anxious oor Baskies


/ˈæŋˈʃəs/ adjektief
Full of anxiety or disquietude; greatly concerned or solicitous, especially respecting something future or unknown; being in painful suspense;—applied to persons; as, anxious for the issue of a battle.

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Chad gets anxious when he has to be around you.
Artxiboaren izenaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He felt tired — the hour had struck long past for his triple J & B; Sarah would be growing anxious, and as he listened to the low hum of conversation in the box the desire to talk openly, without reserve, after seven years of silence grew in him.
Irauli bertikalkiLagun Lagun
Then, at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries, the rulers of Vladimir (notably Andrew the Pious and Vsevolod III), anxious to defend their eastern border, systematically pillaged Bulgarian cities.
Horrelako esplikabidearen arabera, L. Mumfordek azaltzen duen moduan, faxismoaren egiazko iturria giza ariman aurkitu behar da, eta ez ekonomian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sometimes, I'm anxious for their future.
Ezker-arrastatu hautapena mugitzekoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And when she said it, it made me anxious.
Nire amak sekula ez zuen hitz egin seme hartaz. Sekula ez zen kexatu. Sekula ez Zion inori armairu-miatzailearen berri eman. Delitu baten antzekoa izan zen amatasun hura. Ezkutuan gordetzen zuen.ted2019 ted2019
You're always anxious before you travel.
& Berriro hautatuOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
< I wanted to talk to you about your husband. > < Yes. I guessed that. > < We are all rather anxious about Maurice. >
Daintry lehenengo solairuan zegoen, jatetxearen gainean (beheko ardaila zela-eta esna egoten zen gaueko ordu txikiak arte, azken taxiak handik alde egiten zuen arte, alegia).Lagun Lagun
< You can’t take Sam until he has a passport, and I’m anxious to keep MI5 from taking any preventive action against you. If they learned you were applying for a passport... and they would learn ... >
— Ni Mirorenean nago. Litografia onak, ezta? Egia esateko, ideia nirea izan zen... Dekorazio honetaz ari naiz. Lady Hargreavesek kirol-grabatuak nahi zituen, faisaiekin ongi emango zutelakoan.Lagun Lagun
It seems like she's very anxious to talk to you.
Haurrak espartinetan han ibiltzen ziren korrika beraientzat eginiko solairu batean bezala, eta beren ahotsen garrasiak entzuten ziren ezkilaren durunda artean.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He said, < Time to be going home. Your mother will be anxious ... > < No, she won’t. I’m with you. I want to see the dragon’s cave. >
Aldaketak huts egin duLagun Lagun
To tel you the truth, I was morbidly anxious to change my shoes and socks.
Annak oso gaizki egiten zuen; aktoresatik gehiegirik ez zuen, ezta unerik onenetan ere.Literature Literature
Well, perhaps I was a bit too anxious to see proper justice meted out.
Castlek pentsatu zuen hitz haiek seguru asko Bibliatik ateratakoak izango zirela. Lehendik entzunda zeuzkan. Azken batean, Sarah eskola metodista batean ibilia zen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We all know you're anxious, and none of us needs to see it.
Halakoetan, emaztearena eta bertutetsuarena egin ala, garretan pizten zen ile beltzak bekoki brontzeaturantz kiribil batean bihurkatzen zitzaizkion buru hartaz pentsatzean, aldi berean hainsendoa eta hain lerdena zen gorputz hartaz, azken finean, gizon hartaz, zeinak hainbesteko esperientzia baitzeukan arrazoian hainbesteko oldarra irritsean!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The comrade is anxious that you should not think it was through any lack of trust. It was hoped that your presence here would only become known to the Western Press at the right moment. >
Sen komunez, zientziaz, osasun psikikoz, normaltasunez, eritzi publikoz mozorrotzen da. Berez begibistakoa dena besterik ez du eskatzen. Ezein presioz ere ez dela baliatzen dirudi, izatekotan ere, pertsuasio moduren batez.Lagun Lagun
I know how anxious you've been.
Distantzia zehazgabe baten buruan beti ere plaza nahasgarriren bat aurkitzen zen eta han ahitzen bere ametsa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He’s anxious to get abroad. Probably because he knows he’s being watched and perhaps they’ve forbidden him to try and bolt.
Ez zen jende asko etortzen botikarioaren tertuli hauetara, bere marmarreriak eta bere iritzi politikoek aldenduak baitzituzten beregandik bata bestearen ondoren askotariko pertsona errespetagarriak. Urgazleak ez zuen han izatetik huts egiten.Lagun Lagun
In actuality, even more menacing was the gradual eastwards expansion of the Asturian Kingdom; while in the south lay the Caliphate of Cordova, ever anxious to impose its authority over the frontier regions.
< Seán >, deitu nion, < soka bat prestatuko dut eskuoihalaren hariez eta paperezko zapi batzuk inguratuko dizkizut, mo chara >.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I'm anxious about my speech, I suppose.
— Txakur gaixoa ez zegoen inori kosk egiteko moduan, norbaitek tiro eman ziolako. Hori egin zuena zein ere zen, oso lan txarra egin zuen. Sentitzen dut, Mrs. Castle, baina errematatu egin behar izan zuten.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ultimately a journalist anxious to know something of the fate of his ‘dear colleague’ turned up.
Nire nebaren ondoan, aitortu ezineko eskandalu bihurtzen da, lotsatzeko modukoa, ezkutatu beharrekoa. Ezinezkoa zait nire nebaren agindu isil horien kontra borrokatzea.Literature Literature
Charles had not appeared particularly anxious to see him again, and Leon did not know what to do between his fear of being indiscreet and the desire for an intimacy that seemed almost impossible.
Norbaitek joko batera gonbidatu zaituGenericNameLagun Lagun
Praying before you study will help to relieve the anxious cares of the day so that you can concentrate on God’s Word. —Philippians 4:6, 7.
Hautatutako atala arbelera kopiatzen dujw2019 jw2019
I said, < The Austrian police are anxious to pin this on you. Frau Koch told them how disturbed her husband was by your visit. Who else knew about it? >
& Ordenatu honen araberaLagun Lagun
I was really anxious.
Leon gelditu egiten zen, keinu batez bere entzulego lokartua seinalatuz; orduan ahots isilez hitz egiten zioten elkarri, eta are eztiagoa iruditzen zitzaien izaten zuten elkarrizketa beste inork entzuten ez zuelako.langbot langbot
< Oh, Mr Dexter, we have been so anxious, but better late than never. Let me introduce you to Miss Wilbraham and the Grafin von Meyersdorf. >
Biharamunean, berriz etorri zen printze txikia. - Beti ordu berean etortzea hobe da, esan zuen azeriak.Lagun Lagun
< I can’t remember the exact words, Rollo – I may call you Rollo, mayn’t I? He always called you that to us. He was anxious that I should look after you when you arrived. See that you were looked after. Get your return ticket for you. >
Erabaki hori onartzen denetik hogeita hamar egunera sartuko da indarrean, non eta Europako Parlamentuak, osatzen duten kideen gehiengoz, ez duen epe horren barruan, gastuak murriztea erabakitzen.Lagun Lagun
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