Web application oor Baskies

Web application

A software program that uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for its core communication protocol and that delivers Web-based information to the user in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) language.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


A software program that uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for its core communication protocol and that delivers Web-based information to the user in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) language.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

web application

A computer application that is accessed via a web browser over a network.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies

Web aplikazio

application that uses a web browser as a client


A client-server program accessed over a network that uses a web browser as the interface for the end user.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications.
Cross-site scripting (XSS) segurtasun informatikoko ahulgune bat da, web aplikazioetan gertatu ohi dena.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Like many other Google web applications, Google Maps uses JavaScript extensively.
Google-ko web aplikazioak bezala, Google Map sortzeko Javascript-eko hainbat artxibo erabiltzen dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Google Translator Toolkit is a web application designed to allow translators to edit the translations that Google Translate automatically generates.
Google Translator Toolkit (Google itzultzailearen tresnen kutxa) Google-en itzultzaileak (Google Translate) automatikoki sortzen dituen itzulpenen zuzenketa ahalbidetzeko diseinatua izan den Web-zerbitzu bat da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The WebRTC API also includes a statistics function: getStats allows the web application to retrieve a set of statistics about WebRTC sessions.
Hauez gain API-ak estadistika funtzio bat ere eskaintzen du: getStats-en bidez web aplikazioak WebRTC saioari buruzko hainbat estadistika atzitu ditzake.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There has been a contentious debate in the computing community regarding web applications replacing native applications for many purposes, especially on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
Komunitate informatikoan eztabaida polemiko bat egon da web-aplikazioek zenbait asmotarako ordezkatzen dituzten aplikazio natiboei buruz, batez ere telefono adimentsu eta tablet bezalako aparailu elektronikoetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since the early 2000s there has been a boom in the development of so-called Web 2.0 applications.
2000. urtetik aurrera Web 2.0 gisa ezagutzen diren aplikazioen garapenaren goraldi bat egon da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Select preferred Web browser application
Hautatu web arakatzaile hobetsiaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Third parties would be able to create Web 2.0 applications, which users could access via the internet.
Kanpo-enpresa horiek Web 2.0 aplikazioak sortu eta erabiltzaileei Internet atzipena luzatu behar zieten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Web mining is the application of data mining techniques to discover patterns from the World Wide Web.
Web-meatzaritza (ingelesez, Web mining) Webetik patroiak deskubritzeko datu-meatzaritza tekniken aplikazioa da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since the 1990s, it has become increasingly difficult to categorise CALL as it now extends to the use of blogs, wikis, social networking, podcasting, Web 2.0 applications, language learning in virtual worlds and interactive whiteboards (Davies et al. 2010: Section 3.7).
90. hamarkadatik aurrera, gero eta zailagoa bilakatu da CALL-a kategorizatzea, blogak, wikiak, sare sozialak, podcastingak, Web 2.0 aplikazioak, mundu birtualeko hizkuntza-ikaskuntzan eta tablero interaktiboetara zabaldu zelako.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Here you can configure your default web browser. All KDE applications in which you can select hyperlinks should honor this setting
Hemen zure web arakatzaile lehenetsia konfigura dezakezu. Aukera honek estekak darabiltzaten KDEren aplikazio guztiei eragin behar die. NameKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Open the link with the appropriate application. Web addresses are opened in a browser. Email addresses begin a new message addressed to the link. File links are opened by the appropriate viewer or editor
Ireki esteka aplikazio egokiarekin. Web helbideak arakatzailean irekitzen dira. E-posta estekara helbideratutako mezu berri bat sortzen dute. Fitxategien estekak ikustaile edo editore egokian irekitzen diraKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Along with core applications, it includes localized and web-based services.
