armchair oor Baskies


/ˌɑː(ɹ)mˈtʃeə(ɹ)/ adjektief, naamwoord
A chair with supports for the arms or elbows.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


a chair with supports for the arms or elbows


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Castle wondered sometimes if that was why the comrade had died, worn out by his long hunt for the green wicker armchair, the brown sofa hard as a board, without cushions, the table which looked as though it had been stained a nearly even color by the application of gravy.
Castlek lantzean behin bere buruari galdetzen zion ea burkidea ez ote zen horrexegatik hil, hots, han zeuden altzariak lortzeko bilaketa luzeak akituta: zumezko besaulki berdea, sofa marroia (ohol bat bezain gogorra eta kuxinik gabea), mahaia (saltsa erabiliz kolore ia uniforme batez pintatutakoa zirudiena)...Lagun Lagun
The Reichstag, with the gold dome on top and the leather armchairs inside.
Reichstag, gainean urrezko kupula eta barruan larruzko sofak dituena.Literature Literature
Teresa is sitting in the armchair.
Teresa besaulkian eserita dago.Literature Literature
He would push the round table up to the fire, and he would pull forward her armchair.
Suaren aurrera bultzatzen zuen mahai borobila, eta haren besaulkia hurreratzen zuen.Literature Literature
"Lheureux sat down in his large rattan armchair, saying: ""What's new?"""
Lheureux eseri zen lastozko bere besaulki zabalean, esanez: Zer berri?Literature Literature
He looked just as snug and friendly as Doctor Castle’s study, which had been left unchanged after the doctor’s death: the pipe rack still over the desk, the Chinese bowl for ashes, the swivel armchair in which the stranger had been too ill at ease to seat himself.
Castle doktorearen bulegoa bezain lasaia eta atsegina zirudien. Izan ere, bulego hartan ez zen ezertxo ere mugitu Castle doktorea hil zenetik: ez mahaiko pipa-zorroa, ez hautsontzi gisa erabiltzen zen katilu txinatarra, ezta jarleku birakaria ere, non gizon ezezagun hura ez baitzen ausartu esertzen.Lagun Lagun
Well, he had the green wicker armchair, the gravy-stained table, the uncomfortable sofa, and the radiator which warmed him now.
Beno, berak zumezko besaulki berdea, saltsa koloreko mahaia eta sofa ezerosoa zeuzkan, baita une hartan beroa ematen zuen erradiadorea ere.Lagun Lagun
But fiirst we're gonna start out kkinda easy with you in that armchair over there.
Baina, hasteko, grabatuko dugu eszena bat, zu besaulkian jarrita.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The sun was setting; the sky showed red between the branches, and the trunks of the trees, uniform, and planted in a straight line, seemed a brown colonnade standing out against a background of gold. A fear took hold of her; she called Djali, and hurriedly returned to Tostes by the high road, threw herself into an armchair, and for the rest of the evening did not speak.
Eguzkia sartzen zihoan; zerua gorri zegoen adar artean, eta lerroan zuzen landaturiko zuhaitzen enbor berdintsuek zutoin zerrenda arre bat ziruditen urrezko hondoaren kontra nabarmendurik; nolabaiteko beldur batek atxikitzen zuen, Djaliri dei egiten zion, Tostesera itzultzen zen arin errepidean barrena, besalki batean abailtzen, eta arrats osoan ez zuen hitzik egiten.Lagun Lagun
When from afar he saw her languid walk, and her figure without stays turning softly on her hips; when opposite one another he looked at her at his ease, while she took tired poses in her armchair, then his happiness knew no bounds;
Haren ibilkera nagia eta gerrontzerik gabeko haren aldaken gainean gerria emeki jiratzen ikusten zuenean; biak elkarrekin, aurrez aurre, gozatsuki kontenplatzen zuenean eta emazteak, eserita, bere besalkian jarrera unatuak hartzen zituenean, orduan bere zorionari ezin zion barnean eutsi;Lagun Lagun
For a year he slept in an armchair. They let him go there. Stay for a year. Then they threw him out.
Silloi batean egin zuen lo urtebetez. Utzi egiten zioten sartzen. Urtebete utzi zioten han geratzen. Eta gero bota egin zuten kalera.Lagun Lagun
Why did the armchairs have to be recovered?
Zergatik aldatu behar zen besaulkien oihala?Literature Literature
It was just a settee and an armchair!
Sofa eta besaulki bat baino ez ziren.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When I build my opera house I'll see to it you have your own box and a red velvet armchair.
Nere opera eraikitzen dudanean... zure palkoa eta belusezko butaka edukiko duzu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Better get the chairs from the small parlour; you k now very well we never move the armchairs from the drawing-room.
hobe joan zaitez sala txikiko aulkien bila; badakizu ederki asko sala handiko besaulkiak ez direla lekuz aldatzen.Literature Literature
Two double beds, an armchair, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a desk which was bare except for a blotting pad, a television set, a door that led to the bathroom.
Banako bi ohe, besaulki bat, armairu bat, komoda bat, idazmahai bat — gainean xukapaperezko karpeta bat besterik ez zeukana — , telebista bat, bainugelara ematen zuen ate bat.Lagun Lagun
He is very silent, likes reading the newspaper in his armchair while smoking with his smoking pipe.
Etxera iristean, egunkaria irakurtzea gustatzen zaio bere pipa erretzen duen bitartean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I had started writing when the woman suddenly entered the room, carrying a drinking glass full of water in her left hand and a black bag in her right hand. She didn’t say anything except to excuse herself. She sat down in the armchair, turning sideways to the light slanting in.
Halako batean, idazten hasia nintzela, andrea sartu zen gelan, edalontzi bat ur ezkerreko eskuan eta poltsa beltz bat eskuinean. Ez zuen ezer esan, baimenik eskatu, hain gutxi. Kulunkaulkian eseri zen, kanpotik zetorren argiari saihetsa emanda.Lagun Lagun
Sitting in her armchair, near the window, she watched the village people going past along the pavement.
Bere besaulkian eserita, leihoaren ondoan, herriko jendea espaloian barrena iragaiten ikusten zuen.Literature Literature
19 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.