armed forces oor Baskies

armed forces

The military forces of a nation, such as the army, navy, air force, marines and, sometimes, coast or border guards.

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indar armatu

The military units of a state, typically divided by their differing contexts of operations, such as the army, navy, air force and marines.

Indar armatuak

collective organization of a country's armed military and paramilitary

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Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
Kolonbiako Indar Armatu Iraultzaileak


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Such persons are not known to the Italian armed forces.
Honela izanda, jeneralek ezin izaten zuten armada Italian sartu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To exercise supreme command of the Armed Forces.
Indar Harmatuen gorengo agintea.Lagun Lagun
It was dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.
Helburua Armeniar Genozidioaren 50. urteurrena gogoratzea zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The most average person in our entire armed forces.
Gure armadako pertsonarik kaskarrena.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Third Chief Directorate (Armed Forces) – military counter-intelligence and armed forces political surveillance.
Hirugarren Zuzendaritza (Indar Armatuak): Sobietar Indar Armatuen barnean kontrainteligentzia eta zaintza politikoaren arduraduna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Petrograd Soviet was building armed forces.
Petrogradoko Sobietak indarrak batu zituen borrokarako.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The parliament has the right to deploy Croatian armed forces abroad.
Karlistei armada liberalean sartzeko aukera ematen zitzaien.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The only inhabitants on the island are personnel working for the Norwegian Armed Forces and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.
Gaur egun, berriz, uhartean dauden biztanle bakarrak Norvegiako Indar Armatuentzat edo Meteorologia Institutuarentzat lan egiten dutenak dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 17–18 July 1936, a coup d'état fractured the Spanish Republican Armed Forces and partially failed, marking the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.
Uztailaren 17an eta 18an, Espainiako armadaren zati handi batek estatu kolpea jo zuen Errepublikaren gobernuaren aurka eta, porrot egin zuenez, herrialdea bitan zatitu zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because Lebanese Armed Forces are not allowed to enter the camp Ain al-Hilweh has been called a "zone of unlaw" by the Lebanese media.
Libanoko Indar Armatuek ezin direnez kanpamendura sartu Libanoko komunikabideek Ain al-Hilweh-i "legerik gabeko zonaldea" deitu diote.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kiss also stated that one dollar from each ticket sold would be donated to the United States Armed Forces to benefit the Wounded Warriors Project.
Kissek esan zuen sarrera bakoitzetik dolar bat emango zietela Estatu Batuetako Indar Armatuei Wounded Warriors proiektua bultzatzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1938, Quốc returned to China and served as an advisor to the Chinese Communist armed forces, which later forced China's government into exile on Taiwan.
1938an, Txinan zen berriro eta Txinatar Alderdi Komunistaren indar armatuen aholkulari lanetan aritu zen, besteak beste, Txinako gobernuari Taiwan hartzea aholkatuz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The President, who is Head of State and commander of the armed forces, is elected by popular vote for five years, and can be reelected only once.
Presidentea da estatuburua eta Indar Armatuen komandante nagusia, eta herri-boto zuzenaz hautatzen da bost urteko eperako; behin bakarrik hauta daiteke berriz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He is best remembered for effectively mobilizing the Swiss Armed Forces and Swiss people in order to prepare resistance against a possible invasion by Nazi Germany in 1940.
Suitzarren eta suitzar armadaren mugimendu efektiboagatik oroituena da 1940an Alemania naziaren balizko inbasio baten aurkako erresistentzia prestatzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Members of the Armed Forces or Institutes or bodies subject to military discipline may only exercise this right individually and in accordance with statutory provisions relating to them.
