applied oor Baskies


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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
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The Wales and Berwick Act 1746 provided that all laws that applied to England would automatically apply to Wales (and the Anglo-Scottish border town of Berwick) unless the law explicitly stated otherwise; this Act was repealed with regard to Wales in 1967.
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Image Printing Options All options controlled on this page only apply to printing images. Most image file formats are supported. To name a few: JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, PNM (PBM/PGM/PNM/PPM), Sun Raster, SGI RGB, Windows BMP. Options to influence color output of image printouts are: Brightness Hue Saturation Gamma For a more detailed explanation about Brightness, Hue, Saturation and Gamma settings, please look at the 'WhatsThis ' items provided for these controls
— Beno, John, erabat ziur nago Davis dela gure gizona. Zuk argi berdea noiz emango zain nago, besterik ez.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Then he applies to Riches, who also gives him the cold shoulder.
Pertsonen ongizatea eta bizi-kalitatea.Literature Literature
Animal population size, living standards, and resource depletion vary, but the concept of carrying capacity still applies.
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It's called Ultra-Ever Dry, and when you apply it to any material, it turns into a superhydrophobic shield.
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In less than a century there were more inventions developed and applied usefully than in the previous thousand years of human history all over the globe.
Gutuna ipini zuen zokoan, mahats-hosto batzuen pean, eta berehala agindu zion Girardi, bere labore-morroiari, hura zoliki madame Bovaryren etxera eraman zezan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If we can harness this power, apply it to my Iron Legion protocol?
Behiolako lekuan ia geldi geratu da zomorro luzea. Isabelita haren bekokiko argiak aurreko karrilartea argitu du. Eup! Behera salto egin du Juanek. Isabelitari pozezko aldarria eragin dio Martinek; lurrun- presioa gora, frenoak askatu eta txistu- adarra kanporatu, tunela keez bete da atoan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sharia law will be applied.
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Kontseilu Europarreko lehendakaria: Kontseilu Europarraren lanetan bera izango da buru eta sustatzaile;KDE40.1 KDE40.1
I'd applied for a residence permit.
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Click to move a word down in the list. Words lower in the list are applied last
Bannevilleko hariztiraino joaten zen, hormaren ertza osatzen duen pabilioi abandonatutik hurbil, landa aldean. Badira han, lezoinean, belarren artean, orri zorroztun kainabera luze batzuk.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Paragraph 1 shall not apply to fiscal provisions, to those relating to the free movement of persons or to those relating to the rights and interests of employed persons.
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Ez zegoen B-ren arrastorik. Ziurrenik, bokien jantokian egongo zen bizkar gainean etzanda edo patar gehiagorekin betetzen.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Along with Muscat and Dhofar, it was a constituent part of the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman, but with the 1970 coup d'état, the term 'Oman' alone was applied to the entire country.
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Kotxe bat besterik ez zegoen bertan. Une batez egonean gelditu zen bolantearen aurrean, eta bere buruari galdetu zion ea une hartan bertan deitu behar ote zuen telefonoz, eta hala izanez gero, zer esan behar ote zuen.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Bus services through these nodes are provided by Connexxion: Bus 20: Goes-Tolplein-Terneuzen bus station-Sluiskil-Sas van Gent-Zelzate (Flanders) Bus 50: between Middelburg and Hulst Regular bus fares apply.
Hau guztiau egia bada ere, ez al du naturarekiko domeinu gero eta handiagoak, ni indibidualaren indarraren hazkuntza izan ondorio? Hein batean egia da hau, eta egia den neurrian, bistatik galdu behar ez dugun garapen indibidualaren alderdi positiboaren zati da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The principle of NMR usually involves three sequential steps: The alignment (polarization) of the magnetic nuclear spins in an applied, constant magnetic field B0.
Bere aitak medikuntza orokorrean jardun zuen, eskola zaharreko sendagilea zen eta Alderdi Liberaleko kidea, eta ez Reform-ekoa, eta hori, mesedez, kontuan izan. Bizitza osoa eman zuen bere pazienteak zaintzen eta sarri ahaztu egiten zitzaion haiei ezer eskatzea ordainetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Three years later, in 1972, she applied from there for a grant from the Canada Council to begin her research.
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A glimpse at Shadow's travels in Europe is found in a short story which finds him in Scotland, applying the same concepts developed in American Gods to the story of Beowulf.
Itun Berriarekin kontraesan zizkolatsuan, Kalvinok, maitasunak duen paper gorena ukatuz, dio: < Eskolastikoek maitasunari fede eta esperantzarekiko lehentasuna emanaz adierazten dutenari dagokionez, irudimen destenplatuaren ameskeria hutsa da... >.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Knight built a wooden model of the device, but needed a working iron model to apply for a patent.
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Voltage sources and current sources are sometimes said to be duals of each other and any non ideal source can be converted from one to the other by applying Norton's theorem or Thévenin's theorem.
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You have specified the window class as unimportant. This means the settings will possibly apply to windows from all applications. If you really want to create a generic setting, it is recommended you at least limit the window types to avoid special window types
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202 sinne gevind in 27 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.