anxiousness oor Baskies


The state of being anxious.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
My mother and sister looked towards me anxiously.
— Sentitzen dut. — Zergatik sentitzen duzu ni ezkontzea? — Ez nuen hori esan nahi. Zera esan nahi nuen... Jakina, ez dut sentitzen zuk merezi duzuna baldin bada. Oso neska polita zara, Elizabeth.Lagun Lagun
She whispers to Franz, who holds her anxiously by the waist: “It’s nothing, Franz, don’t bother.”
MBtako eguneraketaLiterature Literature
The shrewd grey eyes narrowed again and searched anxiously, quickly, the motionless liner.
Aitortu zuen ez zituela inondik inora ezagutzen afrikanerren literatura eta artea, baina antza Muller ez zegoen askoz jantziago gai hartan.Literature Literature
I was anxiously looking forward to working with him because I knew him to be a mad actor.
BaliozkotasunaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘There,’ said Isabel triumphantly, setting the suitcase down, and she looked anxiously along the sandy road.
Berriro ere begiratu zion, baina era hain mutirian non damak burua makurtu baitzuen koloreak gorriturik. Gizonak berriro: — Emma... — Jauna! egin zuen Emmak apur bat aldenduz.Literature Literature
But she was not asleep, and when Nikolay had left she said anxiously: “I’m so afraid of that man.
Aldaketa logaLiterature Literature
When she came back from his house she looked all about her, anxiously watching every form that passed in the horizon, and every village window from which she could be seen.
Hau konfiguratutako kode-sortzailerako lengoaiarentzat erreserbatutarko hitz-gako batLagun Lagun
7 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.