put down to oor Estnies

put down to

(idiomatic) to state the cause of a situation.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Estnies

(millegi) arvele kirjutama

Indrek Hein

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Indrek Hein

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And this I put down to all the rich food and vitamins.
Selle ma panin rikkaliku toidu ja vitamiinide arvele.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This again was put down to a lack of experience and has since been rectified.
Ka selle põhjuseks peeti kogemuste puudumist ning olukord on sellest ajast paranenud.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The difficulties were put down to momentary and short-lived adverse local circumstances.
Probleemi põhjuseks peeti ebasobivaid, ajutisi ja üleminekuajaga seotud turutingimusi.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Or should it be put down to the greater transparency of the price of a hotel night?
Või peitub põhjus selles, et hotelliöö hind on läbipaistvam?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
... one we must put down to teach a lesson to all those who brazenly follow his villainous desires.
Me anname õppetunni kõigile, kes julgevad järgida tema nurjatud plaane.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The special characteristics of the olive oil can be put down to the soil and climatic conditions in the region
Nende oliiviõlide eriomadused pärinevad selle piirkonna mullastiku- ja kliimatingimustestoj4 oj4
Link: The special characteristics of the olive oil can be put down to the soil and climatic conditions in the region.
Seos piirkonnaga: Nende oliiviõlide eriomadused pärinevad selle piirkonna mullastiku- ja kliimatingimustest.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I would, however, like to make it clear that not everything can be put down to one single extremist ideological position.
Ent tahaksin selgelt välja öelda, et mitte kõike ei saa ühe äärmusliku ideoloogilise seisukoha arvele panna.Europarl8 Europarl8
This has been particularly put down to his French wife, Eleonore d'Olbreuse, who brought fellow Huguenot Christians and Italian architects to Celle.
Selle saab panna eriti tema Prantsuse naise, Eleonore d'Olbreuse arvele, kes tõi Cellesse kaashugenotte kristlasi ja Itaalia arhitekte.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She didn’t seem entirely surprised about my new talent—which I put down to the fact that she was barking mad herself.
Teda ei paistnud mu uus anne üldse üllatavat – minu meelest tuli see sellest, et ta ise oli püstihull.Literature Literature
The first three factors, which could be put down to the wealth effect, probably continued to push energy consumption up in 2018.
2018. aastal jätkus energiatarbimise kasv tõenäoliselt tingituna esimesest kolmest tegurist, mida võib lugeda jõukuse mõju alla.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
I'm going to put this down to a fit of temporary insanity.
Võtan seda, kui ajutist hullumeelsuse hoogu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The authors concluded that the radiation level measured was so low that, according to radiobiological knowledge, the cancer could not be put down to exposure to ionising radiation.
Uurimuse autorid jõudsid järeldusele, et mõõdetud kiirgustase on niivõrd madal, et raadiobioloogiliste teadmiste tasemest lähtuvalt ei saa kokkupuudet ioniseeriva kiirgusega pidada vähki haigestumiste põhjuseks.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
What I meant to say - to avoid what I said being put down to a translation error - is that I am aware that Parliament does not share this view.
Mida ma tegelikult öelda tahtsin - et ära hoida tõlkeveaks pidamast seda, mida ma just ütlesin - on see, et ma tean, et parlament ei jaga seda seisukohta.Europarl8 Europarl8
This can be put down to the increasing pace of life, technologies that are developing ever more quickly and the desire to have the latest and most modern equipment.
Seda saab põhjendada üha kiireneva elutempoga, järjest kiiremini areneva tehnoloogiaga ja sooviga omada uusimaid ja ajakohasemaid seadmeid.Europarl8 Europarl8
From time to time I do get a little bit stiff, but I put it down to age.
Natukenegi? Vahetevahel kangestun, aga see läheb üle...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Those difficulties can be put down to the inherent characteristics of the undertakings and of the markets in the railway sector and to a lack of comparability of accounting and financial data.
Nimetatud raskuste põhjuseks on nende ettevõtete ja asjakohaste turgude eripära ning tõsiasi, et raamatupidamis- ja finantsandmeid on eriti raudteesektoris väga raske võrrelda.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Become scholars of the scriptures—not to put others down, but to lift them up!
Õppige pühakirju tundma – mitte selleks, et teisi maha teha, vaid et olla neile toeks!LDS LDS
Despite the political promises which have been made, the trend as regards biodiversity regrettably continues to be negative; this cannot, however, be put down to a lack of knowledge about how to tackle species decline.
Kahjuks on bioloogilise mitmekesisuse areng olnud vaatamata poliitilistele lubadustele jätkuvalt negatiivne, mille põhjus ei ole oskamatus liikide kadumisega toime tulla.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Despite the political promises which have been made, the trend as regards biodiversity regrettably continues to be negative; this cannot, however, be put down to a lack of knowledge about how to tackle species decline
Kahjuks on bioloogilise mitmekesisuse areng olnud vaatamata poliitilistele lubadustele jätkuvalt negatiivne, mille põhjus ei ole oskamatus liikide kadumisega toime tullaoj4 oj4
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