Web discussion oor Baskies

Web discussion

Comments that users attach to Web pages and documents.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies

Webeko eztabaida

Comments that users attach to Web pages and documents.

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Discussions are threaded, as with web forums and BBSs, though posts are stored on the server sequentially.
Eztabaidak multzoka agertzen dira, BBS eta foroetan bezala, baina bidalketak zerbitzarian sekuentzialki gordetzen dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Walker, Davies & Hewer (2011: Section 2.1) list the following examples of Web 2.0 applications that language teachers are using: Image storage and sharing Social bookmarking Discussion lists, blogs, wikis, social networking Chat rooms, MUDs, MOOs and MUVEs (virtual worlds) Podcasting Audio tools Video sharing applications and screen capture tools (referring to both video screen capture tools and screenshot tools) Animation tools – comic strips, movies, etc. Mashups Blog assisted language learning (BALL) There is no doubt that the Web has proved to be a main focus for language teachers, who are making increasingly imaginative use of its wide range of facilities: see Dudeney (2007) and Thomas (2008).
Walker, Davies & Hewer (2011: Section 2.1) hizkuntza-irakasleak erabiltzen dituzten hurrengo Web 2.0 aplikazioak zerrendatzen dituzte: Irudien biltegiratze eta partekatzea Laster-marka soziala Eztabaida zerrendak, blogak, wikiak, sare sozialak Txat-gelak, MUDak, MOOak eta Mundu Birtualak Podcastak Audio-tresnak Bideo partekatze aplikazioak eta pantaila harrapatze erremintak Animazio-tresnak - Komikiak, filmak... Mashupak Blogak lagunduriko hizkuntza-ikaskuntza (BALL) Ez dago dudarik Weba hizkuntza-irakasleen lehen helburu bihurtu dela, eta bere erabilgarritasunaren erabilera irudimentsua egiten ari direla (Dudeney (2007) eta Thomas (2008)).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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