Denmark oor Baskies


/ˈdenmɑːk/, /ˈdɛn.mɑːk/, /ˈdɛn.mɑɹk/ eienaam, naamwoord
A country in Western Europe consisting mainly of most of the Jutland Peninsula and a number of islands off its coast. Capital: Copenhagen (København). Official name: Kingdom of Denmark (Kongeriget Danmark).

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eienaam, naamwoord
country in Western Europe

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geographic terms (country level)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies



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Flag of Denmark
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Kingdom of Denmark


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
On 29 November Wozniacki was named ambassador for Danish Junior Tennis by the Culture Minister of Denmark at the time, Brian Mikkelsen.
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I'm going to sing a song that maybe you wouldn't understand it and maybe you do, a song that I love so dearly, and I have so many friends here in Copenhagen, for many, many years I've been coming here, and then some time, my friends... Made in 1970 in Denmark, this is the last known recording of Sister Rosetta performing.
Birbidali jakinarazpenak honen ondorenQED QED
In the event's early years, it was broadcast to Norway and Denmark through the Nordvision network.
Ezin da lerroa eguneratu taula nagusirik definitu ez delakoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sweden and Denmark-Norway were interested in gaining control over northern German states bordering the Baltic Sea.
Normal eta neurotiko kontzeptuak bereizten baditugu, honako konklusio honetara iristen gara: ondo moldatzen delako normaltzat dagoen pertsona, neurotikoa baino gaixoagoa da sarri, giza balioen eskalaren arabera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And as we like to say -- and I know there are a lot of Americans in the audience here -- if Americans want to live the American dream, they should go to Denmark.
Ziurtagiriaren erabileraQED QED
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
% # mahaigainaLiterature Literature
Until December 31, 2006, Denmark was divided into 13 counties (amter), and 270 municipalities (kommuner).
Lau-koloredun CMYKWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was capped 25 times for the Denmark national football team, scoring a single goal.
Ezabatu mailaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ribe is the oldest town of Denmark.
Lerrokatu & zentruanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
this Treaty shall apply to the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man only to the extent necessary to ensure the implementation of the arrangements for those islands originally set out in the Treaty referred to in Article IV-437(2)(a), and which have been incorporated in Section 3 of Title II of the Protocol on the Treaties and Acts of Accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the Hellenic Republic, of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic, and of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden.
Seiehun txito haien mokoak ez dira egokiak, ez dituzte ondo ixten, lehertu egiten dira gosez, ama ez da berriro hasiko. Txitoak jaio zirenean egon nintzen ni gazteluan, festa zen.Lagun Lagun
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.
— Sarah? — galdegin zuen — Zer duzu? Sami zerbait gertatzen al zaio? — Sentitzen dut benetan, laztana. Barkatu. Oraindik ez zeunden ohean, ezta? — Ez. Zer gertatzen da? — Beldurrak nago.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The German Confederation saw this act as a violation of the London Protocol of 1852, which emphasized the status of the Kingdom of Denmark as distinct from the independent duchies of Schleswig and Holstein.
Hasierako orduaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Shall we go back to Denmark, then, Gerda?
Hautatu koniko berriaren fokuaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
ROSENCRANTZ How can that be when you have the voice of the king himself for your succession in Denmark?
Horia argia #colorLiterature Literature
This treaty was a smaller follow-up treaty to that of the Treaty of Roskilde, which decisively delineated the mutually recognized boundaries of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway; boundaries which are almost exactly the same to this day.
COMBIN () funtzioak konbinaketa posibleen kopurua kalkulatzen du. Lehenengo parametroa elementu kopurua da. Bigarren parmaetroa hautatzeko elementu kopurua da. Bi parametroak positiboak izan behar dute eta lehenengoak ezin du bigarrena baina txikiagoa izan. Bestela errore bat itzuliko daWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A number of Nordic countries gave women the right to vote in the early 20th century – Finland (1906), Norway (1913), Denmark and Iceland (1915).
MugatzaileaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Denmark maintained military control with the coastal fortress of Kronborg at Elsinore on the west side and Kärnan at Helsingborg on the east, until the eastern shore was ceded to Sweden in 1658, based on the Treaty of Roskilde.
Eskuinetara sala zegoen, alegia otorduak egiteko eta egonean egoteko aretoa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Denmark is not your friend.
& Pasahitza behar du geldiaraztekoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They are very popular in Denmark and Finland.
Sinkronizazioaren moduaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nevertheless: – the provisions of the Treaties referred to in points (a) to (d) and set out or referred to in the Protocol on the Treaties and Acts of Accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the Hellenic Republic, of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic, and of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden shall remain in force and their legal effects shall be preserved in accordance with that Protocol,
MatematikaLagun Lagun
In March and April 1888, women leaders came together in Washington D.C. with 80 speakers and 49 delegates representing 53 women's organizations from 9 countries: Canada, the United States, Ireland, India, England, Finland, Denmark, France and Norway.
Neurosi ororen muinean ikus daitekeena, eta garapen normalean ere bai, askatasun eta independentziaren aldeko burruka da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Vikings who invaded western and eastern Europe were mainly pagans from the same area as present-day Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
BetebeharrakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From 1815 to 1864 it was a member of the German Confederation, though still in personal union with Denmark (the King of Denmark being also Duke of Holstein).
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Copenhagen (Danish: København (listen)) is the capital and most populous city of Denmark.
entitate_ berriaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At 04:00 on 9 April 1940, the German ambassador to Denmark, Renthe-Fink, called the Danish Foreign Minister Munch and requested a meeting with him.
Aulkitik altxatu nintzen jakinda bisita amaitu zela nik zernahi esanda ere. Haserre nengoen, eta suak hartuta, baina ez nituen familiakoak kezkatuta utzi nahi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
71 sinne gevind in 24 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.