accordingly oor Baskies


/əˈkɔːdɪŋlɪ/, /əˈkɔː(ɹ).dɪŋ.li/ bywoord
(manner) Agreeably; correspondingly; suitably; in a manner conformable.

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All those seeking asylum will be processed and dealt with accordingly.
& Gamma zuzenketaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Accordingly, the problem of protocol reverse-engineering can be partitioned into two subproblems; message format and state-machine reverse-engineering.
Oharren ikustaileaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Accordingly, the changes in real income and income distribution are always equal in terms of economic value.
Charlesi luze joaten zitzaion jaten; Emmak ur batzuk kurruskatzen zituen, edota, ukondoa tinkaturik, bere aiztoaren puntaz ulearen gainean marrak egiten jostatzen zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This proves that equality of rights and the idea of justice which such equality creates originate in the preference each man gives to himself, and accordingly in the very nature of man. It proves that the general will, to be really such, must be general in its object as well as its essence; that it must both come from all and apply to all; and that it loses its natural rectitude when it is directed to some particular and determinate object, because in such a case we are judging of something foreign to us, and have no true principle of equity to guide us.
Mutilaren gastuak murriztearren, bere amak astero igortzen zion, errekardariaren bidez, labean erretako zekorki zati bat, eta hori jaten zuen goizean, ospitaletik itzultzean, oinzolak hormakontra ostikoka berotuz.Lagun Lagun
Accordingly, the aircraft were progressively repainted with the colors of the 3/30.
Benetako ideal guztiek dute zer bat komunki: oraindik burutu ez den, baina gizabanakoaren garapen eta zoriontasunerako desiragarri den zerbaiten desira adierazten dute denek.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Accordingly, in 1802, William Herschel suggested they be placed into a separate category, named "asteroids", after the Greek asteroeides, meaning "star-like".
Zerbitzariaren izenaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He said that Flemish manners and speech could not be rendered faithfully in modern French, and accordingly wrote his best works in the old tongue.
Gizakumea agintari izpiritualekin lotzen zuten lokarri guztietatik libre dago, baina askatasun honek beronek, bakarrik eta larritasunez beterik uzten du, bere ezerezaren eta ezintasunaren sentimenduak azpiratuta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is a moral person endowed with certain faculties, active like the Sovereign and passive like the State, and capable of being resolved into other similar relations. This accordingly gives rise to a new proportion, within which there is yet another, according to the arrangement of the magistracies, till an indivisible middle term is reached, i.e., a single ruler or supreme magistrate, who may be represented, in the midst of this progression, as the unity between the fractional and the ordinal series.
Paleta bermapeatze abudoaLagun Lagun
Piso was accordingly elected consul for the following year, 61, with Marcus Valerius Messalla Niger.
Beste aukerakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Today it is classified as both a minor planet and a comet, and is accordingly also known by the cometary designation "95P/Chiron".
Aldatu java politikaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You know, in France, if you are given an invitation to a formal party, you dress accordingly.
Hemen konexioaren une jakinetan egikaritu beharreko komandoak ezar ditzakezu. Hemen egikaritzen diren komandoak zure benetako IDarekin egikaritzen dira. Beraz, ezin root baimenak behar dituen komandorik ekgikaritu. (Root izan ezean, noski!) Ziurta ezazu komandoaren bideizen osoa idatzi duzula. Bestela, KPPP-k, seguruena, ezin izango du komandoa aurkituOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The cool air brought in through the mouth reduces the heart temperature, so the lung volume accordingly decreases, restoring the temperature to normal.
Ezarri UID-aWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No one has a right to kill an enemy except when he cannot make him a slave, and the right to enslave him cannot therefore be derived from the right to kill him. It is accordingly an unfair exchange to make him buy at the price of his liberty his life, over which the victor holds no right.
Emmak erabakita zirudien hari hitz egiten uztera moztu gabe. Besoak gurutzatu eta aurpegia apaldurik, bere oskierresten bigitxinari begiratzen zion, eta bere oineko behatzez, tarteka, mugimendu txikiak eragiten zituen haien satenean.Lagun Lagun
Accordingly, the forms of financial collaboration between the Community of the Basque Country and the State shall be established and, especially, in order to determine the contribution of the former to the general costs of the State, its participation in the income of the State and the collaboration in the public investments policy.
Ez egin ezerLagun Lagun
It follows further that, one of the extreme terms, viz., the people, as subject, being fixed and represented by unity, whenever the duplicate ratio increases or diminishes, the simple ratio does the same, and is changed accordingly.
Inprimagailuaren probaLagun Lagun
Accordingly, Moses asks Iblis why he refused God's order.
Batasunak izenpetutako akordioek Batasunaren erakundeak eta estatu kideak lotuko dituzte.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Accordingly, on 15 May 1973, after consulting with the NSA, NBS solicited proposals for a cipher that would meet rigorous design criteria.
ArabieraNameWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I think what we'll do is we'll send you the list, and then if there are any red flags, you can send those back to us and we'll adjust accordingly.
Inportatu ziurtagiriakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Geometric intuition played a strong role in the first two and, accordingly, theories of relativity were formulated entirely in terms of geometric concepts.
Ez dago dokumentu aktiborikWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If we have a sinner in our midst he should be treated so accordingly.
Beste eskemarik hautatu ez bada, kolore hau erabiliko daOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If, by the end of the period referred to in paragraph 3, either no action has been taken by the European Council or if, within 12 months from the submission of a new draft under paragraph 3(b), the European framework law has not been adopted, and at least one third of the Member States wish to establish enhanced cooperation on the basis of the draft framework law concerned, they shall notify the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission accordingly.
& OrientazioaLagun Lagun
In this place, then, I resolved to fix my design, and accordingly I prepared two muskets and my ordinary fowling piece.
JabeaStatusLiterature Literature
l will pay accordingly.
Erabili aldi & baterako fitxategiaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In advance, give careful thought to the interests and concerns of your listeners and adapt your introduction accordingly.
Ikusi beharko zenukejw2019 jw2019
If the Commission considers that an excessive deficit in a Member State exists or may occur, it shall address an opinion to the Member State concerned and shall inform the Council accordingly.
aktibatutaLagun Lagun
44 sinne gevind in 39 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.