Aplikazioak eskaintzeaz gain, Webean oinarritutako zerbitzariak eta zerbitzuak ere baditu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Walker, Davies & Hewer (2011: Section 2.1) list the following examples of Web 2.0 applications that language teachers are using: Image storage and sharing Social bookmarking Discussion lists, blogs, wikis, social networking Chat rooms, MUDs, MOOs and MUVEs (virtual worlds) Podcasting Audio tools Video sharing applications and screen capture tools (referring to both video screen capture tools and screenshot tools) Animation tools – comic strips, movies, etc. Mashups Blog assisted language learning (BALL) There is no doubt that the Web has proved to be a main focus for language teachers, who are making increasingly imaginative use of its wide range of facilities: see Dudeney (2007) and Thomas (2008).
Walker, Davies & Hewer (2011: Section 2.1) hizkuntza-irakasleak erabiltzen dituzten hurrengo Web 2.0 aplikazioak zerrendatzen dituzte: Irudien biltegiratze eta partekatzea Laster-marka soziala Eztabaida zerrendak, blogak, wikiak, sare sozialak Txat-gelak, MUDak, MOOak eta Mundu Birtualak Podcastak Audio-tresnak Bideo partekatze aplikazioak eta pantaila harrapatze erremintak Animazio-tresnak - Komikiak, filmak... Mashupak Blogak lagunduriko hizkuntza-ikaskuntza (BALL) Ez dago dudarik Weba hizkuntza-irakasleen lehen helburu bihurtu dela, eta bere erabilgarritasunaren erabilera irudimentsua egiten ari direla (Dudeney (2007) eta Thomas (2008)).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An internet bot, also known as web robot, WWW robot or simply bot, is a software application that runs automated tasks (scripts) over the Internet.
Interneteko bot, web robot, WWW robot edo, besterik gabe, bot lan automatikoak egiten dituen programa informatiko bat da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While it is accessible to human users via a web browser, its primary use is in automatic text analysis and artificial intelligence applications.
Giza erabiltzaileak web nabigatzaile baten bidez sar daitezkeen arren, bere erabilera nagusiak testu-analisi automatikoko eta adimen artifizialeko aplikazioak dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Web apps have indeed greatly increased in popularity for some uses, but the advantages of applications make them unlikely to disappear soon, if ever.
Zenbait erabilpenetarako web-aplikazioak ospetsuagoak egin dira, baina aplikazioen abantailek horiek garaiz desagertu ez daitezen laguntzen dute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Various applications may attempt to use the KDE wallet to store passwords or other information such as web form data and cookies. If you would like these applications to use the wallet, you must enable it now and choose a password. The password you choose cannot be recovered if it is lost, and will allow anyone who knows it to obtain all the information contained in the wallet
Aplikazio batzuk saia daitezke KDEren zorroa erabiltzen pasahitzak edo bestelako informazio motak (web inprimakiak eta cooki-ak) gordetzeko. Aplikazioek zorroa erabiltzea nahi baduzu une honetan zorroa gaitu eta pasahitza eman behar duzu. Hautatutako pasahitza galtzen bada ezin izango da berreskuratu, eta pasahitza ezagutzen edonork zorroan dagoen informazioa eskuratu ahal izango duKDE40.1 KDE40.1
As defined by Kaplan and Haenlein, social media is the "group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content."
Kaplan eta Haenlein-ek definitzen duten moduan, sare sozialak "Web 2.0-ren oinarri ideologiko eta teknologikoetan garatzen diren interneten oinarritutako aplikazioen multzoa da eta erabiltzaileek edukia sortzea eta trukatzea ahalbidetzen dute".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Digital Camera This module allows you to configure support for your digital camera. You would need to select the camera 's model and the port it is connected to on your computer (e. g. USB, Serial, Firewire). If your camera does n't appear in the list of Supported Cameras, go to the GPhoto web site for a possible update. To view and download images from the digital camera, go to address camera:/in Konqueror and other KDE applications
Kamara digitala Modulu honek zure kamara digitalaren euskarria konfiguratzen uzten dizu. Kamararen modeloa eta konektatzeko duzun ataka mota (adib. USB, seriekoa, Firewire) hautatu beharko duzu. Zure kamara Onartutako kamarak zerrendan ez badago, joan GPhoto web lekura ea eguneraketarik dagoen. Kamara digitaleko irudiak ikusi eta jeisteko joan camera:/helbidera Konqueror-en eta beste KDE aplikazioetanKDE40.1 KDE40.1
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