vitiate oor Estnies


/ˈvɪʃ.i.eɪt/ werkwoord
(transitive) to spoil, make faulty; to reduce the value, quality, or effectiveness of something

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I consider this reasoning to be vitiated by an error in law.
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As regards, in particular, the reasons given for individual decisions, the purpose of the obligation to state the reasons on which an individual decision is based is, therefore, in addition to permitting review by the Courts, to provide the person concerned with sufficient information to know whether the decision may be vitiated by an error enabling its validity to be challenged (see judgment of 11 July 2013, Ziegler v Commission, C‐439/11 P, EU:C:2013:513, paragraph 115 and the case-law cited).
Relvajõudude sotsiaalkindlustuse eriskeemeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
42 By its second ground of appeal, Tilly-Sabco claims that the General Court infringed Article 164(2) of Regulation No 1234/2007 and vitiated the judgment under appeal by a contradiction in the reasoning by dismissing the second plea in its action, based on the lack of competence of the Director-General of DG Agriculture and Rural Development to sign the contested regulation, rejecting its argument, in paragraph 200 of the judgment under appeal that the contested regulation could not be treated as a periodic agricultural instrument.
Ära armu sellesseeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The present claim for damages must therefore be rejected in that it is based on the alleged unlawfulness vitiating the rejection decision.
Juhul kui taotluse saanud riik on üks liikmesriikidestEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Court, in reviewing whether that freedom was lawfully exercised, cannot substitute its own assessment for that of the competent authority but must restrict itself to examining whether the authority’s assessment is vitiated by a manifest error or misuse of powers (see, in particular, Case C-310/99 Italy v Commission, paragraph 45, Case C-456/00 France v Commission [2002] ECR I-11949, paragraph 41, and Case C-66/02 Italy v Commission, paragraph 135).
Las ma panen oma I' dele punktid ja T' dele ristidEurLex-2 EurLex-2
170 It is sufficient in that regard to find that, in the light of the examination of the second plea in the present action, the grounds relating to KNIC are not vitiated by an error of assessment and, consequently, the Council and the Commission did not publish incorrect data implying KNIC’s involvement in unlawful activities.
Ühtlustatud standardis EN #:# kindamaterjali Cr(VI)-sisalduse kohta tervisekaitse- ja ohutusnõuete punktile #.#.#.# vastavuse eelduse suhtes kohaldatav katsemeetodi tuvastamispiir on CR(VI) puhul # mg/kg või madalameurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
36 In the light of all the foregoing considerations, Hungary’s complaints to the effect that the limitation in dispute is based on an unsuitable criterion and is vitiated by a manifest error of assessment must be dismissed.
Soovin komisjonilt küsida, kas ühtse Euroopa taeva rakendamine järgib nimetatud ajakava.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this respect, the Court is obliged to confine itself to verifying that the measure in question is not vitiated by a manifest error or a misuse of powers, that the competent authority did not clearly exceed the bounds of its discretion and that the procedural guarantees, which are of particularly fundamental importance in this context, have been fully observed.
E-#/# (EN) Esitaja(d): Graham Watson (ALDE), nõukogule (#. novemberEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the second place, the appellant submits that paragraph 83 of the judgment under appeal is vitiated by an error of law in so far as the General Court suggests that the EMA has weighed the appellant’s confidential commercial interests against the overriding public interest in transparency, whereas in the decision at issue the EMA relied solely on the non-confidential nature of the report at issue.
T on tagurpidikäikEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Having assessed all the facts and arguments submitted to the Court, I conclude that there is no reason to suggest that the application of the system of coefficients at issue here in establishing the withdrawal threshold is vitiated by a manifest error or a misuse of power.
Ma pean seda tegemaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In my view, it is only if that analysis is vitiated by an error of law or is based on a distortion of the facts or evidence that the other complaints against the General Court’s findings relating to the determination of the injury could be relevant.
in the alternative, annul such parts of the decision as the Court finds that the Commission has failed to prove or are vitiated by manifest error or inadequate reasoning
Tõeline luupainajaoj4 oj4
That requirement is not satisfied by an appeal which, without even including an argument specifically identifying the error of law allegedly vitiating the judgment under appeal, merely repeats or reproduces verbatim the pleas in law and arguments previously submitted to the Court of First Instance.
On meeles, kuidas žgutti panna?Või oled sa unustanud?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The judgment under appeal is therefore vitiated by an error of law, which is why it must be quashed (first sentence of the first paragraph of Article 61 of the Statute of the Court of Justice).
Vasta mulle või ma tapan su!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
– declare that the contested decision is vitiated by illegality and infringes the principle of equal treatment before OHIM, because of the misinterpretation of the concept of ‘another sign used in the course of trade’, as referred to in Article 8(4) of Regulation No 40/94;
ilma et see piiraks direktiivi #/#/EÜ raames juba võetud meetmeid, hävitab Saksamaa võimalikult kiiresti ennetavalt loomad kõigis seakasvatusettevõtetes, mis asuvad ohustatud tsoonis Nordrhein-Westfalenis, Borkeni omavalitsusüksuses, kus haiguspuhang on kinnitust leidnudEurLex-2 EurLex-2
18 In their appeal, the appellants rely on three pleas in law, alleging (i) failure to state adequate reasons for the order under appeal; (ii) an error of law vitiating the assessment made by the Court of First Instance that they were not directly concerned by the contested decision; and (iii) disregard for the right to effective judicial protection.
