autonomous republic oor Baskies

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By statute in 1955, French Togoland became an autonomous republic within the French union, although it retained its UN trusteeship status.
1955eko estatutuaren arabera, Togo Frantsesa Batasun Frantsesako errepublika autonomo bihurtu zen, nahiz eta NBEren fedeikomiso gisa mantendu izan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The two autonomous republics, Abkhazia and Adjara, were established during the Soviet era and are recognized by the modern Constitution of Georgia adopted in 1995.
Abkhazia eta Adjara sobietar garaian ezarri ziren bi errepublika autonomo dira, eta Georgiako Konstituzioak onartzen ditu 1995tik aurrera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the end of the Russian Civil War and the establishment of the Soviet Union in 1922, the Russian part of Karelia became the Karelian Autonomous republic of the Soviet Union (ASSR) in 1923.
Errusiako Gerra Zibila amaitu ondoren, eta 1922an Sobietar Batasuna ezarri ondoren, Kareliako zati errusiarra, Kareliako Errepublika Autonomoan bihurtu zen 1923an.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Soviet of the Nationalities was formed on the basis of equal representation of all the Republics of the Soviet Union (32 deputies from each republic, excluding other autonomous units inside that republic which sent in separate members), autonomous republics (11 deputies from each republic), autonomous oblasts (five deputies from each oblast), and national districts (one deputy from each district).
Sobietar nazionalitateak, Sobietar Batasuneko errepublika guztiak berdin ordezkatuak egotearen oinarriaren gainean osatuta zeuden: 32 diputatu errepublika bakoitzeko (errepublikaren barnean egon zitezkeen beste unitate autonomo batzuk kontutan hartu gabe, hauek euren kontura bidaltzen baitzituzten ordezkariak) 11 diputatu errepublika autonomo bakoitzeko 5 diputatu oblast autonomo bakoitzeko diputatu 1 barruti nazional bakoitzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although today an Autonomous Region of the Republic of Italy, it has its own distinct culture.
Gaur egun, Italiako Errepublikako zati bat bada ere, bere kulturari eusten dio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Under the agreement, the combined territory held by the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Croatian Defence Council forces was to be divided into ten autonomous cantons.
Akordioaren arabera Bosnia-Herzegovinako Errepublikako Armadak (batez ere bosniakoek osatua) eta Kroaziar Defentsarako Kontseiluak mendean zituzten lurrak 10 kantonamendu autonomotan banatu ziren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Italy became a Republic in 1946 and as part of the Constitution of Italy, Sicily was one of the five regions given special status as an autonomous region.
Italia errepublika bilakatu zen 1946an eta Siziliak, beste bost eskualdek moduan, berezko estatutua izan zuen, parlamentu eta presidente batekin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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