Indar edo Erakunde harmatu edo diziplina militarren menpean dauden Taldeek erabil dezakete eskubide hau indibidualki eta beren lege berezi espezifikoan erabakitzen den arabera.Lagun Lagun
Nigeria's armed forces have confirmed that the Nigerian military had four-hour advance notice of the attack but said that their over-extended forces were unable to mobilize reinforcements.
Aministia Internazionalaren arabera, nigeriar ejertzitoak bahiketa baino lau ordu lehenago bazuen gertatuko zenaren berri baina bere indarrek huts egin zuten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The mission of the Armed Forces, comprising the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, is to guarantee the sovereignty and independence of Spain and to defend its territorial integrity and the constitutional order.
Indar Armatuak, lehor, itsas eta aireko harmadak osoturik betebehar bezala Espainiaren subiranotasuna eta indepen-dentzia, lurralde osotasun araugintza Konstituzionala zaintzean datza.Lagun Lagun
In 1970, author Yukio Mishima and one of his followers performed public seppuku at the Japan Self-Defense Forces headquarters after an unsuccessful attempt to incite the armed forces to stage a coup d'état.
1970ean, Yukio Mishima eta bere jarraitzaileetako batek harakiri bat burutu zuten jendaurrean, armada Estatu kolpe bat ematera sustatu nahian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lashkar-e-Taiba has been accused by India of attacking military and civilian targets in India, most notably the 2001 Indian Parliament attack, the 2008 Mumbai attacks and the 2019 Pulwama attack on Armed Forces.
Lashkar-e-Taibak militar eta zibilak eraso izan ditu Indian, besteak beste 2001an Indiako Parlamentuari eginiko erasoa ala 2008ko Mumbaiko erasoak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Pentagon continues its tradition of holding an iftar for Muslim members of the U.S. armed forces and special guests from other nations; the first iftar under the Trump Administration was held on 15 June 2017.
Pentagonoak AEBtako indar armatuen musulman kide eta beste naziotako gonbidatu berezientzat iftar afaria antolatzen jarraitzen du; Trumpen agintaritzapean lehen iftarra 2017ko ekainaren 15erako aurreikusita dago.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The law may restrict or except the exercise of this right in the Armed Forces or Institutes or other bodies subject to military discipline, and shall lay down the special conditions of its exercise by civil servants.
Legeak muga edo salbuespen liezaieke eskubide honen iharduera Erakunde Harmatu edo beste Talde diziplina militarraren menpean daudenei eta funtzionari publikoentzako ihardun berezitasunak arautuko ditu.Lagun Lagun
Under the treaty, Germany lost around 13 percent of its home territory and all of its overseas possessions, while German annexation of other states was prohibited, reparations were imposed, and limits were placed on the size and capability of the country's armed forces.
Itun horren ondorioz, Alemaniak bere lurraldearen %13 inguru galdu zuen eta itsasoz-haraindiko lurralde guztiak, espresuki debekatu zitzaion beste lurralde batzuk anexionatzea, kalte-ordainak ezarri zitzaizkion eta herrialdeak izan zezakeen armadaren tamaina mugatu zen..WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to French journalist Marie-Monique Robin, author of Escadrons de la mort, l'école française (2004, Death Squads, The French School), General Rivero, intelligence officer of the Argentine Armed Forces and former student of the French, developed the concept of Operation Condor.
Marie-Monique Robin frantziar kazetariak (Escadrons de la mort liburuaren egile, 2004) adierazi zuenez, Kondor operazioaren ekimena Rivero jeneralari zegokion (Argentinako Armadako inteligentzia ofiziala).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A lieutenant general in the Russian military, he was the Senior Director of Music of the Military Band Service of the Armed Forces of Russia, most famously conducting the massed Russian military bands at the annual "Victory Day" parade held in the Moscow's Red Square a record 14 times.
Errusiako Armadaren teniente-jenerala, Moskuko Plaza Gorrian hainbatetan zuzendu zituen urteroko "Garaipenaren Eguna"ko musika emanaldiak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To be effective the cavalry needed to be mobile, and to avoid hostile forces armed with pikes.
Dena den, eraginkorra izateko, zalditeriak mugikorra izan behar zuen eta pikekin oso armatuta ez zegoen arerio bati egin behar zion aurre.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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