Nõukogus kokku tulnud liikmesriikide valitsuste esindajate #. mai #. aasta otsusega #/#/EÜ, millega kehtestatakse tähtaeg üheksanda Euroopa Arengufondi (EAF) vahendite sidumiseks, määratakse #. detsember # kuupäevaks, mille möödumisel ei või enam siduda komisjoni hallatava #. EAFi vahendeid, Euroopa Investeerimispanga (EIP) hallatavaid intressitoetusi ja kõnealuste eraldiste intressist laekunud tuluEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission points out, in connection with this ground of appeal also, that the appellant does not demonstrate how the General Court’s reasoning is vitiated by an error of law.
tunneb muret selle pärast, kuidas hakatakse juhtima ÜRO vaheadministratsiooni missiooni Kosovos (UNMIK) üleviimist uue rahvusvahelise tsiviilameti koosseisu; tuletab UNMIKile meelde, et ta peaks täitma oma ülesandeid Kosovos, kuni uus amet on organiseeritud ja tööks täiesti valmis; palub ÜROl ja ELil töötada välja vahendid, et takistada rahvusvaheliste ekspertteadmiste edasist kadu väga olulistes haldusvaldkondades, eelkõige pidades silmas asjaolu, et Kosovo omavalitsuse ajutised institutsioonid vajavad UNMIKilt teatavate seadusandlike ja täidesaatvate volituste ülevõtmiseks aega ja abiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, if the national court were to find that the Commissioners’ refusal to allow the revision requested by Overland was vitiated by a manifest error of assessment, and if the revision of the declaration is ultimately allowed, then the customs duties owed by Overland should be calculated using the amount entered in the revised declaration, excluding the buying commissions paid.
viisamaksud ja muud samalaadsed maksud, mis on otseselt seotud lähetusegaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
44 It held that, according to settled case-law, where the operative part of an OHIM decision is based on reasoning consisting of several pillars, each of which would in itself be sufficient to justify that operative part, that decision should, in principle, be annulled only if each of those pillars is vitiated by illegality.
Assigneering on ette nähtud EL asutuste eritellimusel läbiviidavate keskuse tegevuste kulude katmiseksEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission claims, in essence, that the General Court vitiated the judgment under appeal by inconsistency.
Carol laenas seda klassi jaoks ja ma pean ta nüüd tagasi viimaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
315 It must accordingly be concluded that the applicant’s objection relating to the Commission’s failure to take into account the aggregate of the proceeds of disposal of the non-essential assets in determining whether the aid was limited to the minimum is well founded, the contested decision being vitiated in that regard by a manifest error of assessment.
Mulle päevapraad, peekonikülg ja kohviEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Consequently, the judgment under appeal is vitiated on the one hand by an error of law with regard to the interpretation of the contractual provisions at issue, and on the other hand by a distortion by the General Court of the evidence adduced by ANKO.
Sage: kehakaalu langus, väsimus, pearinglus, helin kõrvus, hingeldus, kõhulahtisus, kõhuvalu, maoärritus, lööve, sügelus, juuste väljalangemine, palavik, nõrkus, värinad, halb enesetunne, valu, maitsetundlikkuse muutusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Court of Justice held that the failure to comply with the procedural rules relating to the adoption of an act adversely affecting a person constitutes an infringement of an essential procedural requirement and that, therefore, the act vitiated by such a defect must be annulled.
Isa, ma ei taha seda enam!Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Sixth plea in law, alleging that the Panel’s decision amounts to misuse of power, in so far as it denies the applicant full access to the 2016 Plan claiming that that plan ‘is fully covered by the exceptions set out in the third indent of Article 4(1)(a), Article 4(1)(c) and Article 4(2) [of the Access Decision]’ whereas, in fact, there are credible reasons for believing that the reason for that denial is none other than to hide the mistakes, gaps and shortcomings vitiating that plan.
Nagu resolutsioonis sätestatud, on Zimbabwel väga vaja vahendusmenetlust, mis sisaldaks erinevaid osalisi rahvusvahelisest üldsusest ja Aafrikast.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Since both grounds of inadmissibility in the General Court’s order in relation to Bionorica are vitiated by errors of law, the Court could decide to set aside that order and refer the case back to the General Court for a final decision.
Kliinilistes uuringutes on Parkinsoni tõve sümptomaatika ja hallutsinatsioonide süvenemist täheldatud väga sageli, suurema esinemissagedusega kui platseebo korral (vt lõiku #. #), kusjuures olansapiin ei osutunud psühhootilise sümptomaatika ravimisel platseebost efektiivsemakseurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Next, it alleges that the General Court infringed Article 296 TFEU in holding that the decision at issue was, in that respect, vitiated by a failure to state reasons, and indeed by contradictory reasoning.
Me arvame, et tema parem käsi sai kiirgust kaheksa kuni üheksa neutroni radiatsiooni suurust otsese kontakti tõttuEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
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