Mississippi oor Baskies


/ˌmɪsəˈsɪpi/ naamwoord, tussenwerpsel, eienaam
A state of the United States of America.. Capital Jackson: Postal abbreviation: MS

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Mississippi Burning
Mississippi Burning
Mississippi River
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Many of Mississippi's white residents deeply resented the outsiders and attempts to change their society.
Mississippiko biztanle zuri askok gorrotoa hartu zieten kanpotarrei eta bertako gizartea aldatzeko ahaleginei.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Mississippi Register.
Mississippi Register-en.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the Spring of 1962, with funds from the Voter Education Project, SNCC/COFO began voter registration organizing in the Mississippi Delta area around Greenwood, and the areas surrounding Hattiesburg, Laurel, and Holly Springs.
1962ko udaberrian, Voter Education Project-eko finantzaketarekin, boto-emaileen erroldatzea antolatzen hasi ziren SNCC/COFO, Mississippi ibaiaren deltaren eskualdean: zehazki, Greenwood, Hattiesburg, Laurel eta Holly Springs inguruetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I shall book passage on the Mississippi... and inquire everybody... about a woman passenger who made the trip with a canary.
Mississippin ontziratuko naiz eta jendeari galdetuko diot ea zer dakien kanario batekin zihoan bidaiari batez.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I was with him on the Mississippi... at the same time as Julie Roussel.
Berarekin batera topo egin nuen Julie Rousselekin Mississippin.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The main issue for the Americans was free transit of the Mississippi to the sea.
Amerikarrentzat arazorik nagusia zen Mississippitik ezin zirela libreki itsasoraino heldu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On May 11, 1965, he was arrested in Starkville, Mississippi, for trespassing late at night onto private property to pick flowers.
1965eko maiatzaren 11n ere atxilotu zuten, Starkvillen, Mississippin, gau erdian etxe batean loreak lapurtzera sartu zelako.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When all but three of the "regular" Mississippi delegates left because they refused to pledge allegiance to the party, the MFDP delegates borrowed passes from sympathetic delegates and took the seats vacated by the official Mississippi delegates.
Mississippiko ordezkari "erregular"etatik hiru izan ezik beste guztiek alde egin zutenean (alderdiarekiko leialtasunari buruz zin egitea errefusatu zutenean), MFDPko ordezkariek, haien aldekoak ziren ordezkariengandik, konbentziorako sarrerak eskuratu zituzten, eta Mississippiko ordezkari ofizialek hutsik utzitako eserlekuak hartu zituzten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Meanwhile, back in the Mississippi Delta of Rosetta's childhood, young white musicians were just beginning to discover the raw energy and complex rhythms of African American gospel.
Bitartean, Rosettaren haurtzaroko Mississippiko deltan musikari txuri gazteak afrikar- amerikar gospelaren indar eta konplexutasunaz ohartzen hasi ziren.QED QED
From 1932 until his death in 1938, Johnson moved frequently between the cities of Memphis and Helena, and the smaller towns of the Mississippi Delta and neighboring regions of Mississippi and Arkansas.
1932tik 1938an hil zen arte, Johnson maiz mugitzen zen Memphis eta Helena hirien artean, Mississippiko Deltako herri txikietatik, eta Mississippi eta Arkansaseko inguruko esukualdeetan zehar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the Freedom Rides, local black leaders in Mississippi such as Amzie Moore, Aaron Henry, Medgar Evers, and others asked SNCC to help register black voters and to build community organizations that could win a share of political power in the state.
Freedom Ride-en ondoren, Mississippiko herrietako zenbait buruzagi beltzek, hala nola Amzie Moore, Aaron Henry eta Medgar Evers-ek, SNCCri eskatu zioten lagundu zezala boto-emaile beltzak erroldatzeko zereginean, bai eta estatuan botere politikoaren parte bat bereganatu ahal izateko moduko erakundeak sortzeko langintzan ere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mississippi Burning (1988) is a fictionalized account of the investigation into an actual civil rights murder case, the murders of three civil rights workers in the state of Mississippi in 1964.
