autonomous community oor Baskies

autonomous community

Any of the seventeen self-governing first-level political subdivisions of Spain.

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Basque Autonomous Community
euskal autonomia erkidego


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The Territorial Delegations of the Autonomous Communities carry out the same activity as the Delegations of the Central Government.
Tokiko kapituluak erakunde independenteak dira, Wikimedia Fundazioaren helburu berdinak dituztenak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is the capital of the Province of Cádiz, one of eight which make up the autonomous community of Andalusia.
Cádiz hiria Cádiz probintziako hiriburua da, eta probintzia hori Andaluziako zortzi probintzietako bat da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Parliament of Cantabria is the principal self-government institution of the Autonomous Community, being the representative body of the Cantabrians.
Kantabriako Parlamentua da autogobernu erakunde nagusia, kantabriako herriaren organo ordezkagarria izanik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Basque Country’s own private civil law as an autonomous Community, including: - Determination of the persons to whom this law is applicable within its Territory.
Euskadiko zuzenbide pribatu zibil foral edo berezkoa; horren baitan egongo dira: Euskadiko lurralde barruan zuzenbide hori nori ezarriko zaion jakiteko araubidea zehaztea.Lagun Lagun
Finally, along with the 17 autonomous communities, two autonomous cities are also part of the State of Autonomies and are first-order territorial divisions: Ceuta and Melilla.
17 autonomia erkidegoez gain, 2 autonomia hiri daude: Ceuta eta Melilla.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Furthermore, 62% of the people who come to the Basque Autonomous Community visit one of the three capitals, 27% visit inland and 11% the Basque Autonomous Community coast.
Horrez gain, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegora etortzen diren gehienek autonomia erkidegoko hiru hiriburuetako bat bisitatzen dute; % 27 barrualdera joaten da, eta % 11 kostaldera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Of the people who visit the region each year, 71% come from the rest of Spain, with the following Autonomous Communities providing the greatest number of visitors: Madrid Autonomous Community (14.2%), Catalonia (11.1%).
Urtero etortzen direnetatik % 71 Espainiar estatutik etortzen dira, gehienak honako autonomia erkidego hauetatik: Madrilgo erkidegoa (% 14,2), Katalunia (% 11,1).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Administrative regions Law 8/1999 of Comarcas of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria of 28 April 1999 establishes that the comarca is a necessary entity, integral in the territorial organization of the region.
1999ko apirilaren 28ko Kantabriako Erkidegoaren Eskualdeen 8/1999 Legeak dioenaren arabera eskualdea erkidegoaren lurralde antolakuntzarako beharrezkoa den erakundea da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Monitoring public places and work with Forces of State Security and the Police of the autonomous communities in the protection of the demonstrations and the maintenance of order in large concentrations of people, when required to do so.
Eremu publikoak zaintzea eta Espainiako Estatuaren Indar eta Segurtasun-Gorputzekin nahiz Erkidego Autonomoetako Poliziekin elkarlanean manifestazioetan babes lanetan jardutea eta giza kontzetrazio handien ordenaren mantenimendua, horretarako deituak baldin badira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Should the regulation or exercise of their rights by Basque Institutions affect other territories outside the Community, the corresponding agreements of cooperation and collaboration with the authorities of the State or autonomous community in question shall be provided.
Euskal instituzioek beren ahal horiek arautzeko edo aurrera eramateko orduan kanpoko beste lurralde-eremuren batean eragingo balute, kasuan kasuko estatuko edo autonomia-erkidegoko agintariekin elkarlan edo lankidetzarako hitzarmenak bideratu beharko lirateke.Lagun Lagun
Basque Institutions shall coordinate their activities and collaborate with the State and Autonomous Communities in order to safeguard their respective interests, applying specific legislation on infrastructures and other works of general interest, without detriment to the provisions of this Statute.
Euskal instituzioek beren jarduerak koordinatu eta Estatuarekin eta autonomia-erkidegoekin elkarlanean jardungo dute, bakoitzak bere interesak babesteko, eta interes orokorreko azpiegitura eta obra publikoei buruzko legeria berezia ezarriko dituzte, beti ere estatutu honetan jasotzen dena kontuan izanda.Lagun Lagun
Furthermore, in the Basque Autonomous Community 140 tourist establishments now have the Accessibility Seal which is part of the framework of the Accessibility Programme which has been developed by the Ministry for Industry, Innovation, Trade and Tourism of the Basque Government.
Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan, gainera, 140 turismo-establezimenduk dute irisgarritasun-zigilua, Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Berrikuntza, Merkataritza eta Turismo Sailak garatutako Irisgarritasun Programaren barruan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In other words, by respecting the decisions of the citizens of the present Autonomous Basque Community, the decisions of the citizens of the Autonomous Community of Navarre, and the decisions of the citizens of the Basque Territories of Iparralde –Lapurdi, Behe Nafarroa, and Zuberoa.
Hau da, egungo Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko herritarren erabakia errespetatuz, Nafarroako Foru Komunitateko herritarren erabakia errespetatuz, eta Iparraldeko euskal lurraldeetako – Lapurdi, Behe Nafarroa eta Zuberoa – herritarren erabakia errespetatuz.Lagun Lagun
The primary functions of the Parliament are: to exercise the legislative power, to approve the budgets of the Autonomous Community, to motivate and control the actions of the government, and to develop the rest of the competences that the Spanish Constitution, the Autonomy Statute and the rest of the legal order bestow on it.
