Africa oor Baskies


/ˈæfɹɪkə/ eienaam, naamwoord
The continent that is south of Europe, east of the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Indian Ocean and north of Antarctica. It holds the following countries:

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eienaam, naamwoord
continent south of Europe


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He presents numbers that show that Africa's population stagnated during this period, while that of Europe and Asia grew dramatically.
Estazio & eskuragarriakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She tells him about a boy named Bertie who lived in South Africa.
& Diseinatu taulaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Chattel slavery had been legal and widespread throughout North Africa when the region was controlled by the Roman Empire (145 BC – ca.
Ustezko terroristak, ordea, etengabe egin dizkioten galdera guztiak ahaztu ditu, eta polizia irakurtzen ari den liburua baino ez du gogoan. Horrenbeste gustatu zitzaion nobela hura. Irribarrearen antza duen zerbaitekin, gogoratzen du egilearen abizena eta berea berdinak direlako erostea erabaki zuela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This was most significant in the Nile valley (primarily in Sudan and Uganda), with slave military units organized by various Islamic authorities, and with the war chiefs of Western Africa.
Hasiera errazaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We went to Africa, and we did the same thing.
Erakutsi zerbitzuen menuakted2019 ted2019
Oh, they’ll be doing the same thing in South Africa before long. First it was the little yellow babies — no more yellow than we are — and then it will be the little black babies ... >
Konstituzio honen 148. artikuluaren bigarren zatian aipatzen diren bost urteak ez dira igaro behar, Autonomi prozesua 143,2. artikuluak jartzen duen epean, Diputazio edo Irla arteko Erakundeez gain probintzia bakoitzeko hauteskunde zerrendaren gehiengoa osatzen duten udaletan lautik hiruk onartzen dutenean, eta lege organikoaren arabera probintzia bakoitzean bozemaile gehiengo absolutuak eta referendumaren bidez birresten duenean.Lagun Lagun
He described a wide array of regions from the Atlantic Ocean, through the Sahara, to Central Africa, giving descriptions of the geography, people, culture and political situation in each region.
Taberna honek, aldiz – beharbada neurriz gaineko prezioak zituelako – , oso bakan edukitzen zuen bikote bat baino gehiago, bere artean lanpetuegia, ordu honetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is one of the largest traditional villages in Africa with a population of over 69,789 people as of 2008.
ElurracolorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Chamberlain noted during his trip that, "If Dr Herzl were at all inclined to transfer his efforts to East Africa there would be no difficulty in finding land suitable for Jewish settlers."
& Begiratu karpeten aldaketakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hargreaves tried to change the subject, but he could think of nothing in connection with South Africa but gold and diamonds — they were mixed up with politics too, just as much as the writers.
Aktibatu/Desaktibatu adierazpen erregularren egiaztapen automatikoaLagun Lagun
The most widely spoken Chadic language is Hausa, a lingua franca of much of inland Eastern West Africa.
Garai hartan, Cholenen, irudiaren, maitalearen garai hartan, eroaldi bat izan zuen amak. Ez daki deusik ere Cholenen gertatutakoaz. Antzematen diot, ordea, zelatan daukadala, susmoak egiten dituela edozerekin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is time that students of design in Africa read the works of titans like Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal's Cheikh Anta Diop, whose seminal work on Egypt is vindicated by this discovery.
Alemaniako banderated2019 ted2019
The colony's infrastructure was developed to one of the highest levels in Africa.
Testu fitxategi bat desenkriptatu nahi baduzu, arrastatu eta askatu ezazu editore leihoan. Kgpg-k egingo du gainontzekoa. Urruneko fitxategiak ere askatu daitezke. Arrastatu gako publiko bat editore leihoan eta kgpg-k automatikoki inportatuko du hala nahi baduzuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
then those of Africa and Europe, then those of South America; then those of South America; then those of North America. And never would they make a mistake in the order of their entry upon the stage. It would be magnificent.
Arbel-gris iluna #colorLagun Lagun
In 2015, approximately 40% of the francophone population (including L2 and partial speakers) lived in Europe, 35% in sub-Saharan Africa, 15% in North Africa and the Middle East, 8% in the Americas, and 1% in Asia and Oceania.
BerrezarriWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Three years of life in South Africa and six months of love for Sarah had turned him, he knew well, into a coward.
— Beno, Daintry — di-da esan zuen etxeko jaunak — , uste dut sarraskiari berriro ekiteko unea iritsia dela. — Mahaia atzean utzita, aharrausi egin zuen — . Zure haragi- eta giltzurrun-pastela goxoegi dago, laztana.Lagun Lagun
In 1865, chromites were identified in the Bushveld region of South Africa, followed by the discovery of platinum in 1906.
Zereginak kargatzenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Inikori also notes that after the suppression of the slave trade Africa's population almost immediately began to rapidly increase, even prior to the introduction of modern medicines.
Botoi hau sakatzean elkarrizketa-koadroan egin diren aldaketa guztiak baztertuko diraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some countries in Africa: The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, better known as the Maputo Protocol, guarantees comprehensive rights to women including the right to take part in the political process, to social and political equality with men, to control of their reproductive health, and an end to female genital mutilation.
Askatasunaren kontzeptu berri bat garatu zen orduan, bere adierazpide ideologiko esanguratsuenak erlijio doktrina berrietan aurkitu zituena: Erreformakoetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Meanwhile, on the other side of Africa and along the adjacent margins of east Africa, Antarctica and Madagascar, new rifts were forming that would lead to the formation of the southwestern Indian Ocean that would open up in the Cretaceous.
Sartu cachean urrutiko paketeen karpetakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The largest are in northern and southern Africa, central and western Asia, and Central Australia.
Onartu leiho-irekitze eskabideak estekak sagu-klikaren edo teklatuaren bidezko ekintza baten bitartez aktibatzen direneanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Carthage had refrained from intervening in Sicilian affairs for 70 years while expanding her hegemony in Africa, Sardinia and Spain.
Pentsamendu sortzaile oro, beste edozein iharduera espontaneo bezalaxe, emozioei aldentezinki bigiztaturik daudela zalantzan nekez jar daitekeen arren, eurok barik bizi eta pentsatzea idealtzat jarria da. < Hunkibera > izatea gaixotia edo desorekatua izatearen sinonimo bihurtu da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Contrary to the advice of several British officials such as Sir Alfred Milner, the High Commissioner for Southern Africa, the Boer governments were not over-awed by the despatch of British troops to Natal.
Irrati-etiketa globalaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Atlantic slave trade took 70,000 people, primarily from the west coast of Africa, per year at its peak in the mid-1700s.
Babeserako kopiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Following the outbreak of the Second Boer War, Lord Roberts had been appointed Commander-in-Chief of the British forces in South Africa.
— Asmatu dut, ezta? — esan zuen bezeroak — Zu Ogasuneko ikuskatzailea zara. — Bai. — Ikusi duzu, Mr. Barker. Berriro ere asmatu dut.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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