appetite oor Baskies


/ˈæpɪtaɪt/, /ˈæp.ə.taɪt/ naamwoord
Desire for, or relish of, food or drink; hunger.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Well, what an appetite you have.
IngeniaritzaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You used to have such a good appetite.
Lerro horizontalakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I commend you, Madame on your excellent appetite.
Artxibuarentzako konpresio metodoaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And that ain't like George, not with his appetite.
Emakume zaharrak, emazteak, alabak, anai-arrebak, burkideen haur eta gurasoak. Irri egiten nien nik ere albait ongien, bihozmina eta begikotasuna baino zerbait gehiago sentituz haienganako.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Bob and I, when we were killing together, there was this perfect relationship, appetite, satisfaction, a golden circle.
ErrendatzeaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then only, when the voice of duty takes the place of physical impulses and right of appetite, does man, who so far had considered only himself, find that he is forced to act on different principles, and to consult his reason before listening to his inclinations.
Eta alasara joan zen curaçao botila baten bila; bi godalet txiki atzeman zituen, bata goraino bete zuen, bestean zertxobait isuri zuen eta, topa egin ondoren, ahora eraman zuen.Lagun Lagun
We might, over and above all this, add, to what man acquires in the civil state, moral liberty, which alone makes him truly master of himself; for the mere impulse of appetite is slavery, while obedience to a law which we prescribe to ourselves is liberty.
Monitorizatu & isiltasunaLagun Lagun
< I haven’t got much appetite. > < Let’s wake it up, then, while we consider matters. A glass of sherry? > < I’d rather have a whisky if you don’t mind. > When asked to choose, she said, < J & B. > < You order for me, > she implored Doctor Percival.
Istripu larri bat M4-an, Mrs. Whitehouseri egindako elkarrizketa labur bat, non liburu pornografikoen aurkako kanpaina goraipatzen baitzuen, eta agian dama haren hizketaldiaren ilustrazio modura, garrantzirik gabeko albiste bat: Holliday — < ez, barkatu, Halliday > — izeneko liburu-saltzaile ilun bat epailearen aurrera agertua zen Newington Butts-en, hamalau urteko mutiko bati filme pornografiko bat saltzeagatik.Lagun Lagun
They take away your appetite, but increase your sexual drive.
enpresa horiei, dena delako produktuen zati handi bati dagokionez, lehia ezabatzeko aukerarik ematen ez badiete.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Thanks, I have no appetite.
Daniera soinuakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Bon appetit!
Ezin izan da zerrendatzea bertan behera utziOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Even in Europe we find considerable differences of appetite between Northern and Southern peoples. A Spaniard will live for a week on a German’s dinner.
Beraz, ETAren indarkeriaren esplikazioa ezin bila daiteke gertaeren objektibotasunean, beraren egileen subjektibotasunean baizik. Bere oinarria ez dago demokraziak ezin konpondu izan duen inolako gatazkatan.Lagun Lagun
In July 1987, Guns N' Roses released their debut album Appetite for Destruction.
Gizonezko eta emakumeen arteko benetako berdintasuna alor guztietan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The truth is, after so many years you begin to lose more than just your appetite.
Ez litzaizkiguke gaizki etorriko boki lasai batzuk goizeko gertaeren ostean, pentsatu nuen ziegako atea zabaldu eta bi ordenantzak aurpegi garbitu berrietan mespretxu keinuz goizeko emaria artez nire eskuetan jarri zutenean – katilu bat te esku batean eta ontzi bat gurin bi ogi xerrarekin bestean – .OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Aristotle was uncertain whether sponges were animals, which in his system ought to have sensation, appetite, and locomotion, or plants, which did not: he knew that sponges could sense touch, and would contract if about to be pulled off their rocks, but that they were rooted like plants and never moved about.
Aukera hau hautatuz gero, Konquerorrek leiho berria zabalduko du karpeta bat irekitzean, karpetaren edukiak uneko leihoan erakutsi ordezWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was expanding fast in the 1960s and had a voracious appetite for staff.
SinkronizatzenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Suddenly I lost my appetite.
Hautatu koloreaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I can just imagine the audience on the edge of their seats as Mallory told them about the biting wind, the lack of appetite, the fierce cold.
Ordenazioaren norantzaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In July 1987, Guns N' Roses released its debut album, Appetite for Destruction, which to date has sold over 28 million copies worldwide, 18 million of which were in the United States, making it the best-selling debut album of all time in the US.
& Ustegabeko TaulaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You lose your appetite, you have splitting headaches, you have a difficult time just doing the simplest of tasks.
Gorde hautatutako banakako sarrerak banaketa zerrenda berri bateraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And taste is not the same as appetite... and therefore not a question of morals, is it?
Aukera hau hautaturik dagoenean, kurtsorearen irudia aldatu egingo da (gehienetan esku bihurtuz) esteken gainetik pasatzeanOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It is notorious for its voracious appetite.
Bolumenaren etiketaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But Cyril was most unmanlike in appetite.
Estatuan hitzarmen bat baizik ez da: elkartzeko hitzarmena; honek gaineratiko beste guztiak eragozten ditu. Ezin asma daiteke hitzarmen publikorik, lehenbiziko hitzarmen hura bortxa ez lezakeenik.Literature Literature
Now, good digestion wait on appetite and health on both.
Britainiako Ingelesa (en-gbOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Just when I was starting to get my appetite back.
Pertsonen ongizatea eta bizi-kalitatea.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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