accord oor Baskies


/əˈkɔɹd/, /əˈkɔːd/ werkwoord, naamwoord
Agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


agreement between two or more contracting persons or parties
pertsona edo talde biren edo gehiagoren arteko adostasuna
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according to official sources
iturri ofizialen arabera
in accordance with
arabera · dioenez
according to
arabera · esanetan
arabera · dioenez
arabera · dioenez
arabera · dioenez
according to
arabera · esanetan
arabera · dioenez


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
According to this logic either we possess all the rain or let the rain to be stopped if we were thirsty.
Seriosago ikusi nahi izango zukeen, eta aukeran dramatikoago ere bai, kanpoko bidean urrats-hotsak hurbiltzen entzun uste izan zuenhartan bezala.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to written sources, work on the Danevirke was started by the Danish King Gudfred in 808.
Errespetatu beharreko arau asko dauzkaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the same year, under the influence of religious mysticism, Alexander initiated the creation of the Holy Alliance, a loose agreement pledging the rulers of the nations involved—including most of Europe—to act according to Christian principles.
— Asmatu dut, ezta? — esan zuen bezeroak — Zu Ogasuneko ikuskatzailea zara. — Bai. — Ikusi duzu, Mr. Barker. Berriro ere asmatu dut.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Both have been granted the status of a protected designation of origin by the European Commission, which requires that only cheese produced in the three counties of Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire and made according to a strict code may be called "Stilton".
Gehitu erdi-zuzen batWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to Royal Decree 181/2008 of February 8, the BOE is the official journal of the Kingdom of Spain, providing the State Government the means to publish mandatory laws, regulations and other acts approved by the parliaments.
& Oraintsuko konexioakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Welcome to TransAlliance, a flight you can afford... where your soul and bag can be on one accord.
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According to Pliny the Elder, she "scorned the duties of women and practised her father's art."
< Beharbada, halako engainu bikoitz bat izango da > , pentsatu zuen. < Izan ere, Bizioaren kontrako Brigadakoei ez zitzaien irakatsi zerbitzu sekretuetakoei bezainbesteko leuntasunez jokatzen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Whether organize files will group directories according to their filetype
Zure mezua enkriptatzeko erabili nahi duzun gakoak ez dira konfidantzazkoak. Ez da enkriptatukoKDE40.1 KDE40.1
They show Ireland in the early medieval period to have been a hierarchical society, taking great care to define social status, and the rights and duties that went with it, according to property, and the relationships between lords and their clients and serfs.
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He made use of this means for corresponding with her, sending according to the season fruits or game.
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According to tradition, the building was erected after a vow made to the Holy Saviour by the King of Sicily, Roger II, after he escaped from a storm to land on the city's beach.
Ongi etorriWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Government of Cantabria is the body in charge of directing the political activities and exercising the executive and regulatory powers according to the Constitution, the Statute and the laws.
Konexioak huts egin du. Ezin da emandako izeneko zerbitzaririk aurkituWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to John of Nikiu in the 7th century, when the philosopher Hypatia was lynched and flayed by a mob of Alexandrian monks, they acclaimed Theophilus's nephew and successor Cyril as "the new Theophilus, for he had destroyed the last remains of idolatry in the city".
LehentasunaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He retired from active duty in 1961 or 1964, according to other sources.
Kontsultatu gabeaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to constructivist theory, learners are active participants in tasks in which they "construct" new knowledge derived from their prior experience.
& Geldiarazi inprimagailuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is a lengthy exercise According to sources, the pilot had requested an emergency landing.
Berrespena behar daWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to Ibn Hayyan, the Muslims pursued the Christians until the asr, the afternoon prayer.
Koroako fiskalordeak — edo Koroako fiskalak berak akaso? — esan zuen ahots gozoaz: — Gauzak zehazten hasi beharko genuke. Eguzkia sartzekotan da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to Lehmann, her father and Adler were the most significant influences on her intellectual development.
Gradientearen faktoreaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to Lysias, it was scarcely ten days after his return that he brought an accusation against Archippus or Aristippus, which, however, he dropped on receiving a sum of money.
Oroigarrien elkarrizketa-koadroaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The exchange of information, coordination and co-operation in accordance with institutional loyalty and within the framework of the mechanisms of collaboration and reciprocal guarantees established in this Statute.
Gaur egun, errusiarrek ere helburu propagandistikoak direla-eta onartu dute lege hori, baina ez dira tontoak, eta bozketa-gai dituzten gauzak erabat hutsalak izateko neurriak hartzen dituzte.Lagun Lagun
But the lights are just a bit off, according to the chart.
Aulki txiki batean eserita, tximiniaren ondoan, bere behatzen artean bolizko estutxea jira arazten zuen; emakumeak jostorratzari eragiten zion, edo, aldian behin, bere azkazalaz oihalaren azpildurak tolesten zituen.QED QED
In accordance with the values of Basque Self-government, and taking into consideration the priority nature of the defence of protection of the Human Rights and Liberties of all persons, the Basque Parliament will draw up a Charter of the Civil and the political Rights and Obligations of Basque citizens.
Lortutako akordioa, hala bada, Eusko Legebiltzarrak eta Gorte Nagusiek onartu beharko dute, eta euskal gizarteak berretsi beharko du behin betiko, Eusko Jaurlaritzak horretarako deitutako erreferendumaren bidez.Lagun Lagun
However, while Internet slang shortcuts save time for the writer, they take two times as long for the reader to understand, according to a study by the University of Tasmania.
Plugina Azalpena Fitxategia MotakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The rights and freedoms recognized in Chapter 2 of the present Part are binding on all public authorities. Only by an act which in any case must respect their essential content, could the exercise of such rights and freedoms be regulated, which shall be protected in accordance with the provisions of section 161(1) a).
& Neurri Osoko ErabileraLagun Lagun
According to Stephen Hawking, "Galileo, perhaps more than any other single person, was responsible for the birth of modern science".
AplikazioakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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