Antwerp oor Baskies


/ˈæntwɜːp/ eienaam, naamwoord
A province of Flanders, Belgium.

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The skill with which he has shown these activities recalls that his very last commission, left unfinished at his death, was for a series of documentary paintings recording the digging of a canal linking Brussels and Antwerp.
& Errepikapenaren egunaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the war, Antwerp, which had already had a sizeable Jewish population before the war, once again became a major European centre of Haredi (and particularly Hasidic) Orthodox Judaism.
— Eztabaidarik izan al zenuten? — Erabaki bat hartu genuen, inspektorea. Zazpi urte generamatzan ezkonduta. Horrela ez da jokatu behar haserraldi batengatik, zazpi urte ezkonduta eman eta gero.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They devised a defensive system in line with the theory of the Italian Renaissance which had been put into practice shortly before in the city of Antwerp, with the citadel carried out by Francesco Paciotto, who also helped to construct Turin.
Aldatu markoaren beheko ertzaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gaiman's family is of Polish Jewish and other Eastern European Jewish origins; his great-grandfather emigrated from Antwerp, Belgium, to the UK before 1914 and his grandfather eventually settled in the south of England in the Hampshire city of Portsmouth and established a chain of grocery stores.
Rabi` al-Awal-arenaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the beginning of the 16th century Antwerp accounted for 40% of world trade.
Martinsek esan zuen: – Handia da, gero! – Bai. – Zer egin behar duzu orain? – Ez dakit. Alferrik da errusiarrengana jotzea, eta segurutzat eman zona errusiarrean dagoela orain izkutatuta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Don't they come from Antwerp?
Irten aplikazio nagusitikOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Siege of Antwerp lasted for 11 days, but the city was taken after heavy fighting by the German Army, and the Belgians were forced to retreat westwards.
Binetek esplikatu zuen, finkagarri baten beharra zeukala kobre-ura bere gisa konposatzeko, hartaz ehiza-tresna zenbaiti herdoila kentzeko. Emma ikarak jo zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is said Wallerant was a student of Erasmus Quellinus II (1607–1678) in Antwerp.
— Ez al duzu ezer ahaztu? — Ez. — Ziur zaude? — Baietz. — Provence hotelean itxoingo didazu, ez da?... Eguerdian? Keinu bat egin zuen buruaz. — Bihar arte, beraz! esan zuen Emmak azken balaku batean. Eta urruntzen begiratu zion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Historians speculate that leftover tubers (and maize) were carried ashore and planted: "We think that the potato arrived some years before the end of the 16th century, by two different ports of entry: the first, logically, in Spain around 1570, and the second via the British Isles between 1588 and 1593 ... we find traces of the transport of potatoes travelling from the Canaries to Antwerp in 1567 ... we can say that the potato was introduced there from South America around 1562 ... the first written mention of the potato ... a receipt for delivery dated 28 November 1567 between Las Palmas in the Grand Canaries and Antwerp."
— Nire emaztea ezer gutxi aritzen da horretan, esan zuen Charlesek; zerbaitetan jardutea gomendatzen zaion arren, beti ere bere gelan geratzen da, irakurtzen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Beerzelberg (51.60 m), which is the highest point of the Antwerp province, is located in Beerzel.
Huts egin duWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pieter Verbrugghen I completed the frontal decoration of the organ in the Antwerp cathedral, based on a design made by Erasmus Quellinus II.
– Zu Cooler koronelarenetik irten eta berehalaxe hots egin zidan berak. – Horrek orduan kanpoan uzten du. Bera tartean egon izan balitz ez zizukeen nire istorioa kontatu nahiko, Kochen istorioa esan nahi dut.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Plantin-Moretus Museum (Dutch: Plantin-Moretusmuseum) is a printing museum in Antwerp, Belgium which focuses on the work of the 16th-century printers Christophe Plantin and Jan Moretus.
Sartu mezuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During November 2013 alone, six anti-semitic incidents were recorded throughout Antwerp.
Sortu geruza berriaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1585, Antwerp — the largest city in the Low Countries at the time — fell to the Spanish, which led over half its population to flee to the north.
Ezkutatu kide inplizituakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Between 1623 and 1634 he worked in Antwerp.
Estatutuko I. titulua eta bertako 64. artikulua beti aplikatuko zaizkie auzitegi espezializatuei.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The last V2 launched against Antwerp also fell in Mortsel, killing 27 people, on March 27, 1945.
Ikerketa-gaietan eta teknologiaren garapen-gaietan, Batasunak eta estatu kideek koordinatu egingo dute beren ekintza, estatuen politiken eta Batasunaren politikaren arteko koherentzia bermatzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mortsel is bordered by Antwerp (districts Wilrijk, Berchem and Deurne), Borsbeek, Boechout, Hove, and Edegem.
Mugitu kurtsorea nahi diren alde kopuruak eskuratzekoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The place is named after the Belgian city of Antwerp.
& Kode sorreraren morroiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Boom is located between three big cities (Brussels, Antwerp and Mechelen), and is situated along the Rupel river.
BetebeharrakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to Luc-Normand Tellier "It is estimated that the port of Antwerp was earning the Spanish crown seven times more revenues than the Americas."
Eraiki puntu honetatik pasatzen den zirkulu batWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During World War I, Antwerp became the fallback point of the Belgian Army after the defeat at Liège.
— Berkhamsted-era bidaltzen badidazu, hobe. Gaur ez dut irakurtzeko astirik izango. Gogoan izan hori esan behar diozula zure semeari...WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Around this time the centre of political and social importance in the Low Countries started to shift from Flanders (Bruges–Ghent) to Brabant (Antwerp–Brussels), although Ghent continued to play an important role.
Lurperatuta zegoen, eta Rollo Martinsek bizkor alde egin zuen bere hanka luze eta meharrek korrikari eman nahian bezala, eta mutiko baten negar malkoak irristatzen ziren bere hogeita hamabost urteko masailetatik behera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Antwerp remained under German occupation until the Armistice.
Lehenengo konfidenteak, gehiegizkoa dirudi hitz horrek, gure maitaleak izan ziren, postutik kanpo ezagutu genituenak, Saigongo kaleetan hasieran, lineako pakebote eta trenetan gero, eta beranduago nonahi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
23 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.