accommodate oor Baskies


/əˈkɒməˌdeɪt/ adjektief, werkwoord
(transitive) To render fit, suitable, or correspondent; to adapt; to conform; as, to accommodate ourselves to circumstances.

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To change to reach a certain scope or condition.

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Anyway there’s no money, just tokens, and we pay your rent, you’re happy with your accommodation aren’t you?’
Gainera hemen ez da sosik ematen, txartelak bakarrik, eta errenta ordaintzen dizugu, ondo dago helbidea?»Literature Literature
Noted legislative achievements during this phase of the civil rights movement were passage of Civil Rights Act of 1964, that banned discrimination based on "race, color, religion, or national origin" in employment practices and public accommodations; the Voting Rights Act of 1965, that restored and protected voting rights; the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965, that dramatically opened entry to the U.S. to immigrants other than traditional European groups; and the Fair Housing Act of 1968, that banned discrimination in the sale or rental of housing.
Eskubide zibilen aldeko mugimenduaren fase honetako legegintza-lorpen azpimarragarriak izan ziren eskubide zibilen 1964ko legearen onespena (Civil Rights Act), zeinak diskriminazioa debekatu baitzuen enplegu-prozeduretan eta instalazio publikoetan; boto-eskubideei buruzko 1965eko legea (Voting Rights Act), zeinak boto-eskubideak berrezarri eta babestu baitzituen; 1965eko Immigration and Nationality Services Act legea, zeinaren bidez izugarri ireki baitzitzaien Estatu Batuetan sartzeko modua jatorri europar tradizionalekoak ez ziren giza taldeei; eta eskubide zibilen 1968ko legea, zeinak bazterkeria debekatu baitzuen etxebizitzen salmentan edo alokairuan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The head of the commission, Mieczysław Lepecki , felt the island could accommodate 5,000 to 7,000 families, but Jewish members of the group estimated that, because of the climate and poor infrastructure, only 500 or even fewer families could safely be accommodated.
Batzordearen buruak, Mieczysław Lepecki-k, uharteak 5.000 eta 7.000 familia tartean hartu litzakeela pentsatu zuen, baina taldeko juduek uste zuten soilik 500 edo familia izan ahal zirela segurtasunez kokatuak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They are large enough to accommodate impurity atoms.
Egile batzuek nukleo anbiguoaren eratzailetzat hartzen dute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As you can see, we're well equipped to accommodate the most discerning of royal tastes.
Zera, gure egoitza, luxuzko gustuetara egokituta dago. Denak itsasorako bistadunak.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It has long accommodated musicians.
Musikari oso lotuta egon ohi dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Etxe bat?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Great Red Spot is large enough to accommodate Earth within its boundaries.
Orban Gorri Handia nahikoa handia da Lurra bere barnean sartzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In any case, we should all prepare a place where we can accommodate all the tragedies that sooner or later will come to our lives.
Edonola ere, denok prestatu beharko genuke bazter bat... lehenago edo geroago helduko diren ezbeharrak bertan jartzeko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Flight attendants, if you could do your best, please, to accommodate all passengers.
Zerbitzariok, ahal den guztia egin bidaiariak berrantolatzeko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was the first one in his family, in fact, to go to college, where he lived on campus and drove a specially- fitted car that accommodated his unusual body.
Bera izan zen bere familian unibertsitatera joan zen lehena, kanpusean bizi zen eta egokitutako kotxea gidatzen zuen, bere ezohizko gorputzari moldatutakoa.QED QED
Not only have I gone out on a limb to accommodate Dr. Masters and Mrs. Johnson every step of the way with their last book, but my job is on the line with this new book, as well.
Arriskua hartu dut Masters doktoreari eta eta Johnson andereari babesa ematen azken liburuaren urrats guztietan baina oraingoan nire lanpostua dago arriskuan liburu berriarekin.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
An atom's nth electron shell can accommodate 2n2 electrons, e.g. the first shell can accommodate 2 electrons, the second shell 8 electrons, the third shell 18 electrons and so on.
Atomo baten n. elektroi-geruzak 2n2 elektroi osta ditzake; adibidez, lehenengo geruzak 2 elektroi har dezake, bigarrenak 8, hirugarrenak 18, eta abar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These waterjet-powered vessels, displaced 19,638 tonnes, accommodating 375 passenger cars and 1,500 passengers.
Ontzi hauek 19.638 tona eta 1500 bidaiari eramateko gai dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Could you offer sleeping accommodations or a meal?
Ostaturik edo bazkariren bat eskaintzea al diezu?jw2019 jw2019
It was made to accommodate a congregation of 350 people.
Ekitaldiaren ondoren, 350 pertsonentzako herri-bazkaria ospatu zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We can accommodate up to 300 people here very comfortably.
Bertan 300 bat lagun sar ditzakegu eroso asko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It can accommodate 105 oarsmen.
Guztira 105 udalerri ditu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pretty shy on seating accommodations though.
Jarleku gutxi daukat, hala ere.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Clean, reasonably priced accommodations.
Gela garbiak, arrazoizko prezioanOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That's accommodating.
Oso atsegina zara.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It is to be named the Southern Hotel, and is designed to accommodate 1,200 guests.
Herriko kiroldegia da eta 1.200 ikusle hartzeko edukiera dauka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
< Herr Martins, it just occurs to me – you are staying in Vienna? > < Yes. > < If you need accommodation and spoke to the authori­ties quickly, you might secure Herr Lime’s flat. It is a requisitioned property. >
– Herr Martins, oraintxe bururatu zait, Vienan geratu behar al duzu? – Bai. – Etxebizitzarik behar baduzu eta lehenbailehen agintariekin hitz egiten baduzu, seguru asko Herr Limeren pisua har zenezake, jabetza errekisatua baita.Lagun Lagun
On 9 December 1805, President Thomas Jefferson postponed dinner at the White House until sunset to accommodate an envoy from Tunis, an event considered by many to be the first White House iftar.
1805eko abenduaren 9an, Thomas Jefferson presidenteak Etxe Zurian afaria ilundu arte atzeratu zuen, Tunisetik etorritako mandatari bati egokitzeko, askoren ustez gertaera hau Etxe Zuriko lehen iftar izan zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On May 10, the parties announced an agreement to desegregate the lunch counters and other public accommodations downtown, to create a committee to eliminate discriminatory hiring practices, to arrange for the release of jailed protesters, and to establish regular means of communication between black and white leaders.
Maiatzaren 10ean, negoziazioko bi aldeek iragarri zuten akordio batera iritsi zirela, hiri-zentroko jatetxeetako barrak eta beste zenbait instalazio desegregatzeko, diskriminaziozko kontratazio-prozedurak kentzeko, espetxeraturiko protestatzaileen askapena bideratzeko eta beltzen nahiz zurien buruzagien arteko komunikazio-bide finkoak ezartzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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