Parlamentuaren egiteko nagusiak hauek dira: eskumen ahalgoa bete, Autonomia Erkidegoaren aurrekontuak onartu, gobernuaren lana bultzatu eta kontrolatu eta Espainiako konstituzioak, Autonomia Estatutuak eta gainerako arau juridikoek ematen dizkioten gainerako konpetentziak garatu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Should the citizens of the Community of the Basque Country and the Autonomous Community of Navarre freely decide, in the future, to set up a joint political structure, a process of political negotiation between their respective institutions shall be established in common agreement in order to articulate a new framework of organisation and political relations which will be ratified finally by the citizens of both Communities.
Etorkizunean Euskadiko Erkidegoko eta Nafarroako Foru Komunitateko herritarrek askatasunez erabakitzen badute egitura politiko bateratu bat eratzea, antolaketarako eta harreman politikoetarako eremu berri bat egituratzeko negoziazio politikorako prozesu bat ezarriko da bataren eta bestearen instituzioen artean, elkarren adostasunaz; eta azkenean, erkidego bietako herritarrek berretsi beharko dute.Lagun Lagun
The Community of the Basque Country and the Autonomous Community of Navarre may establish any political links and internal relationships at a municipal and territorial level of that they consider to be most appropriate for the development and social, economic and cultural well-being of their citizens, without any limitation other than their own wishes, expressed and ratified in accordance with the corresponding legal codes of both Communities.
Euskadiko Erkidegoak eta Nafarroako Foru Komunitateak beren herritarren garapenerako eta gizarte, ekonomia eta kulturako ongizaterako egokien irizten dizkioten lotura politikoak eta barne-harremanak ezarri ahal izango dituzte udalerri-mailan eta lurralde-mailan, muga bakarra herritarren beren borondatea dela, erkidego biotako ordenamendu juridikoen arabera adierazi eta berretsita.Lagun Lagun
Within a maximum period of six months counted as of the date this Statute comes into effect, the Community of the Basque Country shall assume and commence the full exercise of all the powers, functions and services, without exception, that correspond to it in accordance with its system of self-government, without detriment to the continuous exercise and full subrogation of all the powers that the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country has already assumed.
Estatutu hau indarrean sartu eta gehienez ere sei hilabete igaro baino lehen, Euskadiko Erkidegoa, autogobernurako duen araubidearen arabera, dagozkion ahal, eginkizun eta zerbitzu guztiak materialki bere egin eta horiek osotasunean erabiltzen hasiko da, eta hori guztia Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoak dagoeneko bere eginda dituen eskumenak gauzatzen jarraitu eta guztiz subrogatuta izanda.Lagun Lagun
In accordance with these three premises and forming an integral part of the Basque People, the citizens of the present Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, made up of the Provinces of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, in the exercise of our democratic will and in virtue of a respect for and modernisation of our historical rights, set out in the Gernika Statute and in the Spanish Constitution, declare our wish to draw up a new political agreement for coexistence.
Hiru zutabe horiekin bat etorriz, eta Euskal Herriko zati osagarri garenez, Araba, Bizkaia eta Gipuzkoako lurraldeek osatutako egungo Euskadiko Autonomia Erkidegoko herritarrok, gizonezko zein emakume, geure borondate demokratikoa erabiliz eta Gernikako Estatutuan eta Espainiako Konstituzioan jasotako gure eskubide historikoak errespetatuz eta eguneratuz, elkarbizitzarako itun politiko berri bat gauzatzeko geure borondatea adierazten dugu.Lagun Lagun
For the purpose of the democratic exercise of the right of free decision of Basque citizens, from which the democratic legitimacy of this Statute emanates, the Institutions of the Community of the Basque Country have the right to regulate and manage democratic referendums both with regard to matters that fall within the bounds of their authority and any relations they may wish to have with other Territories and Communities of the Basque People, as as well as with regard to relations with the Spanish State and its Autonomous Communities, and to relations at a European and international level.
Euskal herritarrek askatasunez erabakitzeko eskubidea demokraziaz erabiltzeko ondorioetarako, hortik dator-eta Estatutu honen zilegitasun demokratikoa, Euskadiko Erkidegoko instituzioek erreferendum bidez euskal herritarrei kontsulta demokratikoak egitea arautu eta kudeatzeko ahala daukate, bai beren eskumenen eremuko gaiei dagokienean zein Euskal Herriko beste lurralde eta giza talde batzuekin izan nahi dituzten harremanei dagokienean, bai eta Espainiako Estatuarekiko eta bertako autonomia-erkidegoekiko harremanei eta Europako eta nazioarteko eremuko harremanei dagokienean ere.Lagun Lagun
The "City of the Sciences" was the name that the autonomous government gave to the initiative, and plans included a 370m high communications tower, which would have been the third highest one in the world at that time; a planetarium; and the museum of science.
Ciutat de les Ciències, Consellak ekimenari ematen zion izena zena, 370 metroko dorre batetaz, (garai hartako munduko hirugarren handiena) planetario batetaz, eta zientziari buruzko museoaz osatuta zegoen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Basque Parliament exercises the legislative powers of the Community of the Basque Country, approves its budgets and instigates and controls the actions of the Basque Government, without detriment to any other power or authority with which it may be invested by this Statute, as well as the power and authority of the Autonomous Institutions of the Historical Territories.
Eusko Legebiltzarrak Euskadiko Erkidegoaren ahal legegilea erabiltzen du, bertako aurrekontuak onartzen ditu eta Eusko Jaurlaritzaren ekintza bultzatu eta kontrolatzen du, estatutu honek agindutako gainerako eskurantza eta eskumenak gehituta, eta lurralde historikoetako foru-instituzioen eskurantza eta eskumenen aurka jarri gabe.Lagun Lagun
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