armistice oor Baskies


A ceasefire; a truce.

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situation in a war where the warring parties agree to stop fighting


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Austria and Hungary signed separate armistices following the overthrow of the Habsburg Monarchy.
Giza izaeraren dinamismoa, soluziobide asebetegarriagoak bilatzeko joera duen faktore garrantzitsu bat da, eurok erdiesteko modurik izanez gero.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The two-minute silence that followed seemed very long, like the two- minute tribute to the dead on Armistice Day.
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22 June: France signed an armistice with Germany.
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Bulgaria was the first to sign an armistice, the Armistice of Salonica on 29 September 1918.
Kafearekin batera, bakean utziko gaituzte. Badakite zure hizketagai bakarra arrantza dela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
France and Germany signed an armistice on 22 June.
Egiatan, pentsatu nuen, nolako haurra, halako gizona; izan ere, nik ere eraman handiko iritzi bainion Limeri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On November 3 Austria-Hungary sent a flag of truce to ask for an armistice.
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On 15 July, the combatants agreed to an armistice.
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On 30 October, the Ottoman Empire capitulated, signing the Armistice of Mudros.
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When the Italian government signed an armistice with the allied on September 8th 1943, the Cervi brothers, like many others, became more active members of the resistance.
Aldi berean, alderdi <subjektiboari > ere dagokion garrantzia eman zitzaion; gizakumea < gizabanako > izpiritual bilakatu zen eta hartakotzat hartu zuen bereburua.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Revolution of November was followed in December by an armistice and negotiations with Germany.
Bertso bat edo bi irakurri ondoren, konturatu zen ia buruz zekiela. Haurtzaroko zenbait bertsok, pentsatu zuen, bizitza gehiago moldatzen dute Eskritura Santuek baino.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the six hours between the signing of the armistice and its taking effect, opposing armies on the Western Front began to withdraw from their positions, but fighting continued along many areas of the front, as commanders wanted to capture territory before the war ended.
Gutxienez kodetzaile batek existitu behar duWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When Bulgaria signed a separate armistice on 29 September, Ludendorff, having been under great stress for months, suffered something similar to a breakdown.
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On 11 November, at 5:00 am, an armistice with Germany was signed in a railroad carriage at Compiègne.
& Erabili kanpoko aurrebistarako programaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Armistice of Mudros, signed at the end of October, ended hostilities with the Ottoman Empire when fighting was continuing north of Aleppo.
Horrela gertatzen bada, ziurtatu egin beharko da lan-munduko ordezkariek, elkarren arteko adostasunez, beharrezko diren xedapenak ezar ditzaten, beranduenez ere Europako esparru-lege baten transposizioa egin behar den egunerako eta Europako erregelamendu bat edo Europako erabaki bat aplikatu behar den egunerako; estatu kide interesatuak beharrezko diren xedapen guztiak onartu beharko ditu aipatutako esparru-lege, erregelamendu edo erabaki horrek ezarritako helburuak une oro bermatze aldera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If the armistice ends the war, why can't we go back?
Kalvinoren sistema psikologikoaren esanahia ulertu nahi badugu, printzipioz nahikoa litzateke Luteroren irakaspenei buruz esandakoa errepikatzea.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For me, armistice does not mean that we fight any less, but ultimately means more hardship and destruction.
Datu-base zerbitzaria: %OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In 1635 he conducted the negotiations for an armistice with Poland (Treaty of Stuhmsdorf).
Ezkutatu & menuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 4 November, the Austro-Hungarian empire agreed to the Armistice of Villa Giusti.
Ziurtagiriaren deskargak huts egin duWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ceremonies are often held at the memorials, including those on Armistice Day and the Fêtes de la Victoire.
– Paper horiek zuzen ez badaude ikusteko eskubidea dugu. – Uzteko esan dizut. Kuartel Nagusian ikusiko ditugu paperak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The occupation of the Rhineland took place following the Armistice.
Ezkutatu orriaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fighting in Moldova continued in 1917, but Russian withdrawal from the war in late 1917 as a result of the October Revolution meant that Romania was forced to sign an armistice with the Central Powers on 9 December 1917.
& Ezabatu hau baino zaharragoak diren artikuluakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the same day, the Armistice of Villa Giusti was signed.
Eraikinaren aurrehitzaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Division disbanded post-armistice.
funtzioaren kolore lehenetsia. Kontuan izan kolore ezarpen honek funtzio hutsetan bakarrik duela eragina. Beraz, lehenengo funtzioa definitu baduzu eta zenbaki horren kolorea hemen aldatzen baduzu, ezarpena #. funtzio bezala beste funtzio bat definitzen duzunean agertuko daWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The next day, the Treaty of Bucharest was nullified by the terms of the Armistice of Compiègne.
Terminal & aukerakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yet at the time of the armistice, no Allied force had crossed the German frontier, the Western Front was still some 720 kilometres (450 mi) from Berlin, and the Kaiser's armies had retreated from the battlefield in good order.
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