the English version.]
Vist Tashkenti, haiglasseEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Court considered that to be a breach of an inchoate right (24) which she had acquired by passing the competition in question.
Unustasin oma telefoniEurLex-2 EurLex-2
According to the information provided to the Commission, most Member States have simply referred to the pre-existing general rules on complicity and inchoate offences under their respective criminal systems.
kolmanda riigi lipu all sõitvatel kalalaevadel ei tohiks lubada tegutseda liikmesriigi sisevetes või territoriaalmeres ega lossida oma saaki liikmesriigi sadamas ega seetõttu konkureerida liikmesriigi lipu all sõitvate laevadega, kui nende lipuriik ei ole tõendanud, et nad vastavad käesoleva direktiivi tehnilistele säteteleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I would agree – notwithstanding the ‘inchoate’ acquired right to which the Court referred in Spachis, where there was no change to the applicable rules.
Olenemata lõikest #, kui kindla impordiväärtuse arvutamine ei ole olnud võimalik, võrdub lisas sätestatud kohaldamisperioodide esimesel päeval ja järgnevatel päevadel toote suhtes kohaldatav kindel impordiväärtus selle toote suhtes kehtiva viimase ühikuväärtusegamääruse (EMÜ) nr # artiklites # määratletud tähendusesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
58 If, on the date on which the residence permit of a Turkish worker is withdrawn, the rights of his family members are inchoate in so far as the condition relating to the period of actual cohabitation with the worker laid down by the first paragraph of Article 7 of Decision No 1/80 has not yet been fulfilled, the Member States are entitled to draw the appropriate conclusions from the fraudulent conduct of that worker with respect to his family members.
Taimne segakompost Kontrolliva ametiasutuse või eraõigusliku kontrolliasutuse poolt kinnitatud vajadusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The ‘exclusion’ of export refunds when animals are not placed on the market in non-member countries does not in reality amount to an exclusion of present rights or inchoate rights but simply a failure to award ex novo rights which would have arisen only if that release on to the market had taken place.
Dokumentide edastamine ja otsuste teatavakstegemineEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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