Mississippi Burning 1988ko filma da, 1964an Misisipi estatuan eskubide zibilen aldeko hiru langileren benetako heriotzan oinarrituta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was an alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Mississippi in 1956.
Delegatu-zerrenda bat aukeratu zuten, 1964ko Konbentzio Demokrata Nazionalean Mississippi ordezkatzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Meredith won a lawsuit that allowed him admission to The University of Mississippi in September 1962.
Bestalde, James Meredith-ek demanda bat irabazi zuen, eta horren ondorioz, University of Mississippi unibertsitatean 1962ko irailean onartua izatea lortu zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When Mississippi voting registrars refused to recognize their candidates, they held their own primary.
Mississippiko hauteskunde-erregistratzaileek haien hautagaiak halakotzat aitortzea errefusatu zietenean, berariazko lehen mailako hauteskundeak antolatu zituzten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Johnson is now recognized as a master of the blues, particularly of the Mississippi Delta blues style.
Gaur egun, Johnson bluesaren maisutzat hartzen dugu, batez ere Mississippiko Delta blues estiloan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After receiving instruction in ordnance engineering and service on board the gunboat Marietta, he was assigned to the battleships Pennsylvania, Michigan and Mississippi during 1916–19.
Artilleriaren ingeniaritza buruzko formazioa jaso eta USS Marietta Kanoi-ontzian zerbitzatu ondoren, Pennsylvania, Michigan eta Mississippi korazatuetan nabigatu zuen 1916tik, 1919ra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a result, in large parts of Mississippi, less than 1 in 100 black workers owned land or a house.
Oso garapen-maila txikiko herrialdeetan 100 lagunetatik 43 bizi dira hiri esparruren batean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
White opposition to black voter registration was so intense in Mississippi that Freedom Movement activists concluded that all of the state's civil rights organizations had to unite in a coordinated effort to have any chance of success.
Hainbesterakoa izan zen Mississippi estatuan zuriek boto-emaile beltzen erroldatzeari erakutsitako aurkakotasuna, non askatasunaren aldeko mugimenduko aktibistek ondorioztatu baitzuten beharrezkoa zela ahalegin koordinatu bakarrean bateratzea estatuan eskubide zibilen alde ziharduten erakunde guztiak, arrakasta izateko aukeraren bat izan nahi bazuten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
City of Olive Branch, Mississippi.
Olive Branch Mississippiko hiri bat da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Treaty of Paris gave Britain the east side of the Mississippi (including Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which was to be part of the British territory of West Florida).
Parisko itunak Britainia Handiari Mississippiko ekialdea eman zion (Baton Rouge hiria ere britainiar Mendebaldeko Floridako lurraldearen parte izango zen).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I didn’t feel easy till the raft was two miles below there and in the middle of the Mississippi.
Ez nintzen lasai egon almadiak ibaian behera bi mila egin eta Mississippiren erdian izan ginen arte.Literature Literature
Following the establishment of the United States, the Americans controlled the area east of the Mississippi and north of New Orleans.
Estatu Batuek Mississippiaren ekialdea eta New Orleanseko iparraldea kontrolatzen zuten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
May 8 – Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto reaches the Mississippi River, naming it the Rio de Espiritu Santo ("River of the Holy Spirit").
Maiatzaren 8a - Sotoko Hernando esploratzaile espainiarrak Mississippi ibaia deskubritu zuen eta Río de Espíritu Santo izena eman zion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1963 COFO organized a Freedom Vote in Mississippi to demonstrate the desire of black Mississippians to vote.
1963an, COFOk Freedom Vote ("askatasunaren hauteskundea") bat antolatu zuen Mississippin, bertako beltzek botoa emateko zeukaten nahia erakusteko asmoz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
38 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.