accompanying oor Baskies


/əˈkʌm.p(ə.)ni.ɪŋ/ adjektief, naamwoord, werkwoord
Present participle of accompany.

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lagun egin · lagundu · segitu
musical accompaniment
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lagun egin · lagundu · segitu
lagun egin · lagundu · segitu
lagun egin · lagundu · segitu
akonpainamendu · aldi bereko gertaera · baterako gertaera · bizkartzain · eskolta · osagarri


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Perhaps I should accompany you in.
Eskalatu geruzaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And accompanied by Bandi Grosz on Eichmann's orders...
— Nahi nuke, bai,zuk orain joan beharrik ez izatea, John; gainera, noiz eta arrain bat amuan atzeman dugunean. — Erabat sinetsita nago ibai-ertzera eramateko gauza izango zarela, nire laguntzarik gabe. Eta agian, bota zahar bat besterik ez da. — Ez dut uste. Erraz igartzen da noiz den bota zaharra eta noiz arraina.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A staff officer from Rabaul accompanied the troops to notify Hyakutake of the decision to withdraw.
Itzul gaitezen orain atzera norberekoitasunaren analisi psikologiko honetara ekarri gaituen arazora.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Wherever they occur they accompany leucite- and nepheline syenites.
Davisek une batez bere zoria proban jarri zuen tabernan txanpon-makina batekin. Aldean zeuzkan txanpon guztiak xahutu zituen eta bi eskatu zizkion Castleri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She accompanied her husband on the Eighth Crusade against Tunis.
Oholkoak edukitzearren, gurditegira joan ziren, estrabe-haxe baten bila.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2009, a special service of Thanksgiving was held in the chapel at the Royal Naval College to accompany the rededication of the national monument to Sir John Franklin.
Ez dago ezaba daitekeen lan-orririkWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
IndieLondon called the song "a supremely slick acoustic ballad", stating that "the rolling guitar licks...provide a wonderful accompaniment."
Sarritan, bere orrazkera aldatzen zuen: txinatarren eran, kiribil lasatan, motots txirikordatutan jartzen zen; buruaren alboan marra bat egin zuen eta haren pean kiribildu zuen ilea, gizon gisa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the video, Juanes arrives in a town, accompanied by two women and an older man.
& HamaseitarraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to her website, the book and its accompanying film (released in 2015) will be about "how the climate crisis can spur economic and political transformation."
Batasunaren baliabide propioen pentzutan finantzatuko da oso-osorik aurrekontua, beste sarrera batzuen kontra jarri gabe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Adelaide and her son Amadeus then accompanied Henry IV and Bertha to Canossa, where Adelaide acted as a mediator, alongside Matilda and Albert Azzo II, Margrave of Milan, among others.
Partekatze & aurreratuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All of the bombs were accompanied by a flyer that read: War, Class war, and you were the first to wage it under the cover of the powerful institutions you call order, in the darkness of your laws.
HartxoaAboutWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Captain Tobias Furneaux (21 August 1735 – 18 September 1781) was an English navigator and Royal Navy officer, who accompanied James Cook on his second voyage of exploration.
Bannevilleko hariztiraino joaten zen, hormaren ertza osatzen duen pabilioi abandonatutik hurbil, landa aldean. Badira han, lezoinean, belarren artean, orri zorroztun kainabera luze batzuk.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Oxylus then, as the oracle had recommended, accompanied Temenus and his brother, Cresphontes, in their invasion of the Peloponnesus.
Auzoko irratiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hess' law (1840): The energy change accompanying any transformation is the same whether the process occurs in one step or many.
Ziurtagiriaren egoeraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dr. Hobson's party, accompanied by archaeologist Margaret Bertulli, investigated the "summer camp" found a few miles to the south of Cape Felix, where some minor Franklin relics were found.
Zer esan dut?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She rushes to the ship to accompany Jim.
Orduan antzokitik irtetea proposatu zuen, elatua hartzera norabait joateko. — Ah! oraindik ez! gera gaitezen! esan zuen Bovaryk. Emakumeak adatsa solte du:tragikoa izango dela esango nuke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Orban's giant cannon was said to have been accompanied by a crew of 60 oxen and over 400 men.
Aratze konfigurazioaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She'd go to a revival and she'd play her guitar and if the people would get happy afterwards and shout, she'd drop the guitar and run to the piano and accompany them with her piano chords, and then she might get up and cut a couple of dance steps herself.
Plazan, Lestiboudois topatu zuen, elizatik zetorrela; zeren, eguna ez moztearren, nahiago izaten baitzuen lana eten, eta gero berriro ekin, horrela Anjelusa bere erosotasunaren arabera jotzen zuelarik.QED QED
Back then, two women on the road together without any men to accompany them was not only novel but pretty risky.
Jatorrizko egileaQED QED
Accompanied by the Soldier and the Condemned, the Explorer makes his way to a tea house in which he is shown the grave of the old Commandant.
FitxategiakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Are you often told to accompany strangers?
Irudien arteko atzerapena segundotanOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Will you accompany me?
Erabili letra-tipo & lehenetsiaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Police eventually traced a flyer accompanying the bombs to the print shop where Andrea Salsedo, a typesetter, and Roberto Elia, a compositor, were arrested.
Baina zetaren frufru bat harlosa gainean, ginbail baten hegia, lepoko beltz bat... Bera zen! Leon zutitu eta korrika joan zen harekin elkartzera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You could accompany her to La Scala.
III-209. artikuluan aipatutako helburuak lortzeko, estatu kideek arlo hauetan gauzatzen duten ekintzari laguntza emango dio Batasunak, eta ekintza hori osatu egingo du: zehazki, lan-giroa hobetzen, langileen osasuna eta segurtasuna babesten;OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What good quality often accompanies old age?
Sardinen erdia zatika ateratzea lortu zuen, sardeska batez baliatuta. Ez zen gose... hura aski izango zen. Zalantzan egon zen ez baitzekien komeni ote zitzaion gehiago edatea martini lehorren ondoren, eta orduan Tuborg botila bat aukeratu zuen.jw2019 jw2019
129 sinne gevind in 31 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.